Kin of out of the blue, I was invited to speak at JCON WORLD ONLINE 2023. And not only a regular talk but the keynote of the EclipseStore Summit on the last day of the conference.

It was kind of a last-minute thing and I didn’t have time to create a brand new talk, so I revamped my Responsible Open Source talk to fit with the keynote format. You can check out the slides of Open Source – A Journey of Contribution and Collaboration here.

At the end of the keynote, I invited Markus Kett, the CEO of MictroStream on the stage (or in this case the screen) to talk about EclipseStore.

EclipseStore is a persistence layer for databaseless persistence, built for cloud-native microservices and serverless systems. It is a new project under the Eclipse Foundation. It has just released its first version, so go ahead and try it out. And, even better, take a look at the code in GitHub and start contributing.

Javaforum Malmø

It’s been a while since the last event with Javaforum Malmö. In fact, our last meetup was a little more than two years ago. I don’t have a good explanation for this other than that it has been two busy years with a lot of travel around the World. The goal going forward is to have some more regularity around the events. Join Javaforum Malmö on Meetup, follow Javaforum Malmö on X, and join us on Slack to stay up-to-date. And, of course, if you are interested in hosting an event, speaking at an event, or just helping out in general, do not hesitate to contact me!

We started with a talk by Gerrit Grunwald titled Wargames – Java Vulnerabilities and Why You Should Care. As the title implies, Gerrit takes you through all you need to know about Java vulnerabilities, and how to mitigate them.

After the pizza break, we continued with my talk From Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 21 and Jakarta EE. The takes you through how to handle the namespace change from javax.* to jakarta.* when bumping the version of Spring Boot from 2 to 3.

It was a very successful event for Javaforum Malmö with almost every seat taken as you can see in the photo below. I guess I was more focused on catching my cool personal banner in the frame than capturing Gerrit on stage. You can see him hiding behind the camera in the background.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #203

Welcome to issue number two hundred and three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

While I am in Canada In December I will visit the Java User Groups in Ottawa and Toronto. Check out the events here:
– December 6 – Ottawa JUG
– December 7 – Toronto JUG

Before that, I will be speaking at the Java User Group in Malmö on November 22. Check out the information about the event, and while you’re at it register. I hope to see as many as possible of you there. Make sure to support your local Java User Group!

I mentioned last week (Hasthag Jakarta EE #202) that there is a restructuring of Jakarta CDI going on. It looks like the ballot in the Jakarta EE Specification Committee for approving this restructuring will not pass. The reason for this is the discussion going on in the Jakarta EE Platform project about how to handle these integrations between specifications.

Information about the processes and the schedule for Jakarta EE 11 can be found on the Jakarta EE 11 page on the Jakarta EE Platform project website.

JakartaOne Livestream 2023 is coming up in a couple of weeks. Check out the amazing speaker lineup, and register today! The schedule with times will be published on Monday, so you can plan your day.

Those of you who have attended the previous editions of JakartaOne Livestream know that we always have a theme of something edible, and a contest to create your version of it. Check out this video to see what the theme of JakartaOne Livestream 2023 will be.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #202

Welcome to issue number two hundred and two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The discussions around a CDI-centric approach for Jakarta EE 11 continue in the Jakarta EE Platform project. One of the outcomes of this is a restructuring of the Jakarta CDI Project where a CDI EE integration specification will be split out. The vote for formal approval of this will happen in the Jakarta EE Specification Committee shortly.

It was a busy week for me with three talks at two conferences in two days. Or three days, if you count the first day of Øredev which I was just attending with no talks scheduled for me. Check out my write-ups from these conferences here:

The next big show coming up is JakartaOne Livestream 2023. The program has been selected, and the speakers announced. We are currently working out the last details of the schedule. Since we have speakers from all around the world, we want to make sure that this speaking slot fits with their time zone.

Mark the event in your calendar by registering now!

Øredev 2023

Øredev is my local conference, and I can go by bike if the weather permits. But as everyone visiting Sweden in November knows, the weather is pretty volatile at this time of the year. This year, I did go by bike on Wednesday but had to resort to the bus on Friday morning.

Øredev has a mix of local and international speakers and is an extremely diverse conference when it comes to topics covered with Java as a prominent one.

I had two talks accepted to Øredev 2023, both scheduled on Friday. This made it possible for me to attend the conference on Wednesday, speak at J-Fall on Thursday, and be back for my talks on Friday.

The first talk was the migrating from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 talk which has turned out to be my most accepted talk this year. It is a fun talk to do with live coding along with the slides.

Ten minutes later, I was on stage again for my second talk of the day. This talk titled How to Be a Responsible Open Source Citizen is a non-technical talk meant to inspire developers to engage themselves in Open Source. It also has some pointers on how to get started, and what to think of when starting an open source journey.

J-Fall 2023

J-FALL is the biggest Java conference in the Netherlands. The 2023 edition was the 20th edition and had 1800 attendees registered. It is impressive for a one-day conference! The conference is organized by NLJUG (Nederlandse Java User Group) and is free for members of the JUG.

The venue for the conference is Pathé Ede, which is a cinema complex situated in Ede, about an hour’s train ride from Amsterdam. The speaker lineup was impressive, as always, covering a wide range of topics.

My talk was titled Prepare for Jakarta EE 11. As the title indicates, it is an overview of what’s coming in Jakarta EE 11. I also gave a demo of Jakarta Data, the newest addition to Jakarta EE.

In addition to my talk, the hallway track, and participation in the Foojay Podcast, I also met David and Ron who have written a book on how to migrate from an earlier version of Java EE/Jakarta EE to Jakarta EE 10. The book is called Cloud-Native Development and Migration to Jakarta EE and is available from a bookstore near you.

J-FALL is one of my favorite conferences, and this was my fourth consecutive time speaking there. It is such a great community around it. Hopefully, I will be back next year and many more years to come…

Hashtag Jakarta EE #201

Welcome to issue number two hundred and one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The upcoming week will be busy with three talks at two conferences. I will attend Øredev 2023 here in Malmö on Wednesday before heading to Ede to speak at J-Fall on Thursday. The talk is titled Prepare for Jakarta EE 11 and will provide an update on what to expect from that release.

On Friday, I will be back at Øredev where I have two talks. The first one is the talk where I show how to handle the javax.* to jakarta.* namespace change when migrating from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3. The second talk is titled How to Be a Responsible Open Source Citizen which will give some pointers to how to navigate the different open source projects and communities, and hopefully inspire new open source contributors.

The JakartaOne Livestream speaker lineup has been published on the JakartaOne 2023 website. The schedule is being prepared and will be available shortly. We are also working on preparing the content for the 15-minute Studio Jakarta EE breaks between the sessions.

Those of you who have followed us throughout the years know that we always have a theme contest of some edible sort. Previous editions have featured cupcakes, cakes, pizzas, and cheese. I am not going to reveal this year’s theme, other than hint about it being sweet and delicious…stay tuned for updates!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #200

Welcome to issue number two hundred of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Wow! 200 posts!

The Milestone 1 release of Jakarta EE 11 is approaching. Some of the component specifications have started to produce their M1 releases. Two of them are Jakarta Annotations 3.0 and Jakarta Data 1.0. Check them out in the Jakarta Staging Repository and/or on Maven Central.

We have added the CycloneDX Maven Plugin to the parent POM for all Jakarta EE and EE4J projects. This will ensure that, from now on, all projects generate an SBOM (Software Bill of Material) as a part of their build.


JakartaOne Livestream 2023 will happen on December 5 this year. The talks have been selected and will be published on the website shortly. Register NOW to make sure you have it in your calendar!

The North America JUG Tour in September was a great success! I am happy to announce that I will be doing a Canada Mini JUG Tour in December where I will visit Ottawa JUG and Toronto JUG. Check out the schedule here:
– December 6, 2024 – Ottawa JUG
– December 7, 2024 – Toronto JUG (event soon to be announced)

Hashtag Jakarta EE #199

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I’ve always been a big fan of Donald Duck, and I still have a subscription so each week a new issue of Kalle Anka (that’s what Donald is called in Sweden) is delivered to my mailbox.

Since I have been on the road for the better part of October, I have a lot of unread magazines to enjoy until the next travel.

It was quite a puzzle to fit in four conferences in four countries on three different continents within three weeks. But luckily, all flights were on schedule and the entire journey went without any mishap at all. Even short connections at Charles de Gaulle and Casablanca Mohammed V airports worked as clockwork.

CPH ✈️ CDG ✈️ YUL ✈️ YHZ
YHZ ✈️ YUL ✈️ CDG ✈️ CMN ✈️ AGA

I have written a blog post for each of the conferences. For EclipseCon, I wrote a short recap each of the days. You can check them out here:

Devoxx Belgium 2023
Community Over Code 2023
Devoxx Morocco 2023
EclipseCon 2023

All these links and more are also available on my Jakarta EE Developer Advocate page.

The work with Jakarta EE 11 continues. Check out the minutes from the weekly Jakarta EE Platform calls to stay up-to-date. Or, if you can fit it into your calendar, consider joining the calls to get the information first-hand. The call is happening on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. Information on how to join can be found in the Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar.

One of the outcomes of EclipseCon is to start the work of producing SBOMs for the projects involved in Jakarta EE 11. Take a look at the pull request for a proposed way of doing it in parent pom.xml for all EE4J projects. More about this later.

At Devoxx Belgium, Oracle announced the Oracle Java Platform Extension for VS Code. There are multiple extensions for Java available for VS Code, so what’s the deal with this one? In my opinion, the cool thing about Oracle’s extension is that it is based on the language server in Apache NetBeans. Check out the announcement from Georges Saab on Inside Java.

EclipseCon 2023

I have written a daily recap from each day of EclipseCon 2023, and here’s the summary of it all. Don’t worry, I will not repeat myself.

It all started with Community Day on Monday, followed by three intense days of the regular EclipseCon from Tuesday through Thursday. Read all about each day in my daily posts during the conference:

Community Day
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

One of the aspects that make EclipseCon special to me is that it is an opportunity to meet and socialize with my Eclipse Foundation colleagues. Since we are a distributed organization, EclipseCon is one of the few opportunities during a year that we can meet face-to-face. While it is not the primary objective of the conference, it is a very good add-on.