Hashtag Jakarta EE #191

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week, I wrote that Jakarta Data will be included in Jakarta EE 11. The vote passed with flying colors. Currently, there is a vote going on in the Jakarta EE Platform Project to decide whether it should be included in Jakarta EE Web Profile as well. This vote seems to be a little tighter, so my guess is that it will not be included in the Web Profile. It will then be up to the implementors to decide whether they want to include it or not in their Jakarta EE Web Profile compatible products, and up to the developers which implementation to choose for their applications. Jakarta Data can always be included in Jakarta EE Web Profile in a later release if that’s what the community decides.

While I’m enjoying my last week of vacation before the fall conference season hits us with its broadside, here’s a task for you: Check out your local JUG or community to see if there are any events coming up in your neighborhood. For those of you in the Amsterdam area, check out Picnic Java Meetup on September 6 where I will be one of the speakers.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #190

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I’m currently on vacation, so this will be a rather short one. As you recall from last week (i.e. if you read my post then…), there was a vote going on whether to include new specifications in Jakarta EE 11. The specifications on the ballot were Jakarta Data, Jakarta MVC, and Jakarta NoSQL.

After the votes were counted, Jakarta Data made it! I am extremely happy that this specification will be a part of the Jakarta EE Platform. I think it will be a valuable addition that the developer community will embrace. There is a follow-up vote going on to decide if it should be a part of the Jakarta EE Web Profile. For this decision, I am kind of indifferent. It could always be added to Jakarta EE Web Profile later.

North America JUG Tour 🇺🇸 🇨🇦

In about a month, I am going on a five-day JUG tour of North America together with Gerrit Grunwald from Azul. In a rather packed schedule, we are going to visit the following JUGs:

If you are in the neighborhood of any of these JUGs, make sure to mark your calendar and sign up for the events! It’s going to be an absolute blast!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #189

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

For the first time in a while, I won’t list specifications with plans approved, or under review. They are all done! Well, almost…the Jakarta EE Platform (PR), Jakarta EE Web Profile (PR), and Jakarta EE Core Profile (PR) specifications still have to pass their respective plan reviews. The release plan for Jakarta EE 11 is almost done. Ed Burns, the release coordinator for Jakarta EE 11 will present the plan to the Jakarta EE Steering Committee in their meeting in the upcoming week.

Among the topics for Jakarta EE 11 is whether to include new specifications. The specifications in discussion are Jakarta Data 1.0, Jakarta MVC 3.0, and JakartaNoSQL 1.0. Cast your vote today on the respective voting thread (Data, MVC, NoSQL)on the Jakarta EE Platform Project Mailing List.

The fall conference season is shaping up. It looks like September and October will be pretty busy for me with trips currently planned to eight countries (Belgium, Canada, Germany, Israel, Morocco, Netherlands, United States, and Sweden) on four continents (Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America). It is a nice mix of Java User Groups and developer conferences. There are still some conferences that haven’t finalized their schedule yet, so the list may be longer.

I have freshened up the list of conferences on my Developer Advocate page by using flags rather than spelling out the countries. Adds a little color to the page. This list is always kept up-to-date with future, current, and past conferences, so you will know where to find me.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #188

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

We are finally there! All plan reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 11 are done (Snapshot from Sunday, August 6, 2023):

Plan Approved
Jakarta Annotations 3.0
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Bean Validation 3.1
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Data 1.0 *
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
Jakarta Faces 5.0
Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
Jakarta MVC 3.0 *
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0
Jakarta Pages 4.0
Jakarta Persistence 3.2
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
Jakarta Security 4.0
Jakarta Servlet 6.1
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

Under Review

Getting Ready for Review
Jakarta EE Platform 11 (PR)
Jakarta EE Web Profile 11 (PR)
Jakarta EE Core Profile 11 (PR)

As you can see, there are eighteen approved plans for Jakarta EE 11. Three of these (marked with *) are candidates for inclusion and are currently being discussed and voted on on the Jakarta EE Platform mailing list. Please chime in and cast your vote, even non-binding votes are valuable!

As I wrote in Hashtag Jakarta EE #186, I am very much in favor of including Jakarta Data 1.0. It will move the platform forward by providing a proven technology that the developer community is in favor of. Please make your voice heard on the mailing list by casting your vote today!

The three plan reviews for Jakarta EE Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile, and Jakarta EE Core Profile are being worked on and will be submitted for plan review shortly.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #187

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The weekly update on the current status of plan reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 11. (Snapshot from Sunday, July 30, 2023):

Plan Approved
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Data 1.0 *
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
Jakarta Faces 5.0
Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
Jakarta MVC 3.0 *
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0
Jakarta Pages 4.0
Jakarta Persistence 3.2
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
Jakarta Security 4.0 (to be announced)
Jakarta Servlet 6.1 (to be announced)
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

Under Review
Jakarta Annotations 3.0 (ballot)
Jakarta Bean Validation 3.1 (ballot)
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1 (ballot)

(Soon) Ready for Review
Jakarta EE Platform 11 (PR)
Jakarta EE Web Profile 11 (PR)
Jakarta EE Core Profile 11 (PR)

There are fifteen approved plans and three under review. The three plan reviews for Jakarta EE Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile, and Jakarta EE Core Profile are soon ready for review.

As you can see from the status above, all plan reviews are more or less done for all specifications. At the platform call last week, the next steps were discussed. After looking at the various plans, the Jakarta EE Platform Project set a date when the specifications are expected to engage in their release reviews. This date is January 30, 2024. There may be some specifications (e.g. Jakarta Concurrency 3.1) that may need additional time due to the dependency on new features introduced in Java SE 21, such as Virtual Threads.

Acceptances (and some rejections) for the fall conference season are coming in. Make sure to check my list of conferences. It is updated regularly. One that I am especially happy to be speaking at is Community Over Code (formerly ApacheCon) in October.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #186

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The weekly update on the current status of plan reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 11. (Snapshot from Sunday, July 23, 2023):

Plan Approved
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Data 1.0 *
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
Jakarta Faces 5.0
Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
Jakarta MVC 3.0 *
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0
Jakarta Pages 4.0
Jakarta Persistence 3.2
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

Under Review
Jakarta Security 4.0 (ballot)
Jakarta Servlet 6.1 (ballot)

Ready for Review
Jakarta Bean Validation 3.1 (PR)
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1 (PR)

Jakarta Annotations 3.0
Jakarta EE Platform 11 (PR)
Jakarta EE Web Profile 11 (PR)
Jakarta EE Core Profile 11 (PR)

There are thirteen approved plans just as last week, so there is nothing new there this week. But we have two on ballot, and an additional two just waiting to be started. The only one missing so far is Jakarta Annotations in addition to the three plan reviews for Jakarta EE Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile, and Jakarta EE Core Profile.

* The three specifications that are candidates for inclusion in Jakarta EE 11 are Jakarta Data (discussion), Jakarta MVC (discussion), and Jakarta NoSQL (discussion). The one that has sparked the most discussion on its thread is Jakarta Data.

Jakarta Data

For me, Jakarta Data is an obvious addition to Jakarta EE! Just look at Spring Data, which has been around for more than a decade. By hiding data store specific implementation details and generating boilerplate code, it lets the developer focus on the business logic. It has proved that the model works, and has established itself as more or less an industry standard. A mature programming mode that is ready for inclusion in Jakarta EE.

As you can see from this informal Twitter poll, more than 85% of the respondents would like to see Jakarta Data 1.0 included in Jakarta EE 11.

The Java Community Process (JCP) celebrates its 25-year anniversary this year! To commemorate the anniversary, there are two special categories for the annual JCP Awards:

  • JCP 25-year Achievement Award
  • Java in Education Community Award

These are in addition to the annual awards:

  • JCP Member/Participant of the Year
  • JCP Spec Lead/JSR of the Year

The winners will be selected by the Executive Committee and announced in September. Nominate your candidate now!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #185

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Here is the weekly update on the current status of plan reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 11. (Snapshot from Sunday, July 16, 2023):

Plan Approved
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
Jakarta Faces 5.0
Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
Jakarta MVC 3.0
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0

Jakarta Pages 4.0
Jakarta Persistence 3.2
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

Under Review

Ready for Review
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1 (PR)
Jakarta Security 4.0 (PR)
Jakarta Servlet 6.1 (PR)

Jakarta Annotations 3.0
Jakarta Bean Validation 3.1 or 4.0
Jakarta EE Platform 11
Jakarta EE Web Profile 11
Jakarta EE Core Profile 11

So far, thirteen plans have been approved, there are no ongoing reviews at the moment, three are ready for plan reviews, and we’re still waiting for Jakarta Annotations and Jakarta Bean Validation to submit their plans. I have also added Jakarta EE Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile, and Jakarta EE Core Profile to the ones that will go through their plan reviews shortly.

Summer is upon us, and many of you may have time to catch up on learning before signing off for vacation. Why not complete the overview course of Jakarta EE on LinkedIn Learning and add the Jakarta EE skill to your LinkedIn profile?

Hashtag Jakarta EE #184

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I have just arrived home from JCrete 2023, so this will be a rather short one. A write-up from JCrete will be published shortly. Here is a teaser in the form of a group picture.

It’s Sunday again, and time for the weekly update on the current status of plan reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 11. Nine plans have been approved, four are on ballot, three are ready for ballot, and we’re still waiting for Jakarta Bean Validation to submit a plan (Snapshot from Sunday, July 9, 2023):

Plan Approved
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Authorization 3.0 (to be announced)
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
Jakarta MVC 3.0 (to be announced)
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0

Jakarta Pages 4.0
Jakarta Persistence 3.2
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0

On Ballot
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1 (ballot)
Jakarta Faces 5.0 (ballot)
Jakarta Interceptors 2.2 (ballot)
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2 (ballot)

Ready for Ballot
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Security 4.0
Jakarta Servlet 6.1

Jakarta Bean Validation 3.1 or 4.0

Hashtag Jakarta EE #183

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The weekly update on the current status of plan reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 11 shows good progress. Seven plans have been approved, two are on ballot, eight are ready for ballot, and one straggler we’re waiting for to submit a plan (Snapshot from Sunday, July 2, 2023):

Plan Approved
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0

Jakarta Pages 4.0
Jakarta Persistence 3.2
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0

On Ballot
Jakarta Authorization 3.0 (ballot)
Jakarta MVC 3.0 (ballot)

Ready for Ballot
Jakarta Bean Validation
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
Jakarta Faces 5.0
Jakarta Security 4.0
Jakarta Servlet 6.1
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

Jakarta Bean Validation 3.1 or 4.0

Last week, I visited Amsterdam for GOTO Amsterdam 2023 and Amsterdam JUG. This week, I will be on the Island of Crete attending JCrete. This will be my last event before summer, and it is a perfect way to round off the conference season. JCrete is an unconference, which means that there are no talks scheduled and the agenda is made up as we go. It is a cool concept, and the topics tend to be of all kinds of categories. Something for everyone! If you want to check out an unconference, check out The JUnconference Alliance.

By the way, I am now also on Bluesky. You can find me there as ivargrimstad.bsky.social. Not sure if it will ever take off, or where it will go, but at least I am there now.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #182

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week’s update on the current status of the plan reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 11 shows that there are now three approved plans, four on ballot, and nine ready for ballot (Snapshot from Sunday, June 25, 2023):

Plan Approved
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0

Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0

On Ballot
Jakarta Authentication 3.1 (ballot)
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0 (ballot)
Jakarta Pages 4.0 (ballot)
Jakarta Persistence 3.2 (ballot)

Ready for Ballot
Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
Jakarta Faces 5.0
Jakarta Security 4.0
Jakarta Servlet 6.1
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2
Jakarta MVC 3.0

If you pay special attention, you will notice that the plan reviews for Jakarta Authentication 3.1, Jakarta Pages 4.0, and Jakarta Persistence 3.2 should have ended by now. Plan reviews have a 7-day voting period. However, a specification committee member can request to extend the period up to 30 days. That is what happened with these. They all have enough votes to be approved, but we are just waiting for the last votes to be able to close the ballot.

This week, the Eclipse Foundation staff met in Ottawa for our annual all-hands. We had a whole week of sessions, training, team building, and a whole lot of fun. In between the scheduled activities, we also had some opportunities to explore Canadian wildlife as seen in these pictures.

And, we are a sporty gang as well. On Thursday morning, a big bunch of us met up in the hotel lobby at 06.29 (that is AM) to go for a morning run.