Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
The Jakarta EE 10 release is on track! All specifications targeting this release have started their release reviews. The focus of the Jakarta EE Platform project in the coming weeks will be to wrap up the changes for the Platform-, Web-, and Core Profile specifications as well as to ensure that a compatible implementation (or implementations) passes the Platform CTS.
The month of May is busy with conferences. This week, I was in Stockholm for Jfokus, and next week I am going to Kraków for GeeCON 2022. It is my first time speaking at GeeCON, so I am really looking forward to it.
On the topic of conferences, the CFP for EclipseCon 2022 is open until June 15. Here’s a carrot for you if you’re planning to submit your talk. If you submit it before June 1, you have a chance to be picked as an early bird submission.
I also did the Jakarta EE 8 to Jakarta EE 9.1 migration demo and decided on stage to take it all the way to Jakarta EE 10 instead. Some unexpected hiccups and surprises with the milestone build of GlassFish I was using, but that is sort of expected of a live demo…
Thanks, Mohammed for the picture and tweet of me on stage during the demo!
On Wednesday morning, we had the first annual Jfokus morning run. I brought Jakarta EE shirts to all attendees as you can see from the picture below. Next Jfokus will probably be at the usual time in February, so I guess I will have to bring something a little warmer than t-shirts then…
Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
Today is the day we have been counting down to over the last couple of months. It is May 1st, 2022. The deadline for specifications aiming for inclusion in Jakarta EE 10.
Ballot Ongoing
These specifications had their release review ballot started the last couple of weeks, so they are all good with regards to the deadline.
Jakarta Server Pages 3.1 is ready for its ballot and will be started on Monday morning. Given May 1st is a Sunday, I assume this will be regarded as within the deadline. It is ultimately up to the Jakarta EE Platform project.
Living on the Edge
The following specifications are all awfully close to being ready for ballot. They are still wrapping up the last pieces to have everything ready. My gut feeling is that they will go on ballot early next week. Hopefully before the Jakarta EE Platform call on Tuesday. That will be an interesting call! Jakarta Faces 4.0 Jakarta Authentication 3.0 Jakarta Authorization 2.1 Jakarta Security 3.0
Check out Ondro Mihályi‘s article The Top 5 New Features Coming in Jakarta EE 10 in the Eclipse Newsletter to get his pick of the features planned in Jakarta EE 10. Note that two of the top 5 features he mentions in this article are features provided by the specifications I listed as living on the edge above, so let’s cross our fingers that they will make it to the release!
Next week is Jfokus 2022 in Stockholm. I will, of course, be there. My talk Jakarta EE 10 is Coming Your Way! is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4 at 14:00. Join me there for the latest update of Jakarta EE 10. I hope to be able to announce that all the specifications made it to the release.
Conferences can be exhausting, so it is even more important than usual to get a good start to the day. And what’s better than starting the day with a nice run. Stockholm is particularly beautiful in May, so join me for the Jfokus Morning Run.
Everyone joining Jfokus Morning Run will get a nice Jakarta EE branded functional t-shirt. Hope to see as many of you as possible there!
EclipseCon 2022 will be in person in Ludwigsburg, Germany, October 24-27, 2022.
The Call-for-paper for EclipseCon 2022 is still open. Here are the important dates to pay attention to: – June 1: early-bird submission deadline – June 15: final submission deadline – July 1 (approximately): the program is chosen, and submitters notified
The Jakarta EE Developer Survey 2022 closes on May 6, 2022! Please do submit your response if you haven’t done so yet. Check out my previous post about the survey for more motivation for why you should participate.
Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
We are getting closer and closer to May 1! As a reminder, this is the deadline for a component specification to have their release review ballot started in order to be included in Jakarta EE 10.
The Call-for-paper for EclipseCon 2022 is open. Here are the important dates to pay attention to: – June 1: early-bird submission deadline – June 15: final submission deadline – July 1 (approximately): the program is chosen, and submitters notified
EclipseCon 2022 will be in person in Ludwigsburg, Germany, October 24-27, 2022.
I encourage you to submit as many Jakarta EE talks as possible, so we are sure to make an impression at the conference. There will also, as usual, be a community day with an entire track dedicated to Jakarta EE, so submit early and often!
Last week was dominated by Devnexus 2022 in Atlanta. If you haven’t done so already, check out my short summary from the conference. The work with Jakarta EE 10 continues even if many of the active participants were speaking at, or attending Devnexus.
There are currently twelve specifications that haven’t started their release review ballot yet. Most of these are specifications that are part of Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile. The status is listed in the minutes from the April 12 Platform Call. Take a look there, and see if you can help with getting any of these over the finishing line.
On Wednesday, April 20, 2022, Tanja and I will join Steve Millidge in a webinar hosted by Payara to talk about why Jakarta EE 10 is the biggest thing to happen to Java in 20 years. A pretty bold statement, so do register and join us to see if we can pull it off…
The Call-for-paper for EclipseCon 2022 is now open. Here are the important dates to pay attention to: – June 1: early-bird submission deadline – June 15: final submission deadline – July 1 (approximately): the program is chosen, and submitters notified
EclipseCon 2022 will be in person in Ludwigsburg, Germany, October 24-27, 2022.
I encourage YOU to submit as many Jakarta EE talks as possible, so we are sure to make an impression at the conference. There will also, as usual, be a community day with an entire track dedicated to Jakarta EE, so submit early and often!
I think it is safe to say that Devnexus 2022 was a success. The Atlanta JUG really knows how to organize a conference! Special thanks to Vincent and Pratik for their commitment to making every conference the best ever.
For many, especially in the US, this was the first in-person conference since Devnexus 2020. All the happy faces showed that this was something that has been greatly missed over the last two years.
I did a talk titled Jakarta EE 10 and Beyond, where I walked through the changes coming in Jakarta EE 10, demoed migrating from earlier versions, and even gave a preview of what’s in the cooking for future releases.
The Eclipse Foundation had a booth in the sponsor hall where we featured Adoptium and Cloud Dev Tools as well as Jakarta EE. When we announced that we were handing out free T-shirts, the flow of attendees to the booth increased significantly. I guess there is a desperate need for developers to refresh their wardrobe after two years without conferences.
On the opening day, we hosted a Jakarta EE reception together with IBM. About 200 people came to this unofficial opening reception of the conference.
Tanja handing out Jakarta EE T-shirts at the Eclipse Foundation booth
Jakarta EE T-shirts
The delicious cake served at the Jakarta EE reception
This means that about half of the specifications have completed their reviews. The remaining half has three weeks to get their release reviews started in order for the end-of-May release date for Jakarta EE 10 to be possible.
Those of you that follow me on Twitter, may have noticed that I am now on my way to Devnexus. The conference is happening from April 12 to 14 at Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. Devnexus 2022 has an amazing lineup of speakers, promising a couple of days packed with extremely high-quality content. And, a lot of fun as well.
Don’t miss out on the Jakarta EE reception at 5 pm, Tuesday, April 12 (Room 411). All are invited. Join IBM and Eclipse Foundation for this reception at the end of workshop day at 5 pm for snacks and drinks!
I also hope to meet as many as possible there, so make sure you pop by the Eclipse Foundation (Booth 28) in the exhibition hall.
Umedev is one-day a developer conference for and by the local developer community and IT industry in Umeå. It is completely free for attendees This year’s edition featured three parallel tracks, so there were lots of great content to choose from. Most speakers were local with a couple of exceptions, myself included.
I presented Jakarta EE 10 is Coming Your Way after the lunch break. The presentation contained an overview of what’s coming in Jakarta EE 10 as well as a live demo of converting from older versions to Jakarta EE 9 and above.
It is great to be out talking to developers at these regional events. It is a way of expanding the bubble with influence from developer communities I’m not regularly a part of.
May 15, 2022, is the date that we are planning to initiate the release review of the Jakarta EE 10 Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile specifications. That means that this is the deadline for all individual component specifications to have completed their reviews. Since the ballot period for release reviews is 14 days, this effectively means that their release reviews must start at the latest on May 1, 2022.
The conference season continues. Check out the write-up from my Jakarta EE Mini-Tour of Ireland. This week, I will be going up to the north of Sweden to present Jakarta EE at Umedev 2022, a one-day conference organized by the local IT industry.
This week, I had the pleasure of visiting Java User Groups in Belfast and Dublin to present Jakarta EE.
In Belfast, I presented an overview of what’s coming in Jakarta EE 10. I also provided a guide on how to migrate from earlier versions of Jakarta EE. The following day, I traveled to Dublin and did the same presentation there in addition to a live coding session with Jakarta MVC.
As you can see in this picture, the Dublin crowd was a cheerful group. This was the first MeetUp in two years for both groups, and it was apparent that they were really happy to be back again. It was a pleasure visiting, and I hope to be back again!
I really enjoy doing these mini tours, so don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you are looking for speakers for your Java User Group (JUG). If we are able to team up with other groups in the area, it is even better.