The fourth annual JakartaOne Livestream is a wrap! And what a show! I think it is safe to say that this was the best JakartaOne Livestream ever as we up our game from year to year. It kind of puts a little pressure on us for next year’s event, but I think we are up to it. Save the date for the fifth edition of JakartaOne Livestream on December 5, 2023.
This was the first year we could all be in the same location during the show. It really helps to have the greenroom for speaker preparations, the production team, and the Studio Jakarta EE co-located. This year Serena and Samantha helped out with the speaker preparations while Shabnam, Tanja, and I could focus on the Studio Jakarta EE sessions. Everything was kept on schedule and controlled by our excellent producer Ian, who also created all the graphics, transitions, and videos for the event.
We all gathered at Tanja’s house at 05:00 and kept on going until the closing session at 19:00. Such an effort requires a lot of energy. As you can see in the picture below, Shabnam and Serena are making sure the 3 meters of pizza are properly documented.

Last year, my flight got delayed due to a winter storm, so I almost missed the opening. So this year, I decided to come over a day earlier to be on the safe side. This in turn made room for a Sunday morning run in Gatineau Park with Paul. We were wearing our Jakarta EE shirts underneath our jackets if anyone were in doubt.