Hashtag Jakarta EE #117

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventeen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

One specification concluded its release review this week. Jakarta JSON Processing 2.1 joins Jakarta Activation 2.1Jakarta Annotations 2.1,  Jakarta Batch 2.1Jakarta JSON Binding 3.0Jakarta Mail 2.1, and Jakarta SOAP with Attachments 3.0 on the list of specifications that have been approved and are ready for Jakarta EE 10.

The release review for Jakarta Interceptors 2.1 is still going on, and the ballot for this one will be closed the upcoming week.

Jakarta Persistence 3.1Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1, Jakarta XML Binding 4.0, and Jakarta XML Web Services 4.0 started their release review this week. The ballots for the release reviews run for 14 days.

In case you missed it, Java 18 was released this week! There are a couple of goodies for developers in this release. My picks are that UTF-8 is now specified as the default charset (JEP 400), and the code snippets in JavaDoc (JEP 413). And why not try out the simple web server (JEP 408) while you’re at it?

After a week at home, I will be going on a Jakarta EE mini-tour with visits to the Java User Groups in Belfast and Dublin. If you’re in the area, make sure to join me there!

March 30, 2022: Belfast JUG
March 31, 2022: Dublin JUG

Oracle announced this week that JavaOne is back! Note that it will be in Las Vegas this year, and not in San Francisco. I guess Duke must find a new street to close off for Duke’s Café (for those not familiar with Duke’s Café, a block of Taylor Street in San Francisco used to be turned into a hang-out space with a bar and stage during previous JavaOne’s).

The Jakarta EE Developer Survey 2022 is still open, and waiting for YOUR input! Check out my previous post about the survey for more motivation for why you should participate.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #116

Welcome to issue number one hundred and sixteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week was dedicated to JavaLand 2022. It was awesome to be back at Phantasialand after two years! Read my short recap of JavaLand 2022 for more about this year’s conference.

Talking about conferences, EclipseCon will be back in Ludwigsburg this year, so mark October 24 – 27, 2022 in your calendar! Information regarding call-for-paper and more will be announced shortly.

Release reviews of Jakarta Batch 2.1 and Jakarta JSON Binding 3.0 concluded successfully this week. Jakarta JSON Processing 2.1 and Jakarta Interceptors 2.1 are ongoing. Specifications that have completed release reviews earlier this year are Jakarta Activation 2.1Jakarta Annotations 2.1,  Jakarta Mail 2.1, and Jakarta SOAP with Attachments 3.0.

The project teams for Jakarta Context and Dependency Injection 4.0 and Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 decided to withdraw from their ongoing ballot to fix a couple of challenges to their TCKs. This is according to the specification process (JESP) and the ballots will be restarted again as soon as they are ready.

The Jakarta EE Developer Survey 2022 is open, and waiting for YOUR input! Check out my previous post about the survey for more motivation for why you should participate.

JavaLand 2022

JavaLand 2022 is a wrap! This is one of my absolute favorites when it comes to conferences, and this year finally back to in-person after being online the last two years. A bit smaller than usual, but with 100% community spirit!

This year, I had two Jakarta EE talks included in the agenda.

Both the talks were located in the Arena de Fiesta, where the stage is made up of ice(!). There was a thin carpet laid out on the ice under the speaker stand, but I can assure you that it was pretty cold at the end of the talk. Didn’t actually help that the M1 processor doesn’t provide any excess heat during the demo either. Almost made me miss my old Mac…

In addition to these two talks, we also set up a Jakarta EE Panel Discussion to fill an empty slot. The panel was made up of Emily Jiang, Christian Kaltepoth, Rudy De Busscher, Werner Keil, and Jan Westerkamp in addition to yours truly.

The JavaLand organizers were kind enough to give Eclipse Foundation a free booth in the Exhibition Hall where we featured Adoptium and Jakarta EE.

The Jakarta EE Developer Survey 2022 is open, and waiting for YOUR input!

Jakarta EE Developer Survey 2022

The fifth annual Jakarta EE Developer Survey 2022 is open! Please take a couple of minutes to provide valuable thoughts and experiences from the Java ecosystem in order to help shape the future of Jakarta EE.

The previous surveys have provided valuable input around the state of cloud-native enterprise Java, global development, expected growth rates for Java applications in the cloud as well as identifying relevant Jakarta EE technologies.

This year’s survey asks for your input to give Jakarta EE platform vendors, enterprises, and individual developers updated information about the enterprise Java ecosystem, and what it means for their strategies and businesses.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #115

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Discussion around how Jakarta EE should handle the deprecation for removal of the Security Manager in Java SE (JEP 411) took up almost the entire Jakarta EE Platform call this week. Just to be clear, the Security Manager is NOT removed in Java SE 17, which is the Java version most implementations are likely to target for their Jakarta EE 10 implementations. The discussion topic was about how to handle future certification requests with Java versions where the Security Manager has been removed. The security section of the Jakarta EE 10 Platform Specification will include a detailed statement with recommendations and possible recommendations regarding the usage of the Security Manager in Jakarta EE.

The release review ballots for Jakarta EE 10 specifications continue to pop up on the mailing list. Ongoing ballots right now are Jakarta JSON Processing 2.1, Jakarta Context and Dependency Injection 4.0 started this week. Jakarta Batch 2.1 and Jakarta JSON Binding 3.0 will close next week. Specifications that have completed release reviews are Jakarta Activation 2.1Jakarta Annotations 2.1,  Jakarta Mail 2.1, and Jakarta SOAP with Attachments 3.0.

JavaLand is happening next week! I will be there with two Jakarta EE talks:

  • Jakarta EE 10 is Coming Your Way
  • Jakarta EE Security – Sailing Safe in Troubled Waters (co-speaker with Werner Keil)

Check out the JavaLand 2022 Agenda for all details. I will also be present with Jakarta EE stickers in the JUG Café. Just look for the Jakarta EE logo…

As I mentioned in my JavaLand 2022 Top Speaker Interview, one of the things I am looking forward to is participating in the JavaLand Jogging on Wednesday morning. Last week, I did a 10K-a-day run streak to make sure I am in shape for this event.

The Jakarta EE Developer Survey 2022 is open, and waiting for YOUR input!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #114

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fourteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

All specifications that planned to target Jakarta EE 10 made the February 28 deadline! Congratulations!

That means that Jakarta EE 10 is on track. The Jakarta EE Specification Committee has started the release reviews for Jakarta Batch 2.1 and Jakarta JSON Binding 3.0. Specifications that have completed release reviews are Jakarta Activation 2.1Jakarta Annotations 2.1, and Jakarta Mail 2.1

The next date to mark your calendars with is May 15. This is the absolute last date for the individual component specifications to go ballot for their release review in order to be able to release Jakarta EE 10 by the end of May. But, as always, sooner is better than later. There is no need to wait until the last deadline if your specification project can finish earlier!

Everybody that is, or has been involved in an open-source project has most likely written or maintained resources or legal documents that are either recommended or even required. Examples are README, CONTRIBUTING, NOTICE, and LICENCE files as well as Copyright Headers. For Eclipse Foundation projects, these are described in the Legal Documentation Requirements section of the Eclipse Foundation Project Handbook.

The usual process of creating these resources is to copy them from an existing project and edit them to fit the new project. This process is error-prone and the result is that these documents often contain errors, or are out-of-date.

Legal Documentation Generator

Luckily, there is an experimental Legal Documentation Generator that you can use to generate this documentation for any Eclipse Foundation Project

Hashtag Jakarta EE #113

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Tomorrow is February 28! This means that all specifications targeting Jakarta EE 10

The release review for Jakarta SOAP with Attachments 3.0 started last week. A bunch of specifications are waiting for that last little brush-up in order to be ready, usually the final touches on the compatible implementation and publishing the TCK results. Specifications that have completed release reviews are Jakarta Activation 2.1Jakarta Annotations 2.1, and Jakarta Mail 2.1

Check out the Jakarta EE 10 Release Plan for an overview of what to expect from the release.

If you are using earlier versions of Jakarta EE, or even Java EE, take a look at this short video from Dalia for how to migrate from the javax.* to jakarta.* namespace.

You can also check out my migration guide for a step-by-step tutorial for the namespace change.

It is that time of the year when we ask for feedback from the developer community! The yearly Jakarta EE Developer Survey is just around the corner. Stay tuned for announcements!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #112

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twelve of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The work with Jakarta EE 10 is chugging along as February 28, the target date for release reviews is approaching. No new specifications started their release review this week, so the status is the same as it were in Hashtag Jakarta EE #111. More release reviews are expected to start in the upcoming week.

I was supposed to travel to Novosibirsk for my SnowOne on February 25-26. But due to the circumstances around the pandemic, the conference will be online-only in February. My talk will be on Saturday, February 26. Check the SnowOne website for details. There will be an in-person event in April, but unfortunately, I am not able to go there due to a conflict with another travel.

There are quite a few conferences coming up this spring and early summer. Check out the I’m Speaking sidebar of https://www.agilejava.eu/ for a quick overview. I also try to keep the list on my Speaker Bio page up-to-date as well.

The Jakarta MVC project plans to release an update to the specification around the time of Jakarta EE 10. As you are aware, Jakarta MVC is not yet a part of the Jakarta EE Platform or Jakarta EE Web Profile. With the ongoing revival of server-side rendering, we hope that some time in the future to be included in the Web Profile.

Check out Tanja’s latest blog post for a Jakarta EE 2021 Review and Community Update January 2020.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #111

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eleven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

A couple of release reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 10 were completed this week. Jakarta Activation 2.1, Jakarta Annotations 2.1, and Jakarta Mail 2.1 are done. A couple of the pull requests for other specifications are almost done, so we can expect more reviews to start the upcoming week.

In preparation for JavaLand 2022, speakers are sharing their thoughts for the conference in Top Speaker Interviews. Check out the interviews of Heather VanCura, Ed Burns, Josh Long, and yours truly.

Remember to subscribe to the Jakarta EE Platform project’s mailing list to stay up-to-date on everything that is going on!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #110

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ten of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The next important date to mark your calendar within the context of Jakarta EE 10 is February 28, 2022.

This is the deadline for all Jakarta specification projects to initiate their release review in order to be a part of Jakarta EE 10. The release reviews are initiated and tracked by pull requests to https://github.com/jakartaee/specifications.  The release review of Jakarta Activation 2.1 is done. Reviews of Jakarta Annotations 2.1 and Jakarta Mail 2.1 will complete this week.

The release reviews are required by the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP). Take a look at the simplified JESP Guide for a quick overview.

While waiting for Jakarta EE 10, check out the new eBook titled How Jakarta EE Delivers on the Vision for Open Source Cloud Native Java. This free eBook gives you everything you need to know about Jakarta EE.