Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
I have just arrived back home from JConf Dominica 2024, and have a couple of hours to pack my bags before heading out again for JCrete 2024. Busy times for a developer advocate, but so incredibly great to be able to connect with the Java communities all over the world.
(I don’t know if it was pure luck, or if the stars were aligned just right for me this time, but as it turned out, the only two days I was on the ground this week were the two days with Blue Screen of Death for the airlines.)
The first release candidate of Jakarta EE 11 will be published shortly. There are a couple of the specifications that have released service releases of their API artifacts, so we will gather these and release an RC1 of the Jakarta EE 11 APIs.
All the Jakarta EE 11 XML Schemas are publicly available at https://jakarta.ee/schemas/. Please check them out and let us know if you find something that needs to be corrected before the release is Final.
Another way of providing input, AND possibly winning a FREE T-shirt is to complete the 2024 Cloud Native Java Technical Survey.