There is an interesting discussion around Java SE 17 support in Jakarta EE going on the Jakarta EE Community mailing list. As you probably are aware, the upcoming Jakarta EE 10 release will raise the API source- and binary levels to Java SE 11. Does this mean that Jakarta EE doesn’t support Java SE 17?
Absolutely NOT! The key is the + in TCK run with: Java SE 11+ in the image below.
There are already several compatible implementations certified with Java SE 17 for Jakarta EE 9.1. And I would say it is a pretty safe bet that all of these, as well as others, will be certified on Java SE 17 for Jakarta EE 10 as well. So it is safe to say that Jakarta EE supports Java SE 17, even if the APIs aren’t incorporating any language features introduced after Java SE 11.
When we look beyond Jakarta EE 10, the plan is to raise the baseline to Java SE 17. So here is a question for the community: Which language features available in Java SE 17 make sense to build into the APIs, and for which specification?
Next week is all about JakartaOne Livestream. Join us there to learn more about Jakarta EE and much more from an amazing lineup of speakers. Tanja and I will also host Studio Jakarta EE between the sessions with lots of interesting content you don’t want to miss!
Is it number 100 already? I started the Hashtag blog series as an experiment to see if I could establish a drum beat with weekly updates from the Jakarta EE community. By reaching 100 consecutive weekly posts, I think I have succeeded in that. Now, let’s look forward and see if we can reach a thousand…
JakartaOne Livestream 2021 is only one week away. The third edition of this annual online event is an excellent opportunity to keep up with what’s going on in and around the Jakarta EE community. Check out this amazing list of speakers!
I have had a couple of weeks with traveling and in-person events. It has been absolutely awesome to actually meet people again! Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope the trend of going back to in-person events continues. There are quite a few in the pipeline for next year. Until then, make sure to sign up for the greatest Jakarta EE online event of the year: JakartaOne Livestream 2021.
Another topic that is being discussed in the Jakarta EE Platform project lately is to tighten up the language around the @Priority annotation. The intention is to have a consistent way of determining priorities across the specifications using the annotation. What it boils down to is this: Should a higher number mean higher priority? Or should the lower number have higher priority, thus sorted in ascending order?
My personal opinion on this topic is that there should be one way of doing this, and it should be consistent throughout the platform (Option Ax or Bx). I don’t want to introduce any new annotations to bypass the problem (Option C), and doing nothing (Option E)is just as bad. I guess I would prefer HIGHER number means HIGHER priority (Option Ax), but with be comfortable with the opposite as well, i.e. LOWER number means HIGHER priority (Option Bx).
Java on Rails
This week, I was on the road (or on rails actually) with Simon Ritter, Mattias Karlsson, and Jeanne Göthberg. We did a tour of three Swedish JUGs in three days. First Malmö, then Gothenburg, and finally Stockholm. We had great fun, three successful events, and great conversations. It felt really good to be out meeting the community again. This was the first in-person event for all the three JUGs in a while.
On stage after my talk on the last day, Mattias announced that I got a Jakarta EE talk accepted for Jfokus 2022. The conference is fully booked, but there is a waiting list if you haven’t gotten hold of your ticket yet. See you in Stockholm in February next year!
JakartaOne Livestream is coming up in a couple of weeks! Register for this free, one-day virtual event now!
Last year, we had a cake theme, where we encouraged everyone to bake a cake and submit pictures to win great prizes. Before that, we had a cupcake theme. This year, we are going for PIZZA!
I am looking forward to seeing the creative spins on this challenge. I guess I could make the yellow and orange colors of the Jakarta EE sailing ship with some looks-like-cheese-melts-like-cheese-certainly-doesn-t-taste-like-cheese kind of substance, but how to get the blue color on a pizza that is still possible to digest goes beyond my cooking skills. Writing Jakarta EE with pepperoni is as far as my creativity goes.
JakartaOne Livestream 2021 is just a couple of weeks away. I know that having a virtual conference is not that unique nowadays, but when we did the first edition of JakartaOne Livestream back in 2019, it was somewhat unchartered territory. It was an immediate success that was followed up in 2020. In the 2020 edition, we brought in the concept of having 15-minute long Studio Jakarta EE sessions between the regular talks. These were a mix of technical and non-technical short talks as well as interviews.
This year, we are going one step further with Studio Jakarta EE. It is still in the concept phase, but I am confident it will be amazing!
Even if you are suffering from zoom fatigue and pretty fed up with online conferences by now, please do register for JakartaOne Livestream 2021. If you’re still not convinced, look at the amazing lineup of speakers we have for this year!
Jakarta EE 10 is moving forward. The pull requests used to initiate release reviews by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee have started appearing. Check out the specification you are interested in to see if you can do anything to help get it over the finishing line.
From discussions on the Jakarta EE Platform mailing list and weekly calls, it has become apparent that there is a need to handle common APIS, functionality, libraries, and such to ensure consistency between the specifications. Thus, there is a proposal for a Jakarta Commons project being worked on. Take a look and let us know what you think!
This week was a flashback of the past, a return to normal, and a promise of the future! First, I traveled to London, UK to speak at Devoxx UK where I presented Jakarta EE Core Profile – A Slimmer Jakarta EE. It was awesome to meet so many community members and hang around with them in the exhibition hall and at dinner parties.
I then continued to the Netherlands and J-FALL. This was an even bigger conference with 1300 attendees onsite at the venue. My talk about Jakarta EE 10 was well received.
I even met Duke there. A slightly smaller version than the Duke that used to roam the corridors of JavaOne, but Duke is Duke…
The work with Jakarta EE 10 continues. There are a couple of specifications that have started preparing pull requests for their release reviews. One of the tasks associated with Jakarta EE 10 is to establish JPMS Module Names for all the specifications. See Jakarta EE Project Names and Codes for an overview of policy around the module names.
I am spending the upcoming week at home, but after that, I will be traveling again. This time a three-day tour of the major Java User Groups in Sweden. The tour is called Promising Future with Java 17 and the schedule looks like this:
Last week was pretty busy with everything happening at EclipseCon 2021.
The Jakarta EE Community Day on Monday featured a packed schedule full of amazing content with Reza Rahman being the perfect host throughout the day. On Tuesday, I participated in a roundtable discussion where we discussed Java as the ideal language for cloud-native applications, and on Wednesday I had my talk Jakarta EE 9 and Beyond where I put the emphasis on the Beyond part.
This week, I am going on the road, or more precisely put; in the air, or up with the clouds (no pun intended at all 😉 ).
The first part of the week will be spent in London attending and speaking at Devoxx UK. My talk is titled Jakarta EE Core Profile – A Slimmer Jakarta EE and will be on Tuesday at 14:30 GMT. Devoxx UK is a hybrid conference this year, so you will be able to attend virtually if you are unable to make it in person.
After London, I am going to Holland for J-FALL. This year’s conference is back to being on-site. My talk at J-FALL this year is titled Jakarta EE 10 is Coming Your Way!. In this talk, I will give an update of what to expect from Jakarta EE 10.
While I am touring Europe, the work with Jakarta EE 10 continues. There are quite a few specifications expected to start their release reviews by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee this week. If you are involved in any of the Jakarta EE specification projects, please take a look at the Release Review section of the JESP Guide for a simple overview of what is expected according to the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP).
EclipseCon 2021 is a four-day online conference, and it is 100% free! It is packed with content that should cater to anyone. Check out the schedule for your pick! I’ll focus on the content specific to Jakarta EE here. The conference starts on Monday with the Jakarta EE Community Day.
Time (CET)
Jakarta EE Community State of the Union
15:00 – 15:50
Tanja Obradovic, Ivar Grimstad, Will Lyons
MicroProfile Community Current and Future
16:00 – 16:50
Emily Jiang
What’s Coming to Jakarta Security
17:00 – 17:50
Arjan Tijms
Jakarta Concurrency Futures
18:00 – 18:50
Steve Millidge
Jakarta REST: Looking Ahead
19:00 – 19:50
Andy McCright
Jakarta NoSQL and the Future of Polyglot Persistence in Java
20:00 – 20:50
Otavio Santana
Jakarta EE Community Day Schedule
The main part of the conference is from Tuesday to Thursday. Take a look at all the talks related to Jakarta EE. Specifically, I would like to point you to my session Jakarta EE 9 and Beyond on Wednesday 27 at 13:50 CET.
The focus of the talk will be the Beyond part. And what comes after 9…? Well, we did deliver a 9.1, actually, but what I am aiming at here is Jakarta EE 10. I will provide a sneak peek into the content of Jakarta EE 10. I will also show different options of how to get from the previous versions to 9, 10, and Beyond. Who knows, maybe I will throw in a demo of how to use Java 17 features with Jakarta EE.
Talking about Java 17, I have the pleasure of going on tour with Simon Ritter. In three days, we will cover the three major Java User Groups in Sweden:
The release reviews for the individual specifications are about to start. The release reviews are expected to be conducted over the following months, and hopefully, be concluded by the end of the Year. Check out the Pull Requests for release reviews to follow the progress as they start coming in.
First in-person conference since February 2020 – check!
Arriving at the airport in Gdańsk on my way to Infoshare 2021, I bumped into Sebastian. Just like the old times! In my talk, A Closer Look at Jakarta EE 10, I gave an overview of what to expect from Jakarta EE 10 and how to migrate from earlier versions. I even threw in a demo of how to use Java 17 records with Jakarta EE.
If you haven’t registered for EclipseCon 2021 yet, I recommend that you do. It is a 100% free online conference packed with content. Specifically, check out the Jakarta EE talks.
Next week, I am going to Infoshare 2021 in Gdańsk, Poland for my first in-person conference since February 2020. My talk titled A Closer Look at Jakarta EE 10 will give an overview of what to expect from Jakarta EE 10, how to migrate from earlier versions, and how to leverage Java SE 17 features in your Jakarta EE applications.
JakartaOne Livestream 2021 is coming up in December. The program committee has reviewed the abstracts and speaker acceptance notices have started, and the program will be announced pretty soon. Until then, make sure to register for the conference. You don’t want to miss this one!
The 2021 JCP Community Virtual Gathering and Awards is held on October 12, 1-3 pm PDT. Register here to participate in the celebration of the community with the JCP Program.
It’s the first week of October and fall is definitely here. And, as I mentioned in last week’s Hashtag Jakarta EE #91, the conference season starts with a mix of online, hybrid, and in-person events. I am also happy to announce that I have the first conference of 2022 confirmed! I will be returning to Sandusky, Ohio for CodeMash 2022 in January next year. See you in the waterpark!
October 15 is fast approaching, and that is the date the Jakarta EE Platform Project has communicated as the target date for the individual specification projects to start their release reviews. A short questionnaire regarding the status and potential areas where help is needed has been sent out to all the project leads.
If you’re involved in a specification project, please do help keep the project’s issue tracker up to date, and help the project lead provide the information requested by the Jakarta EE Platform team.