JPrime 2024

JPrime in Sofia is one of my favorite conferences. The event has two tracks, which means that you always have a good crowd even if there is a superstar speaker in the other room at the same time. The venue has a big outdoor patio and is surrounded by a park, so it is possible to enjoy some time in the sun between the talks, or if you need to escape the buzz in the exhibition area for a little while.

My talk at JPrime this year was The Final Frontier of Web Development – React Server Components vs Jakarta EE. In the demo section, I take the audience on a tour of what someone may call old-school technologies and compare them to modern equivalents. Rather than old-school, I would call them solid technologies that stand the test of time.

An outcome of this talk is that I am inspired to create an abstract for a new talk that continues down this path, but more on the benefits of separation of concerns and that the business logic belongs on the server.

In the morning before the first day of the conference, I did a morning run with Cay and Michael. Directly after this photo was taken, it started raining. And pretty soon it was pouring down. Michael was our guide for this run, and he took us on a loop in the nearby forest. Despite the rain fogging up his glasses, making navigation difficult, we made it back in time for breakfast.

Submit Your Talk to Open Community for Java 2024

I’ll let you in on a little secret about how to increase your chances of getting accepted to speak at a conference. It is as simple as this: Submit Early!

Most conferences either accept talks on a rolling basis or have an expressed early-bird acceptance. Since most speakers tend to submit at a date near the CFP deadline, the amount of talks available to choose from is less for early-bird selections than for the regular selection after the CFP has ended. Which in turn increase YOUR chances at getting accepted if you are among those few submitting early.

The early-bird deadline for Open Community for Java is set to May 31, 2024. Submit your talk before that date to increase your chances of getting accepted. You can still submit more talks up until the final submission deadline of June 10, 2024.

GeeCON 2024

My visit to beautiful Kraków for GeeCON 2024 was a pretty short one since it was the second conference I spoke at in two days. And I wasn’t the only speaker taking the route between Köln and Kraków, or the other way around. That’s how it is during conference season.

I did a brand new talk at GeeCON called The Final Frontier of Web Development – React Server Components vs Jakarta EE. I think it went fairly well despite the fact that I am on a little thin ice when it comes to the bleeding edge of JavaScript frameworks. I think I got the message through that this industry is on this eternal hamster wheel reinventing things over and over again with a new cooler name.

Before going over to the conference, I went for a nice morning run in the park on the outskirts of Kraków. May is the best month to visit this city. It is warm and sunny, but not too hot yet.

GeeCON is a very friendly and well-run conference by organizers that truly make you feel welcome. There is a lot of socializing among the speakers, attendees, and organizers.

JCON Europe 2024

JCON Europe is a four-day Java conference attracting speakers from all over the World and Java developers from all over Germany. The venue is a cinema complex located centrally in Cologne (Köln), Germany.

This year, Eclipse Foundation had a booth at a very prominent location where the Java-related working groups, members, and projects were showcased.

My talk titled Prepare for Jakarta EE 11 – Performance and Developer Productivity was scheduled for Thursday morning. I had a very engaging audience with good comments and questions following the presentation.

On Wednesday morning, we had a refreshing morning run before the conference started. The best way to get energized before a conference day.

GIDS 2024

My fifth time speaking at GIDS was just as good as the previous ones. The conference has an amazing lineup of high-profile speakers, so it is a great honor to be among them. This year, the conference had 5400 attendees spread over four days with five parallel tracks.

I had a packed room for my talk titled From Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 21 and Jakarta EE. One of the great things about this conference, and maybe the main reason why I keep coming back to it, is that the audience is so engaged. They are not afraid to ask relevant questions during as well as after the talk. I am also very often approached while roaming the exhibition hall by attendees that want to talk about the talk or other topics of interest.

In one of the breaks, I was interviewed by Cassandra Chin for Techstrong TV. We chatted about open source and how getting involved in open source can be a game changer for your career as a developer. The interview should air on their website within a couple of days or so.

Bangalore is known as the Garden City of India with green areas spread around everywhere between the buildings. It can be very hot in Bangalore in April. This year, the temperature was in the high thirties (celsius). Luckily the hotel had a pool to soak in after the conference days.

Run with Jakarta EE at Devnexus

Devnexus in Atlanta is coming up next week. If you are like me and haven’t packed your bags yet, don’t forget to pack your running shoes!

I can never repeat too often that the best way to start a day at any conference anywhere in the World, is to go for a refreshing morning run. And Devnexus is no exception. Meet me every morning at 06:30 am by the Olympic Rings in Downtown Atlanta and experience the beautiful sunrise while going for a 1K, 2K, 3K, or 5K run. The distance is up to you, the pace is up to you. We are a very accommodating bunch.

I will bring a limited supply of high-quality, Jakarta EE branded running shirts (and yes, I do have women’s sizes as well). Ping me before I pack my bags on Monday morning if you want to make sure I pack one in your size…

Javaforum Malmø February 2024

We have struggled a little bit to get the Malmö JUG up and running again after the pandemic, but now it seems like we are on the roll again. The goal is to have at least one event each quarter, and the February 29 event yesterday was a great start. We usually have two talks per event, and this was no exception.

The first talk was about Continuous Integration Patterns by Thomas Lundström. The second talk was a celebration talk about the 25 Years of the JCP Program presented by myself.

(I will add the slides from Thomas’ talk when he has made them available)

Going forward we will aim for one talk per event. Most people attend for the mingle and discussion anyway. We will see how it turns out and maybe reevaluate next year.

By the way, we are always looking for speakers, so please let me know if you have a talk you want to present, and are eager for a trip to beautiful Malmö. Conveniently located close to Copenhagen Airport (CPH).

JakartaOne Livestream 2023

JakartaOne Livestream 2023 was the fifth edition of the conference. The setup of Studio Jakarta EE has improved year-for-year, and now closely resembles a professional TV studio. After the seemingly unavoidable network issues at the beginning, everything worked flawlessly.

It is so much fun getting together for a production like this. Super stressful, yes. But it is also so much more rewarding to be in the same room doing it rather than putting it together remotely. I hope the spirit in the studio reached those watching the streams as well. Just take a look at this video for a feeling of how much fun we had.

All the talks and Studio Jakarta EE sessions will be made available shortly on our Youtube channels for everyone to watch, or watch again.

Everyone involved did a fantastic job pulling it together. Serena and Samantha took care of the speakers and Ian produced the entire thing while Shabnam, Tanja, and I were hosting the Studio Jakarta EE. Here is the whole crew at the after-conference dinner. A little tired after 12 hours of continuous work, but still happy. Already planning for JakartaOne Livestream 2024…


Kin of out of the blue, I was invited to speak at JCON WORLD ONLINE 2023. And not only a regular talk but the keynote of the EclipseStore Summit on the last day of the conference.

It was kind of a last-minute thing and I didn’t have time to create a brand new talk, so I revamped my Responsible Open Source talk to fit with the keynote format. You can check out the slides of Open Source – A Journey of Contribution and Collaboration here.

At the end of the keynote, I invited Markus Kett, the CEO of MictroStream on the stage (or in this case the screen) to talk about EclipseStore.

EclipseStore is a persistence layer for databaseless persistence, built for cloud-native microservices and serverless systems. It is a new project under the Eclipse Foundation. It has just released its first version, so go ahead and try it out. And, even better, take a look at the code in GitHub and start contributing.

Øredev 2023

Øredev is my local conference, and I can go by bike if the weather permits. But as everyone visiting Sweden in November knows, the weather is pretty volatile at this time of the year. This year, I did go by bike on Wednesday but had to resort to the bus on Friday morning.

Øredev has a mix of local and international speakers and is an extremely diverse conference when it comes to topics covered with Java as a prominent one.

I had two talks accepted to Øredev 2023, both scheduled on Friday. This made it possible for me to attend the conference on Wednesday, speak at J-Fall on Thursday, and be back for my talks on Friday.

The first talk was the migrating from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 talk which has turned out to be my most accepted talk this year. It is a fun talk to do with live coding along with the slides.

Ten minutes later, I was on stage again for my second talk of the day. This talk titled How to Be a Responsible Open Source Citizen is a non-technical talk meant to inspire developers to engage themselves in Open Source. It also has some pointers on how to get started, and what to think of when starting an open source journey.