Hashtag Jakarta EE #74

Welcome to the seventy-fourth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Jakarta EE 9.1 is RELEASED! Here’s what you should do now:

Step 1: Update your pom.xml


Step 2: Migrate to jakarta.* namespace

Follow this migration guide for the namespace migration.

Step 3: Run

Download the Jakarta EE 9.1 Compatible Product of your choice.

Tomorrow is the last day to take the 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey! Please take a couple of minutes to help us shape the future direction of Jakarta EE. Now that we have released Jakarta EE 9.1, the focus is on the next release. The work has already started with the establishment of the new Jakarta EE Core Profile and discussions around the release- and versioning strategy going forward. Follow the discussions in the Jakarta EE Platform Weekly call. The survey will provide valuable input to this work.

The early bird deadline for EclipseCon 2021 is coming up! Make sure you submit your talk before June 1, 2021, for a chance to be one of the first five talks selected for the conference.

June 1: Early-Bird Submission Deadline
June 15: Final Submission Deadline
July 1: Notification Sent

Navigate to EclipseCon 2021 Call for Proposals and submit your Jakarta EE talk today!

Jakarta EE 9.1 is RELEASED!

Join us in celebrating a new release of Jakarta EE!

The Jakarta EE Working Group Releases Jakarta EE 9.1 as Industry Continues to Embrace Open Source Enterprise Java! Jakarta EE 9.1 adds support for Java SE 11 runtimes to the foundational Jakarta EE 9 release. This gives developers more flexibility when migrating from previous Jakarta EE releases.

In order to upgrade to the new version, simply change the dependency version in your pom.xml to 9.1.0. If you are upgrading from a version prior to Jakarta EE 9, follow the migration steps for the namespace change from javax.* to jakarta.*.

Maven dependency for Jakarta EE Platform 9.1


Maven dependency for Jakarta EE Web Profile 9.1


Hashtag Jakarta EE #73

Welcome to the seventy-third issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Jakarta EE 9.1 will be released on Tuesday, May 25, 2021! Stay tuned for announcements on this blog, the jakarta.ee website, Jakarta EE on Twitter, and a bunch of other places.

But, we don’t rest there. The work with Jakarta EE 10 is progressing as well. The creation- and plan review for Jakarta EE Core Profile 10 was approved this week by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. We have also started the issues for defining the scope of Jakarta EE Web Profile 10 and Jakarta EE Platform 10. Plan reviews of these are expected to be initiated shortly.

The project proposal for Jakarta Config is being processed. Since it is a project that will produce a specification under the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP), a creation review by the specification committee is required. This review ballot is ongoing and will end this week. Community members are encouraged to chime in and place their (non-binding) vote.

I am very pleased to announce that Eclipse Krazo, an implementation of Jakarta MVC was integrated into Eclipse GlassFish this week! This is an important milestone for the project.

If you haven’t filled out the 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey yet, I hope you will take a couple of minutes required to provide us with valuable input in shaping the direction of Jakarta EE!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #72

Welcome to the seventy-second issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

In the Jakarta EE Platform call this week, we decided to ask the specification projects for feedback on whether October 15, 2021 is an achievable date for having their specifications ready for release. So far, the feedback has been positive. It is great to see that the specifications are moving forward again. The Jakarta EE 9 release with the associated namespace change from javax.* to jakarta.* may very well prove to be the tap on the bottle that got the ketchup flowing.

The Eclipse Cargo Tracker is a fantastic example of an end-to-end Jakarta EE application that showcases core Jakarta EE technologies. Thanks to Scaleforce and Jelastic for providing resources to deploy the demo application to the cloud.

Try out the Cargo Tracker!

If you are interested in contributing to the project, or just look at the code, go to the Cargo Tracker GitHub repository.

A warm welcome to The Apache Software Foundation that joined the Jakarta EE working group as a guest member this week.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #71

Welcome to the seventy-first issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Let’s look at Jakarta EE 10! By filtering on the EE10 label in our GitHub issue tracker, you will find the list of topics currently under discussion. I would like to highlight a couple of the issues.

Jakarta EE 10 Direction Statement (#352) lists focus areas that we are working on in order to come up with a proper roadmap for the platform. The platform team has been tasked by the Jakarta EE Steering Committee to produce a statement of direction for the steering committee meeting on May 11, 2021. I think we are in pretty good shape, but it will most certainly be refined more in the platform call a couple of hours before the steering committee gathers.

Create a new core profile specification (#353) collects the discussion around creating a new Jakarta EE Core Profile. We have created the plan review record and expect the ballot for creation- and plan reviews to be started pretty soon. Check out the JESP Guide for information about what these review steps actually means.

Speaking about plan reviews, we have a lot of them going on right now. Just check out the list of pull requests for plans. The Jakarta EE 10 Plan Reviews project board shows the current status of the reviews as they flow through our process.

In addition to this, a project proposal for Jakarta Config is being drafted. I expect it to be made public for community review within short.

If you haven’t filled out the 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey yet, I hope you will take a couple of minutes required to provide us with valuable input in shaping the direction of Jakarta EE!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #70

Welcome to the seventieth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Jakarta EE 9.1 release is coming up shortly. The release review ballot for ratification of the specification will start this week. A special detail regarding this release is that there will be at least three, possibly four, compatible implementations used for ratification. Eclipse GlassFish, OpenLiberty, and WildFly have submitted their Compatibility Certification Requests already. We hope that Apache TomeEE will make it as well!

More compatible products will follow shortly after the release.

The plan reviews for individual specifications are ongoing. You can follow their progress by checking out the pull requests labeled plan review. As they are approved, they will pop up on their respective page under Jakarta EE Specifications.

I want to remind you about the Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar, where the specification projects are encouraged to publish there calls in order to allow more people to join the discussions.

NEW! Jakarta EE Community Cards

We have created a set of Jakarta EE Community Cards that you can use to show your participation in the Jakarta EE Community. Save any card you want and share it on social media or your website. If you use the hashtag #JakartaEE, we will do our best to amplify your post.

I have listed the cards that are currently available from https://jakarta.ee/resources/community-cards/ below. Please let us know if there are any activities you feel are missing.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #69

Welcome to the sixty-ninth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Compatibility Certification Requests (#334 and #335) for Eclipse GlassFish 6.1.RC1 has been filed both for Jakarta EE Platform 9.1 as well as Jakarta EE Web Profile 9.1.

These CCRs will be used in the ratification of the final Jakarta EE 9.1 specification. This time, we are hoping for additional compatible implementations to be a part of the material reviewed by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. Since we plan to initiate the release review ballot on April 30, it is time to start preparing the Compatibility Certification Requests by following these steps outlined by the Jakarta EE TCK project lead Scott Marlow.

The 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey is still running. If you haven’t answered it yet, I encourage you to take this opportunity to provide input to the direction of Jakarta EE. It only takes a couple of minutes to answer.

Take the 2021Jakarta EE Developer Survey now!

The CFP for EclipseCon 2021 is open. Don’t hesitate, submit your Jakarta EE talk today! If you are new to speaking, or unsure what to talk about, ask someone in the community to team up with you and do a joint talk!

EclipseCon 2021 CFP is OPEN!

EclipseCon 2021 will be an online event this year as well. It was a success in 2020 and the intention is to be at least as good this year! Hopefully, we will return to a live event in Ludwigsburg next year. But until then, submit your talk to EclipseCon 2021!

Personally, I hope to see as many Jakarta EE talks as possible. Let’s make it a really hard job for the program committee by submitting as many abstracts as possible. There is so much great content to choose from, so go ahead and submit a talk about your favorite Jakarta EE topic. I, for sure, will submit a couple myself.

Here’s a tip if you are new to speaking: Ask someone in the community to team up with you and do a joint talk.

These are the important dates to remember:
April 15: Call for Proposals open
June 1: Early-Bird Submission Deadline
June 15: Final Submission Deadline
July 1: Notification Sent

Go to EclipseCon 2021 Call for Proposals and submit your Jakarta EE talk today!
(Other topics than Jakarta EE are okey as well…)

2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey

The annual 2021Jakarta EE Developer Survey is out. Make sure to use this opportunity to make your voice heard!

This is the fourth Jakarta EE Developer Survey, so it is safe to say that it has become an annual tradition and is your chance to influence the direction of the Jakarta EE working group. The survey last year had more than 2000 responses from individuals around the World. Let’s beat that number this year! It provides valuable insight into the state of the community to better understand the top priorities for future Jakarta EE releases. The survey takes less than 8 minutes to complete, so don’t hesitate!

Take the 2021Jakarta EE Developer Survey now!