Hashtag Jakarta EE #235

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

As I wrote last week, all the Jakarta EE 11 specifications are now finished and the remaining work to get Jakarta EE 11 released is to finalize the refactoring of the TCK and have at least one open-source compatible implementation passing it.

Milestone 4 of the Jakarta EE 11 APIs are now available in Maven Central. Use these coordinates in your pom.xml to try out this version.


I will go to Nürnberg to speak at Developer Week ’24 this week. It will be my fourth time speaking at this conference, including one online appearance during the pandemic. It does not usually gather the biggest Java crowd, but it feels like the number is increasing for each year. The conference is well-run and a very pleasant experience.

Talking about conferences, the registration for Open Community for Java is now open. If you know you are going, or usually used to attend EclipseCon, you may as well register now. The program is being finalized as we speak and you will be able to check out the speakers and their talks very soon.

Register for Open Community for Java today!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #234

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

All the specifications that will be part of Jakarta EE 11 have passed their release review and have been, or are in the process of being released. The efforts are now on finalizing the TCK and wrapping up the changes needed in the Jakarta EE Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile specifications.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authentication 3.1
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Data 1.0
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Security 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

Now that all the specifications for Jakarta EE 11 are done, the specification projects are starting to look ahead to Jakarta EE 12 and how to further evolve the specifications. It is great to see the individual projects taking the initiative this way.

This week was dedicated to the Eclipse Foundation All Hands 2024. In the upcoming week, I will be at home before I go to Nürnberg to speak at Developer Week in the first week of July.

Eclipse Foundation All Hands 2024

Once a year, the Eclipse Foundation comes together at the same location to socialize, learn, and exchange experiences with each other. As a fully remote organization, these events are even more valuable than those for organizations where you meet your colleagues at the office every other day.

In this photo below, you can see the Community and Outreach team which I am a part of. We missed a couple of colleagues who couldn’t make it, otherwise, the picture is complete.

In addition to staff training sessions and interesting presentations from the various parts of the Eclipse Foundation, there was also time for socializing, having fun, and enjoying excellent food. Here is a video of the early morning runners on the trail in a Quebecian forest. I take pride in slowly increasing the number of runners with the #runWithJakartaEE shirts every year.

There were activities for everyone from yoga on the beach, kayaking, hiking, swimming, or just hanging out in the pool or the surrounding area. The last night ended with a bonfire where those who wanted could get their s’mores. And there was cake…

Kayaking with Jakarta EE

As mentioned above, one of the activities was to go kayaking. Since I have very limited experience in kayaking, I was very pleased when Rosaria agreed to be my partner in crime for this activity. She is a natural. Even if I was appointed captain of the ship, mostly due to the weight balance I guess, she was the one steering it. You have earned a Jakarta EE t-shirt, Rosaria! And also the first to be tagged with #kayakingWithJakartaEE.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #233

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week I was speaking at DevBCN 2024 in Barcelona. My next conference appearance will be at Developer Week ’24, which takes place in Nürnberg on July 1-5. But even if conference season is winding down for summer, I will still be found at airports here and there. Right now, I am on my way to Montreal for the early Eclipse Foundation All-Hands where I will get to meet and socialize with my colleagues from all over the World.

All the individual specifications that are targeting Jakarta EE 11 are now done. Two are still under release review with the Jakarta EE Specification Committee and will conclude at the latest on June 26. The work with wrapping up the Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile specifications will continue along with the implementation of compatible implementation(s) for ratification as well as the refactoring efforts of the Jakarta EE TCK.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Data 1.0
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta Authentication 3.1
– Jakarta Security 4.0

Milestone 3 of the Jakarta EE 11 APIs was published to Maven Central earlier this week. Please check them out and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find something that should be fixed before the final release.


DevBCN 2024

My second trip to Barcelona in less than two weeks was to DevBCN. This community-driven conference is always a pleasure to speak at. And it doesn’t hurt that it is located in Barcelona…

This time we had an Eclipse Foundation booth staffed by Carmen, Arjan, and yours truly. We even had some new Jakarta EE swag in the shape of caps and sunglasses. A fun moment was to have a selfie with Jean-Fredric from the ASF where he was wearing his vintage jakarta.apache.org t-shirt and me with my Jakarta EE t-shirt.

Despite some issues with the screens, I was able to start my talk at the scheduled time. This time, I dusted off the popular From Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 22 and Jakarta EE talk. Every time I do this talk, the number of attendees raising their hand when I ask who that has already done the migration is increasing. A bit surprising this time was that there were more hands raised for “not started yet”. So the talk is still valid, and I will most likely continue presenting it for a while longer.

Originally, I was supposed to do the one talk this year, but since there were cancelations from some speakers not being able to come, I was asked if I could do a second talk. The one I chose to do was an update of what to expect from Jakarta EE 11, and how this release will help you boost both performance and developer productivity.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #232

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

There were no conferences for me last week. In the upcoming week, I am going back to Barcelona for DevBCN. As in previous years, we have a booth. You can find me there and have a chat about Jakarta EE. I also have a talk on Thursday. This talk will be a revamped version of my Spring 2.0 to Spring 3.0 migration talk.

There is only one specification (Jakarta Security 4.0) left waiting for its release review to be started. It’s been ready for a while, but for some reason, the release review hasn’t started yet. I have a couple of days off before I travel to Barcelona, but I will do my best to see if we can get it rolling early in the week. Check out the specifications that will be part of Jakarta EE 11 here:

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Data 1.0
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

In progress:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1

Ready to Start:
Jakarta Security 4.0

Hashtag Jakarta EE #231

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This was again a busy week with two conferences back-to-back. First I went to Sofia, Bulgaria for JPrime before I continued to Barcelona, Spain for Spring I/O. Both conferences are great, well-organized events with a welcoming community.

So, over to the weekly update on the progress of Jakarta EE 11. Nine specifications are done, five will complete their release review this week, and the final two will most likely have their release reviews started next week. There is some work to be done on the TCK and the specification documents before the release reviews of the Jakarta EE 11 Platform, Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile, and Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile specifications can start. This will likely happen in late June or early July, so we are on track according to the release plan.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1

About to start:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Security 4.0

The Early-bird deadline for submitting your talk has passed, but don’t despair. There is still time to be a part of this community event. The final deadline for submitting your talk to Open Community for Java is June 10, 2024.

Spring I/O 2024

This was my first time attending and speaking at Spring I/O. The conference is located in Barcelona and attracts around 1200 attendees from all over the World. The two-day conference has four parallel tracks as well as two workshop tracks.

Spring I/O is an extremely well-organized conference. Everything flows smoothly, both before and during the conference. I felt really welcomed and appreciated as a speaker. The whole event has a great community spirit. I will definitely submit a talk or two when the CFP for Spring I/O 2025 opens up!

I had a great time presenting Why Spring Matters to Jakarta EE – and Vice Versa at Spring I/O. The crowd was engaging, and I had a lot of good conversations about the topic afterward. Even if I most likely was the only one wearing a Jakarta EE T-shirt at this Spring event, I didn’t feel alone at all. The Java community is the same anywhere, warm and welcoming.

No conference without a morning run, and Spring I/O was no exception. On day 2, Abdel, Ash, and I had a nice 7K run around Barcelona. A refreshing start of the day.

JPrime 2024

JPrime in Sofia is one of my favorite conferences. The event has two tracks, which means that you always have a good crowd even if there is a superstar speaker in the other room at the same time. The venue has a big outdoor patio and is surrounded by a park, so it is possible to enjoy some time in the sun between the talks, or if you need to escape the buzz in the exhibition area for a little while.

My talk at JPrime this year was The Final Frontier of Web Development – React Server Components vs Jakarta EE. In the demo section, I take the audience on a tour of what someone may call old-school technologies and compare them to modern equivalents. Rather than old-school, I would call them solid technologies that stand the test of time.

An outcome of this talk is that I am inspired to create an abstract for a new talk that continues down this path, but more on the benefits of separation of concerns and that the business logic belongs on the server.

In the morning before the first day of the conference, I did a morning run with Cay and Michael. Directly after this photo was taken, it started raining. And pretty soon it was pouring down. Michael was our guide for this run, and he took us on a loop in the nearby forest. Despite the rain fogging up his glasses, making navigation difficult, we made it back in time for breakfast.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #230

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

There was good progress this week in getting the release reviews for Jakarta EE 11 specifications underway. Nine specifications have been approved, five are under review, and two are ready and waiting for the Jakarta EE Specification Committee to get the ballots going.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1

About to start:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Security 4.0

I want to remind you about the advantages of submitting early to conference CFPs especially if they have an early-bird acceptance deadline, like Open Community for Java does.

The past week, I spoke at the Berlin JUG in Berlin (I know, no surprise there). Next week is a little busier with two conferences on the agenda. First, I will go to Sofia, Bulgaria to speak at JPrime 2024. Then I will continue to Barcelona, Spain for Spring I/O 2024.