Hashtag Jakarta EE #201

Welcome to issue number two hundred and one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The upcoming week will be busy with three talks at two conferences. I will attend Øredev 2023 here in Malmö on Wednesday before heading to Ede to speak at J-Fall on Thursday. The talk is titled Prepare for Jakarta EE 11 and will provide an update on what to expect from that release.

On Friday, I will be back at Øredev where I have two talks. The first one is the talk where I show how to handle the javax.* to jakarta.* namespace change when migrating from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3. The second talk is titled How to Be a Responsible Open Source Citizen which will give some pointers to how to navigate the different open source projects and communities, and hopefully inspire new open source contributors.

The JakartaOne Livestream speaker lineup has been published on the JakartaOne 2023 website. The schedule is being prepared and will be available shortly. We are also working on preparing the content for the 15-minute Studio Jakarta EE breaks between the sessions.

Those of you who have followed us throughout the years know that we always have a theme contest of some edible sort. Previous editions have featured cupcakes, cakes, pizzas, and cheese. I am not going to reveal this year’s theme, other than hint about it being sweet and delicious…stay tuned for updates!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #200

Welcome to issue number two hundred of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Wow! 200 posts!

The Milestone 1 release of Jakarta EE 11 is approaching. Some of the component specifications have started to produce their M1 releases. Two of them are Jakarta Annotations 3.0 and Jakarta Data 1.0. Check them out in the Jakarta Staging Repository and/or on Maven Central.

We have added the CycloneDX Maven Plugin to the parent POM for all Jakarta EE and EE4J projects. This will ensure that, from now on, all projects generate an SBOM (Software Bill of Material) as a part of their build.


JakartaOne Livestream 2023 will happen on December 5 this year. The talks have been selected and will be published on the website shortly. Register NOW to make sure you have it in your calendar!

The North America JUG Tour in September was a great success! I am happy to announce that I will be doing a Canada Mini JUG Tour in December where I will visit Ottawa JUG and Toronto JUG. Check out the schedule here:
– December 6, 2024 – Ottawa JUG
– December 7, 2024 – Toronto JUG (event soon to be announced)

Hashtag Jakarta EE #199

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I’ve always been a big fan of Donald Duck, and I still have a subscription so each week a new issue of Kalle Anka (that’s what Donald is called in Sweden) is delivered to my mailbox.

Since I have been on the road for the better part of October, I have a lot of unread magazines to enjoy until the next travel.

It was quite a puzzle to fit in four conferences in four countries on three different continents within three weeks. But luckily, all flights were on schedule and the entire journey went without any mishap at all. Even short connections at Charles de Gaulle and Casablanca Mohammed V airports worked as clockwork.

CPH ✈️ CDG ✈️ YUL ✈️ YHZ
YHZ ✈️ YUL ✈️ CDG ✈️ CMN ✈️ AGA

I have written a blog post for each of the conferences. For EclipseCon, I wrote a short recap each of the days. You can check them out here:

Devoxx Belgium 2023
Community Over Code 2023
Devoxx Morocco 2023
EclipseCon 2023

All these links and more are also available on my Jakarta EE Developer Advocate page.

The work with Jakarta EE 11 continues. Check out the minutes from the weekly Jakarta EE Platform calls to stay up-to-date. Or, if you can fit it into your calendar, consider joining the calls to get the information first-hand. The call is happening on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. Eastern Time. Information on how to join can be found in the Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar.

One of the outcomes of EclipseCon is to start the work of producing SBOMs for the projects involved in Jakarta EE 11. Take a look at the pull request for a proposed way of doing it in parent pom.xml for all EE4J projects. More about this later.

At Devoxx Belgium, Oracle announced the Oracle Java Platform Extension for VS Code. There are multiple extensions for Java available for VS Code, so what’s the deal with this one? In my opinion, the cool thing about Oracle’s extension is that it is based on the language server in Apache NetBeans. Check out the announcement from Georges Saab on Inside Java.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #198

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

A busy week with Community Over Code and Devoxx Morocco. I am currently in Paris on my way to Ludwigsburg for EclipseCon 2023, which will be the final stop on this three-week conference tour in October.

Between the sessions, the hallway track (and the occasional pool track), the receptions, and travels, there is also the ongoing work with Jakarta EE 11. The Platform calls are held as usual on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. ET. Join these calls to join the discussion!

JakartaOne Livestream 2023 is coming up on December 5, 2023. We have a great show planned around the celebration of the 5-year anniversary of Jakarta EE. Register now to block the date in your calendars!

If you are at EclipseCon this week, join us Wednesday morning for a refreshing start to the conference day. Gesine will guide us on a 3K, 5K, or 8K Morning Run around Ludwigsburg.

Join us in the Nestor Hotel Lobby on Wednesday, October 18 at 06:30.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #197

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It can be hard to track which day it is when traveling from conference to conference across time zones, so a fixed point like the weekly Hashtag Jakarta EE comes in handy occasionally. I am currently in Halifax, Nova Scotia where I am speaking at Community Over Code after coming directly from Devoxx Belgium in Antwerp.

While Community Over Code is the name of The Apache Software Foundation‘s flagship event, Eclipse Foundation also has the community in its DNA. Check out the new It’s in Our Code video.

More community. Community Day for Java Developers is coming up. If you haven’t registered yet, do so now. It’s only €40 for a full day of great content from amazing speakers. Not to mention the hallway track!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #196

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The details for a Milestone 1 release (M1) of Jakarta EE 11 were nailed down in this week’s Jakarta EE Platform call. After discussing who the target audience of an M1 is, we concluded that this release is primarily for the Platform Project itself and the vendors implementing Jakarta EE. This doesn’t prevent others from checking it out, but it helps define the scope of the milestone.

Jakarta EE consists of multiple component specifications in addition to the Platform itself. All the specifications that are updated for Jakarta EE 11 are required to participate in M1 by producing the following artifacts:
– Specification Document
– API JAR in Maven Central
– JavaDoc
– XML Schemas (if the specification defines these)

An implementation of the specification and a Test Compatible Kit (TCK) are optional for M1 but will be required for the next milestone release.

The next three weeks will be filled by four conferences back-to-back. First out is Devoxx Belgium in Antwerp. Then I will go across the ocean to Halifax for Community Over Code and back again to Devoxx Morocco in Agadir before ending the trip in Ludwigsburg and EclipseCon. I hope to see as many as possible of you there. Remember that the hallway track is the most important one to attend!

I will be bringing my running gear to each of these conferences, so keep an eye out for messages and posts tagged with #runWithJakartaEE if you would like to join. I’ll bring a limited amount of Jakarta EE running shirts if that is your motivation to join. At EclipseCon, I will let Gesine guide us on a 3K, 5K, or 8K Morning Run around Ludwigsburg. Join us in the Nestor Hotel Lobby on Wednesday, October 18 at 06:30.

Talking about EclipseCon, I hope you are aware of the Community Day for Java Developers on October 16. You can still register for only €40 which includes lunch and refreshments. Not a bad deal if you ask me…

On the topic of registering, I encourage you to register for JakartaOne Livestream 2023 which will happen on December 5, 2023. We have a great show planned around the celebration of the 5-year anniversary of Jakarta EE.

There is a lot going on in the Open Source Community these days. One of the more disrupting things is the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) by the European Union (EU). 12 organizations, including Eclipse Foundation, have written an Open Letter addressed to policymakers proposing a solution for OSS projects developed under the governance of foundations like the Eclipse Foundation.

Feel free to share this Open Letter for example using the hashtag #ModifyTheCRA.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #195

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Home again after a couple of busy weeks on the road. Read all about it in North America JUG Tour 2023. Now, I’ll be home for a week before my next trip which will be Devoxx Belgium. I can’t believe it is almost October already.

I got an article titled Simplifying data access with MySQL and Jakarta Data published in Oracle Java Magazine this week. Check it out, or even better, try it out. It contains a step-by-step guide for how to test out Jakarta Data, which will be included in Jakarta EE 11.

JakartaOne Livestream 2023 is approaching. The event will be on December 5, 2023, and the format will be the same as the previous couple of years. Currently, the program committee is reviewing proposals. I expect the first speakers will be announced shortly. Until then, the registration is open, so I encourage you to get registered and mark your calendar. This year’s edition will be special since we will be celebrating the 5-year anniversary of Jakarta EE. I am pretty sure there will be cake!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #194

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It has been a busy week for me. First, I went to Las Vegas for IBM TechXchange 2023. Less than two hours after my talk ended, my flight took off for New York and the JCP Executive Committee Face-to-Face meeting. Good thing the airport in Las Vegas is very close to the MGM Grand.

And, always time for a morning run, New York no exception. My run this morning went through Battery Park and then the up boardwalk along the Hudson River before heading back to my hotel. Nice views and great to see the city waking up to a new day.

Writing this, I am at Newark International Airport waiting for my flight to Columbus where I will meet up with Gerrit to go on our five JUGs in five days tour of North America.

The work with Jakarta EE 11 moves forward. In the platform call last week, we spent a great deal of time discussing a milestone release of Jakarta EE 11 before the end of the year. We even discussed setting up a release train with milestone releases with a fixed cadence. I really like this approach. The individual component specifications could opt-in to releasing a milestone to any or all of these. Whatever is ready will be released. Of course, the dependencies between some of the specifications would have to be managed somehow, but I think this is achievable.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #193

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week’s trip to Amsterdam and the Picnic Java Meetup was a success. Next up is IBM TechXchange in Las Vegas. While I am on the other side of the Atlantic, I am going to have a pretty busy schedule. Directly after IBM TechXchange, I am headed to New York for the second JCP EC face-to-face meeting of 2023.

After the EC meeting in New York, I will team up with Gerrit Grunwald from Azul and together we will go on a five-day North America JUG Tour.

I hope you will join us if you are anywhere in the area of these JUGs on these dates. It is an excellent opportunity to listen to a couple of great talks, ask questions, discuss, and network with your local community.

Talking about community, don’t forget to register for Community Day for Java Developers at EclipseCon on October 16. Take a look at the program. I am pretty sure you will find some interesting talks. And fall this for only €40. There are still some additional talks that will be added to the program in the following days.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #192

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ninety-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I’m back! From vacation, that is. The upcoming weeks will be pretty busy with travels, starting softly on Wednesday with a short trip to Amsterdam for the Picnic Java Meetup. After that, I will be going overseas for IBM TechXchange, JCP EC f2f, and the North America JUG Tour (with Gerrit). I will get back to all these events in the following Hashtags as well as in separate posts.

The plans for Jakarta EE Platform 11 and Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile are approved. The only plan review left is for Jakarta EE Web Profile 11. That ballot will close later this week. You may have noticed that there has been a little bit of discussion around the decision to include Jakarta Data in Jakarta EE 11. This is normal, and in the old days of Java EE, it would probably been added as an optional specification. That was how it was done in the old days. In Jakarta EE, however, optional specifications are not allowed in the Platform and Profile specifications.

The next date to pay attention to is January 30, 2024. By this date, the individual component specifications are expected to have engaged in their release reviews. I suspect that there may be more dates communicated between now and then related to a potential milestone release.

EclipseCon 2023 is fast approaching. On October 16, the day before the main show starts, we are hosting the Community Day for Java Developers. If you’re not able to join us for the entire week of EclipseCon, please consider this day. It is as little as €40 for the entire day. A full day, two-track conference on its own!