Hashtag Jakarta EE #40

Welcome to the fortieth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week’s Jakarta EE 9 Specification Status shows some progress!

We now have twelve specifications approved and four ballots that started last week. There are thirteen that are close to being ready for ballots and only six that need a little more work. We’re getting there! Mark November 20 in your calendar! Read this status update from Kevin Sutter for more details.

This Jakarta EE Survey by Omnifaces covers a lot of relevant topics for Jakarta EE releases following Jakarta EE 9. Please do take some time and fill out the survey. Surveys like this provide extremely valuable input for the work on upcoming releases.

Tanja and I are going on a virtual tour talking about Jakarta EE. The first stop on the tour was India and we are currently planning stops in Poland, Serbia, Spain, Sweden and USA. Please reach out to us if you want us to present at your JUG/meetup.

Celebrating One Year as Jakarta EE Developer Advocate

Today is exactly one year since I started as the Jakarta EE Developer Advocate at the Eclipse Foundation.

It started out as expected, with a lot of speaking engagement at developer conferences around the World as well as an increased online presence and activity in the community.

Then Covid-19 hit us and everything went virtual. After a period of panic, I think we as a community have adjusted pretty well. I guess that the industry we are in was pretty well equipped to go virtual, thus the community can continue being vibrant and active. But I do miss being on the road and meeting you all out there! Virtual conferences and meetups are all good, but cannot replace the real deal.

As a full-time developer advocate, there is more time for blogging, so I have been able to produce more blog posts this year than ever before. One thing I am especially proud of is the Hashtag Jakarta EE blog series that I started. I hadn’t expected that I would be able to keep up with a weekly cadence, but it has turned out to be enough content being produced out there to keep that going. Please ping me if you want your pet project to be mentioned in one of the upcoming posts.

I also started the Studio Jakarta EE YouTube channel. This channel is a complement to the official Jakarta EE channel. The idea behind Studio Jakarta EE is to have a place for more informal content, such as interviews, chats, small tech tips, and such.

This was just a small peek into what I have been up to. There is plenty of more, but I will stop here to keep this blog post from being too long. In summary, it has been an amazing year, and I look forward to the years to come!

Jakarta EE Talks at EclipseCon 2020

You don’t want to miss these Jakarta EE talks at EclipseCon 2020. You may also want to check out the talks in the Cloud Native Java category. Visit the event site for full information about the talks and the speakers.

This year’s EclipseCon is a free, virtual event.

Please register now to reserve your spot!

Follow @EclipseCon on Twitter
Use #EclipseCon on social media

Hashtag Jakarta EE #39

Welcome to the thirty-ninth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Here is this week’s Jakarta EE 9 Specification Status.

Since there were no ballots that closed this week, there are still ten approved and two ballots ongoing. These two will end on Tuesday. Eight specifications are almost ready for their ballot, so that’s an increase since last week.

Nine specifications need some more work before they are ready, and there is only one specification that hasn’t created a Pull Request yet:

Jakarta Server Pages

The call-for-paper for JakartaOne LiveStream ends on Wednesday, October 1st. If you haven’t submitted yet, now is the time!

Another event coming up with a lot of Jakarta EE content is EclipseCon 2020. Do register now to reserve your place!

This week, we staged the MVC 1.1.0 API in preparation for our first release as a Jakarta EE specification. The next steps are to stage the TCK and file a certification request for Eclipse Krazo. More to come.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #38

Welcome to the thirty-eighth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Time for this week’s cake, or pie (chart) to be specific…
The current status for Jakarta EE 9 is that ten specifications have been approved, two ballots are ongoing and five are almost ready for ballot.

The only specifications that have not created a Pull Request yet are:

Jakarta Server Pages
Jakarta Standard Tag Library
Jakarta Server Faces

The list is getting shorter! If you are involved in any of these, please do go forward with creating the pull requests. They can be created as draft PRs and be updated along the way up to being ready for ballot. There is absolutely no reason to wait until everything is ready!

Java 15 is available. You can download it wherever you usually get your JDK, for example at AdoptOpenJDK. Check out this blog and video by Markus Karg where he talks about all the changes in the Java language since Java 7.

The new date for JakartaOne LiveStream is December 8, 2020! The Call-for-paper will close on October 1st, so make sure you submit your talk.

It is a pleasure to welcome MicroProfile as a Working Group at the Eclipse Foundation! It has been a long process, but we are finally getting there. Check out the draft charter. It is still in proposal state, but expect more news to come about this shortly.

Still hungry? Check out How To Bring Your Java Microservices To The Cloud by Jadon Ortlepp. There will be pizza…

Hashtag Jakarta EE #37

Welcome to the thirty-seventh issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week’s status pie for the Jakarta EE 9 specifications shows that five specifications have been approved, five are ongoing and ten are near being ready for ballot. All the five ongoing ballots will close this upcoming week.

The number of specifications not ready is shrinking, but there are still fifteen that are not ready yet. Out of these, the following four specifications have not created a Pull Request yet:

Jakarta Server Pages
Jakarta Connectors
Jakarta Standard Tag Library
Jakarta Server Faces

If you are involved in any of these, please do go forward with creating the pull requests. They can be created as draft PRs and be updated along the way up to being ready for ballot. There is absolutely no reason to wait until everything is ready!

This Saturday, I hosted a MicroProfile workshop at the JavaDay Istanbul virtual conference. I had a blast during this two-hour live coding session, and I hope the participants enjoyed it as much as I did.

On Wednesday, It is my turn to do a Jakarta Tech Talk. In this talk, I will present the current status of Jakarta MVC. Of course, there will be live coding as well.

In the end, I want to remind you about the JCP 2020 Community Virtual Party & Awards Ceremony on Friday, Sep 18, 2020. This legendary party, usually held in conjunction with Oracle Code One is something you don’t want to miss.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #36

Welcome to the thirty-sixth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week’s status of the ballots for the Jakarta EE 9 specifications is that there are still three passed, but now there are seven ongoing ballots. Of these seven, two will close this week. Some of those that are close to being ready for ballots will most likely start this week.

Make sure to join the Jakarta EE Community Call on Thursday, September 10 to learn more about the ballots and other Jakarta EE related topics.

We are in the process of planning a Jakarta EE Virtual Tour where we will visit Java User Groups around the World virtually with talks about Jakarta EE. More information about this will be announced shortly, so stay tuned!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #35

Welcome to the thirty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Jakarta EE 9 is chugging along. There are three specifications that have passed the ballot for approval by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee and two ballots that are ongoing. More are expected to start this week.

We hit a bump in the road with CDI since we discovered very late in the game that there were some incorrect references to the javax.* namespace left in the specification document. This is an excellent example that shows we need more eyes on these documents. So if you have any time over, please take a look at the pull requests that are approaching ballots. Scroll through the specification document and browse for obvious things that we have missed.

On Thursday, I will present Jakarta EE 9 and Beyond at GIDS.JAVA Live 2020. This is a great conference with an amazing lineup of speakers. I have had the pleasure of speaking at the the conference in Bangalore a couple of times. This time, it will be a virtual appearance.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #34

Welcome to the thirty-fourth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week, I held a JetBrains Live Webinar titled Jakarta EE 9 and Beyond. The recording of the webinar is embedded below. The highlight of the session, in my opinion, is the Q&A section at the end. So if you don’t have time to watch the entire recording, fast-forward to around 43 minutes where you will find the Q&A.

The forward-looking part of this presentation is heavily inspired by the Guide to Contributing to Jakarta EE 10 document assembled by the Jakarta EE Ambassadors. I encourage you to read this document, particularly the sections(s) covering technologies you are interested in and/or are using. The time to start looking forward is now!

If you still wonder how to participate, do join the Friends of Jakarta EE call on August 26th. The agenda is forming and contains a summary of the process for getting involved.

The agenda for EclipseCon Community Day is now complete! One of the sessions is a Jakarta EE 10 Round Table. You may help to create the content for this session by adding your questions to the panel in the Jakarta EE 10 Round Table Questions document. Thanks to Reza Rahman, Werner Keil, and Thodoris Bais for putting the agenda together!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #33

Welcome to the thirty-third issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

As I mentioned in last week’s Hashtag, the Jakarta EE 9 release will be postponed. We have not decided on a date yet, but I would be very surprised if we are delayed more than a little over a month. We are pretty close to the finishing line as the first ballots to approve specifications have started. Jakarta Dependency Injection 2.0, Jakarta Batch 2.0, Jakarta CDI 3.0, and Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 started last week.

As a consequence of the pushed Jakarta EE 9 release date, the Jakarta EE working group decided to move JakartaOne Livestream as well. We have therefore extended the call-for-paper. But do submit sooner rather than later!

On Wednesday, I will do a JetBrains Live Webinar about the upcoming Jakarta EE 9 release.