Hashtag Jakarta EE #218

Welcome to issue number two hundred and eighteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

We are currently entering the release review stage of Jakarta EE 11. Since we are releasing no less than four milestones of this release, the individual component specifications will be reviewed and released in stages. This is different from previous releases, where the Specification Committee reviewed all specifications in a big chunk. You can check out the progress of the reviews by checking out the pull requests labeled release review in the Specifications GitHub repository.

I have a lot of events coming up in the following months. You can get the full overview at the Developer Advocate pages on the Jakarta EE website. I update the list continuously as responses from CFPs I have submitted abstracts to are sent out.

I appreciate absolutely all conferences I am found worthy of speaking at and I give them all as much buzz as possible in social media and blog posts before, during, and after the event. One of the conferences I am speaking at this year is Spring I/O. I have heard only good things about this conference, and look very much forward to my first appearance as a speaker there with a talk titled Why Spring Matters to Jakarta EE – and Vice Versa.

Here is my follow-up to my post on X last week. I recommend that everyone check out Rodrigo’s Weekend Reading List to keep up-to-date on things going on in the Java Community.

Javaforum Malmø February 2024

We have struggled a little bit to get the Malmö JUG up and running again after the pandemic, but now it seems like we are on the roll again. The goal is to have at least one event each quarter, and the February 29 event yesterday was a great start. We usually have two talks per event, and this was no exception.

The first talk was about Continuous Integration Patterns by Thomas Lundström. The second talk was a celebration talk about the 25 Years of the JCP Program presented by myself.

(I will add the slides from Thomas’ talk when he has made them available)

Going forward we will aim for one talk per event. Most people attend for the mingle and discussion anyway. We will see how it turns out and maybe reevaluate next year.

By the way, we are always looking for speakers, so please let me know if you have a talk you want to present, and are eager for a trip to beautiful Malmö. Conveniently located close to Copenhagen Airport (CPH).

Hashtag Jakarta EE #217

Welcome to issue number two hundred and seventeen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am now on my way home after a week in North America where I spoke at Philly JUG and ConFoo, my second tour overseas this year. The upcoming month will be dedicated to Europe. First up is Malmö JUG on February 29. Then I will go to Hasselt in Belgium for the Belgian JUG on March 19 (event to be announced), and finally Voxxed Days Bucharest from March 27 to March 29.

Milestone 2 of Jakarta EE 11 is coming up shortly. The plan is to have it released at the beginning of March after the release reviews of the component specifications included are started. Check out the Jakarta EE 11 Release Plan for details.

While waiting for Jakarta EE 11, why not test out your skills with Jakarta EE 10 and participate in the second edition of the Payara Hackathon? If an opportunity to play with cool technology isn’t motivation enough, then look at the prices. You can win up to £3000. Yes, you got that right! 3000 British Pounds!

ConFoo 2024

This was my fourth time speaking at ConFoo in Montreal. It is a great conference, and you can deduct from the smooth operation that it has been organized before. In fact, this was the 22nd edition of ConFoo! Quite an accomplishment!

I had two talks this year. The first one titled Prepare for Jakarta EE gives an extensive overview of what is to be expected from Jakarta EE 11. It also includes a demo of Jakarta Data.

The second talk I did was my Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 21 and Jakarta EE talk. I am not sure how many times I have done this talk now, but it continues to be relevant and honestly a very fun talk to do.

After the conference, a group of speakers, volunteers, and organizers went to a Sugar Shack outside Montreal. A Sugar Shack is a cabin where sap from maple trees is boiled into maple syrup. If you are finding yourself in this part of the world, it is absolutely worth a visit. You get to see how maple syrup is produced, and of course, taste it.

After lunch where the condiment for everything was Maple Syrup, we went outside to see how the syrup is made. A popular treat is when they pour hot maple Syrup into the snow and let it could down so you can pick it up on a stick and eat it like a popsicle.

Philly JUG 2024

I had a great time speaking at the Philly JUG Yesterday! The topic of my talk was the implications of the namespace change from javax.* to jakarta.* in Jakarta EE 9 when migrating from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3. The slides are available on SpeakerDeck.

Before the event, I had the opportunity to explore Philadelphia. It is an interesting city to visit with a lot of American history. For those of us who grew up in the 80s, a selfie with the statue of Rocky is a must. It is kind of funny to see that it is just as popular with the younger generation as well. Groups of teenagers blast Eye of the Tiger from their phones while running up the iconic “Rocky steps” and taking pictures of the statue even if they weren’t even born when the movie came out..

I also checked out the Liberty Bell, which you could argue is a bit more historically significant than a move about a boxer, but who am I to say? For lunch, I had a Philly Cheesesteak. So simple, but still so good…

Hashtag Jakarta EE #216

Welcome to issue number two hundred and sixteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I’m back from my vacation and I am ready to roll again. This week, I will cross the pond to speak at PhillyJUG on Tuesday before continuing to Montreal and ConFoo 2024 for the remainder of the week.

As I mentioned last week, the Jakarta EE Platform project plans to deliver four milestones of Jakarta EE before the final release. Milestone 2 planned for March 2024 is fast approaching and the individual component specifications that are expected to be a part of this milestone are scrambling together the final bits and pieces to be ready for their releases.

Since I have been more or less off the grid the last week, I don’t have much more this week. Take a look at the minutes from the weekly Jakarta EE Platform call to stay up-to-date on the discussions going on.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #215

Welcome to issue number two hundred and fifteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week I started with a trip to Jfokus 2024 in Stockholm. Directly after that, I began a week of vacation, meaning I am diving in the Red Sea while you are reading this.

The Jakarta EE Platform project will use milestones as a part of the release plan for Jakarta EE 11. The planned milestones for Jakarta EE 11 are:
– Milestone 1: December, 2023
– Milestone 2: March, 2024
– Milestone 3: April, 2024
– Milestone 4: May, 2024

The goal is that some of the component specifications will be ready for release review for each milestone. Which component specifications that are expected in each milestone are specified in the Jakarta EE 11 release plan. After the last milestone, there should only be the Jakarta EE Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile, and Jakarta EE Core Profile specifications left.

It is the first time we are using Milestones for a Jakarta EE release. Hopefully, it will turn out to be a good idea that will help us complete the release as planned in June/July this year.

Jfokus 2024

Jfokus is an excellent conference, and the 2024 edition was no different from the previous ones. I have had the pleasure of being a fairly regular speaker there, and since they try to rotate the speakers a little I didn’t really expect to speak there this year. However, due to a last-minute opening, I got to present my Prepare for Jakarta EE – Performance and Developer Productivity talk.

I had almost a full room, and lots of great follow-up questions and comments after the talk. A note to myself is that beanies are more popular than socks in Stockholm when “bribing” the audience for questions. Even so, all the socks were gone in seconds when I left them up for grabs on the stage while packing my laptop and presentation clicker.

Due to the short heads-up for my acceptance and the fact that I already had made other plans for the remainder of the week, I had to leave the conference after the first day. One day at Jfokus is way better than none, so I am very satisfied with the trip.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #214

Welcome to issue number two hundred and fourteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I arrived back home from my January JUG Tour with visits to the JCP 25-Year Anniversary Party, Nashville JUG, Seattle JUG, and Portland JUG yesterday. But no rest for the brave. Already tomorrow, I am traveling to Stockholm for Jfokus 2024.

My talk is scheduled for Tuesday at 16:00 and is titled Prepare for Jakarta EE 11 with the subtitle Performance and Developer Productivity. In this talk, I give an update on what to expect from Jakarta EE 11 with demos of some of the features that are ready, or near to ready.

Talking about Jakarta EE 11, the Jakarta EE Platform project has decided to support Java SE 17 in addition to Java SE 21. This will allow for more adoption, especially for the compatible implementations of the individual component specifications. At the same time, vendors that have started working on their implementation based on Java SE 21 will be able to continue that journey. There is no requirement that they must certify their products on Java SE 17 in addition to Java SE 21.

If you want to learn more about this, come to my talk at Jfokus on Tuesday!

Portland JUG 2024

I decided to take the train from Seattle to Portland as it is the most convenient way of going between those cities unless you have a car. I’ve been told that this train usually is very reliable and punctual. This time, however, there was a mechanical issue with the train so they had to switch train sets in Seattle. Which in turn resulted in a two-hour delay…

The Portland Java User Group event was scheduled to start at 5:30 pm and the train was originally scheduled to arrive in Portland at 3:35 pm. Long story short, I arrived at the venue at 6:00 pm to start my talk. The participants could enjoy 30 minutes of pizza and drinks while waiting, so I guess it all turned out great at the end.

I did the From Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 21 and Jakarta EE presentation here as well. With great discussions during and following the presentation.

The Portland JUG had also ordered the JCP 25-Year Anniversary Swag Kit, so there were lots of goodies for the attendees. I recommend all Java User Groups do the same. Just follow the instructions on the JCP 25-year Anniversary page.