Hashtag Jakarta EE #168

Welcome to issue number one hundred and sixty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I’m back in business after a refreshing vacation! First up is JavaLand next week. Not only will I participate in interviews, panels, and a Jakarta EE talk. I will also staff the Jakarta EE booth in the exhibition area. In addition to this, there are heaps of community activities such as the JavaLand Jogging on Wednesday morning.

The 2023 Jakarta EE Developer Survey is now open. The survey will be open until May 25, but there is no need to wait. Take a couple of minutes and provide your valuable insights.

The Jakarta EE Platform project continues to gather input and plan for Jakarta EE 11. Check out the minutes on the Jakarta EE Platform Project pages. Note that the URL has changed as the repositories have been moved to the Jakarta EE organization on GitHub. This is part of an ongoing effort to better organize the repository locations. When the work is done, the intent is to have all Jakarta EE specification sources at https://github.com/jakartaee, whereas the implementations, samples, tutorials, and other sources are located at https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #167

Welcome to issue number one hundred and sixty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This is the second vacation edition of Hashtag Jakarta EE and the last for this time as I will be back in full force at the end of next week. The monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call was held in the past week. The main topic discussed there was how to leverage virtual threads in the Jakarta EE specifications.

First out will be a trip to JavaLand where I will participate in community activities and have a Jakarta EE talk. One of the highlights of JavaLand is the JavaLand Jogging community event that is organized before breakfast on the second day of the conference. If you are attending JavaLand, make sure to bring your running shoes, and join us for a refreshing start to the conference day.

Two weeks later, Devnexus 2023 comes up. This year with a dedicated Jakarta EE track. If you haven’t registered yet, make sure to do so. You don’t want to miss this one. I hear rumors that there will be some extraordinarily cool swag this year…something to do with watermelon-flavored sailing ships…

Hashtag Jakarta EE #166

Welcome to issue number one hundred and sixty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

After a fairly busy start to 2023 with regard to conferences and travel, I am now taking some take off for vacation. And what better thing to do on your vacation than travel some more? Since I have switched bits and bytes with sun and surf, I will keep this Hashtag fairly short.

The Jakarta EE hackathon organized by Payara is going on. While I am on vacation, the participants are coding to win up to £3000. As soon as I am home, I will start the process of judging the work since I am one of the judges. I look very much forward to seeing what the participants are able to come up with.

The Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call is coming up next week. Make sure to join this call to make your voice heard in the planning for Jakarta EE 11.

The call is scheduled for 11:00 AM ET on February 7, 2023. Check the public calendar for details on how to join.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #165

Welcome to issue number one hundred and sixty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am writing this post while traveling home from ConFoo 2023. You can read all about it here.

While I have been traveling, the work with Jakarta EE 11 goes on. The platform calls happen every Tuesday at 11:00 AM ET, and this is the place to be to get first-hand information about what’s going on. If you’re unable to attend, do check out the minutes.

One of the tasks the Jakarta EE Platform project is currently working on is gathering input from the various Jakarta specification projects to get an overview of their plans. The result of this work will feed into the release plan for Jakarta EE 11.

I also want to recap last week with a picture from the DEVIES Award ceremony at DeveloperWeek where I received the award for Jakarta EE 10 on behalf of Jakarta EE.

ConFoo 2023

My third time speaking at ConFoo was as pleasant as the previous two occasions. The three-day conference is packed with great content from a superb speaker lineup. The venue is perfectly scaled for the 720 attendees. And the food…OMG… the three-course lunches remind you that the conference is in Montreal!

Talking about Montreal. It can be cold in February. But even so, the hotel has an outdoor heated pool, hot tub, and sauna. So even if it is below -20 degrees celsius, you can still enjoy an outdoor swim when the sessions are over.

I had two talks at ConFoo 2023. The first one was Jakarta EE 10 – Simplicity for Modern and Lightweight Cloud. The room was full, and I got great feedback from the attendees.

My second talk was a non-technical one titled How to Be a Responsible Open Source Citizen. This is an inspirational talk aimed at getting more people to invest in and contribute to open source projects. This one also received great feedback, and I had some really good conversations afterward.

I would also like to thank SpeakerDeck for extending my upload quota so I am able to publish my slide decks there again. Since I reached the limit a couple of months ago, I have been forced to use another service for a while. But now I am back at SpeakerDeck. By the way, they didn’t ask me to write this or anything else in return for extending the quota…

Hashtag Jakarta EE #164

Welcome to issue number one hundred and sixty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am right now on my way home after DeveloperWeek 2023. You can read about it in my blog post about the event. But there is no rest for the brave. Next week, I will be at ConFoo 2023 in Montreal where I have two talks scheduled.

Planning for Jakarta EE 11 continues in the Jakarta EE Platform Project. Currently, feedback is being requested from the various individual component specifications. Join the weekly Jakarta EE Platform project call if you want to be a part of the planning for Jakarta EE 11.

At the beginning of March, there will be a Jakarta EE hackathon organized by Payara where you can win up to £3000. I am going to be one of the judges, and I look very much forward to seeing what the participants are able to come up with.

Also, remember to sign up for Devnexus 2023, where there will be a dedicated track with Jakarta EE content.

DeveloperWeek 2023

I have visited San Francisco multiple times before, but this is the first time I have been to Oakland which is just across San Francisco Bay. The city, a short ferry ride from its more famous neighbor, has its charm and is definitely worth a visit if you’re in the area. It is also my first time speaking at DeveloperWeek at the Oakland Convention Center.

My talk titled Jakarta EE for Spring Developers went well. All the demos worked as expected, which is a good thing since the better part of the talk consisted of live demos. The talk was scheduled as the first talk on the first day of the conference, the so-called workshop day, so the attendance was a little lower than expected. But the attendees seemed happy and I got comments that it was very relevant and helpful for them as they were just about to start their migration from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3.

Another highlight of my DeveloperWeek 2023 experience was receiving the 2023 DEVIES Award for Jakarta EE 10 in the Programming Languages & Frameworks category. The award trophy was handed out during the DEVIES Award ceremony on the first day of the conference.

Jakarta EE Compatible Explained

You have probably heard the term Compatible being used in the context of Jakarta EE What does it actually mean? And what is the difference between a Jakarta EE Compatible Product and a Jakarta EE Compatible Implementation? Before we dive into explaining those terms, let’s first look at the parts a specification is made up of.

The Specification Document describes the specification in textual form. Some specifications may not have a physical document but have everything described in the JavaDoc of the API component.

The API, or Application Programming Interface, is not considered a normative artifact. That means that an implementation can reproduce the API as long as the signature of the API is identical

The Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) defines how to test that an implementation fulfills all the requirements in order to implement the specification.

At least one Open Source(*) implementation that passes the TCK is required in order for a specification to be made final.

(*) The approved Open Source licenses for ratifying compatible implementations are EPL-2.0, BSD-3-Clause, and Apache-2.0

Compatible Implementation

An implementation of a Jakarta specification is considered to be a Compatible Implementation when it can demonstrate that it fulfills all the requirements of the Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) for that particular specification. For example, Hibernate Validator 7.0 and Hibernate Validator 8.0 are both compatible implementations of Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0. Hibernate Validator 7.0 were used as ratifying compatible implementation when Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 was released and is therefore listed on the Jakarta Bean Validation 3.0 specification page.

Compatible Product

A Compatible Product is a Compatible Implementation of the Jakarta EE Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile, or Jakarta EE Core Profile. In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the Jakarta EE Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile, or Jakarta EE Core Profile TCKs, the implementor must participate in the Jakarta EE Compatibility Program to be listed on the Jakarta EE Compatible Products page.

The Jakarta EE compatible logo can only be used by those that have implemented a Jakarta EE Compatible Product as well as fulfill the requirements of the Jakarta EE Compatibility Program.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #163

Welcome to issue number one hundred and sixty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Tuesday this week, we had the first Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call of 2023. Don’t worry if you missed it. You can check out the minutes or watch the recording on YouTube. The minutes from all Jakarta EE Platform calls are always captured on the Jakarta EE Platform Project’s website.

The conference season goes on. Last week, I was in Stockholm for Jfokus. You can read about my trip in my blog post from the trip. Next week, I will be in Oakland, California for DeveloperWeek where I will present a brand new talk about how to handle the javax.* to jakarta.* namespace switch in Spring applications.

Totally unrelated, but sort of ties into the Community Morning Runs I like to do at conferences… This weekend I ran Tjörnarparen Trail Ultra 50K and survived. Didn’t see any wild boars even if they’re known for roaming the woods in the area.

Back on topic…Remember to sign up for Devnexus. The conference will go on at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta from April 4 to April 6. This year’s conference will have a dedicated Jakarta EE track. Use the code SEEMESPEAK to get a nice discount. And of course, I will arrange a morning run there as well, so make sure you bring your running shoes.

Jfokus 2023

Jfokus is one of my absolute favorite conferences. This year’s edition was no exception. The organization is excellent, you can tell that they’ve done this before. This was the 17th edition of Jfokus since it started back in 2007.

On Wednesday morning, we continued the tradition that started last year with a Jfokus Morning Run. Which made this year the second annual morning run at Jfokus.

We were 17 runners that met at 07:15 on Wednesday morning for a 5K run, and as far as I know all 17 returned and were able to attend the conference. It is truly an excellent way to start a conference day.

I had a Quickie-talk about responsible Open Source at Jfokus this year. A Quickie talk at Jfokus is a 15-minute talk, so it is pretty fast-paced. A fun experience. And I hope the participants found it interesting as well. The room was almost full, so the topic seems interesting at least.