Jakarta EE at JavaOne 2022

JavaOne in Las Vegas is just a couple of weeks away. As it turns out, Jakarta EE will have a pretty good presence at the conference. My three Jakarta EE-themed sessions are:

  • Jakarta EE BOF [BOF4038]
    Tuesday, October 18 at 18:45
  • Jakarta EE 10: Simplicity for Modern and Lightweight Cloud Applications [LRN3693]
    Wednesday, October 19 at 15:45
  • The Jakarta EE Panel [LRN3679]
    Thursday, October 20 at 14:30

Make sure to check out all the other Jakarta EE sessions listed in the session catalog. A lot of great topics by great speakers!

On Wednesday, October 19 between 10:00 and 12:00, I will be in the Hackergarten with the Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE project. Please join me there to work on the https://start.jakarta.ee/. If you are unfamiliar with Open Source and/or the Eclipse Foundation, I will help you get started. This is an excellent way of kick-starting your career within open source.

If you are like me and enjoy a morning run before the conference, then you’re in good company. Please join us for the JavaOne Run (aka Duke’s Morning Run) on Wednesday, October 19 at 06:00. Chad will take us on a 4-mile (6.5km) morning run at a relaxed pace to the new Las Vegas sign and back on the North side of the Las Vegas strip. Check out the details of this, and all the other community activities in the JavaOne Update Series.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #144

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

After Jakarta EE 10 was released, the platform project immediately started looking ahead toward Jakarta EE 11. Here are some of the issues and epics identified so far:

In the last platform call, we also decided to use the first platform call of the month as a recurring meeting of a more general nature to discuss and communicate platform issues that may affect individual specifications. Committers and project leads of all specification projects are strongly recommended participating in these meetings. They will also be a channel for specification projects to communicate back to the platform project team. The first monthly call is planned for November 1, 2022. Stay tuned for more information.

Last week, I was at JCONF.DEV in Chicago. Among other things, Jakarta EE joined up with IBM and their booth in the exhibition area where we handed out t-shirts and other swag to the participants.

The CFP for JakartaOne Livestream 2022 is open. Submit early for a better chance of getting a talk included in the program. The program committee will accept talks on a rolling basis, so expect the first speakers to be announced shortly.


JConf Dev 2022 (aka DEEP. DISH. JAVA.) felt like a smaller version of Devnexus. It sure has the potential to grow into something more prominent once the fine citizens of Chicago discover what they missed out on in 2022. Stay tuned for 2023, and make sure to grab your ticket before it is sold out!

Besides enjoying the culinary treats of Chicago (i.e. deep dish pizza), I also had a talk titled Jakarta EE 10 – Simplicity for Modern and Lightweight Cloud Applications on the second day of the conference. You can check out the slides below.

I always try to get a morning run when I am at conferences. As does Emily, so when we’re at the same conference we usually go for a run together. In Chicago, we met up at 6:30 every day for a run along Lake Michigan.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #143

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

What a week for the Java community! Java SE 19 on Tuesday and Jakarta EE 10 on Thursday!

There are already several options available for Java SE 19. For those of you waiting for Eclipse Temurin, I can assure you that is on the way. Check the build status to be the first to know when you can get it.

The other thing happening this week, besides the release of Java SE 19, was the release of the long-anticipated Jakarta EE 10.

In the announcement The Eclipse Foundation’s Jakarta EE Working Group Releases Jakarta EE 10 to Usher in the Era of Cloud Native Java, you can among other things read quotes from 10 of the Jakarta EE Working Group members. You can also check out my Jakarta EE 10 post for some pointers on where to get started with Jakarta EE 10.

Next week, I’ll be in Chicago for JCONF.DEV, or DEEP.DISH.JAVA. if you like. My talk titled Jakarta EE 10 – Simplicity for Modern and Lightweight Cloud Applications is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28 at 10:00. I’m bringing T-shirts, stickers, and other Jakarta EE 10 swag. Don’t be shy, come and say hi!

Jakarta EE 10

The Jakarta EE 10 Release is now officially out!

This release contains updates to most of the specifications. We have also made an effort to highlight changes in all specifications on the individual specification pages. Note that the features, deprecations, etc. listed there are some highlights. For a complete list, refer to the changelogs of the specification documents.

Some of you may have noticed that the artifacts have been available in Maven Central since last week, but here they are again.

Jakarta EE 10 Platform


Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile


Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile


As you can see, the scope in the maven dependency definitions above is set to provided. This is the beauty of Jakarta EE. You don’t need to clutter your application’s pom.xml with lots of dependencies. They are provided for you by the runtime of your choosing. Check out the compatible runtimes already available that implements Jakarta EE 10 on the Jakarta EE Compatible Products page. New products are added to the list continuously, so make sure you revisit the page once in a while to check out the various options. Jakarta EE is all about flexibility!

JakartaOne Livestream 2022 CFP is OPEN

The Call-for-Paper for JakartaOne Livestream 2022 is now open. As in previous years, this will be a one-day virtual conference that focuses on technologies evolving around Jakarta EE. The event will happen on December 6, 2022.

The CFP will close on October 17, 2022. This year’s program committee will be doing rolling acceptance, so don’t wait until the last minute to submit. Early submissions have a better chance of getting accepted.

Submit your abstract now

You are probably all sick and tired of virtual events, and by now got the taste of what you have been missing from physical events. But, JakartaOne Livestream is one you don’t want to miss! I will actually go as far as saying if you’re speaking at one virtual event this year, it should be JakartaOne Livestream.

Previous Editions

Hashtag Jakarta EE #142

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The release review for Jakarta EE 10 Platform and Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile was completed this Tuesday successfully. The official launch date is set for September 22, 2022. The artifacts are available in Maven Central, so you can go ahead and start using them already.

Jakarta EE 10 Platform


Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile


Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile


There are already several compatible implementations ready. The following were used for ratification of the specifications:

In addition to these, several additional certification requests have been filed (at the time of writing):

This is incredibly impressive given the number of updates, changes, and features delivered in Jakarta EE 10. It usually takes a little longer for other compatible implementations than the ones used for ratification to be ready. Great work by a vibrant community!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #141

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The approvals of the Jakarta EE 10 Platform and Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile are just a couple of days out. The ballots are closing on Tuesday, September 13. Allow for a couple of days until all the artifacts are available in Maven Central and elsewhere.

With Jakarta EE 10 (almost) out the door, the Jakarta EE Platform project starts to look ahead to what’s next. In the upcoming calls, there will be an agenda item for defining top objectives for the next version of Jakarta EE. Follow this thread started by Steve Millidge on the Jakarta EE Platform mailing list where the discussion already has started.

Last week, I visited Oslo and JavaZone 2022. Read my write-up from the conference to see what you missed out on if you weren’t there.

The Viking Duke that is handed out by JavaBin, the organizers of JavaZone, is one of my favorite Dukes. You can never have too many Dukes, and adding a Duke in a blog post is always a good thing.

JavaZone 2022

It is always pleasant to come back to my home country, even if I get a complete language meltdown as soon as I cross the border. Good thing Java is the common language 🙂

JavaZone draws a big crowd. 2500 developers at this year’s edition. Food is served in the exhibition hall throughout the day, so there are always a lot of people there. Definitely, a concept other conferences should consider if the facilities allow it.

My talk Jakarta EE 10 – Feature by Feature was scheduled for Thursday morning. It gathered a decent crowd despite the Awezone party going on into the late hours on Wednesday. All the Jakarta EE T-shirts, coasters, mouse pads, and screen wipes were handed out to the attendees. And stickers of course, always stickers!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #140

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

We’re finally there! Jakarta EE 10 is on the ballot for release review. The Jakarta EE 10 Platform and Web Profile specifications reviews will close on September 13, 2022. Core Profile passed its release review earlier in August.

It’s September, and conferences start up again after summer. First up is JavaZone in Oslo. I look forward to returning to Oslo Spektrum to present Jakarta EE 10 and catch up with the amazing Java community.

Registration for EclipseCon 2022 is still openThis year’s EclipseCon will take place in Ludwigsburg, Germany from October 24 to October 27.

The conference gets a head start with Jakarta EE Community Day On Monday, October 23. I will be there, and hope to see as many of you as possible! The program is pretty much ready. Thanks to Reza Rahman for putting it together!

Not migrated from Java EE 8 yet? Luckily, there are several options available to take care of the migration for you. Check out Auto-migration of apps from Java EE 8 to Jakarta EE 9 using Windup and Openrewrite to see how the Windup project can help you. Thanks to Marco Rizzi for making me aware of the Windup Project!