Hashtag Jakarta EE #211

Welcome to issue number two hundred and eleven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

January is usually not a very busy month regarding conferences and events, and 2024 is no exception so far. It is not until the end of the month that I have something planned. But from there, the pace picks up significantly. I am going on a short trip to the US where I will participate in the celebration of 25 years of the Java Community Process (JCP). While there, I will also speak at several Java User Groups. So far, my schedule looks like this:

Jan 25: JCP 25-year Anniversary Celebration
Jan 29: Nashville JUG
Jan 30: Seattle JUG (soon to be published)
Jan 31: Portland JUG (planning in progress)
Feb 1: available

I am trying to get in touch with the San Diego JUG for an event on February 1, but without success so far. Please reach out to me If you are involved in this JUG, or another one within a couple of hours’ flight distance from the West Coast and able to host a meetup.

The major discussion within the Jakarta EE Platform project this week has been around Java SE versions. After the Jakarta EE Working Group Steering Committee passed a resolution stating the goal to target Java 21 with Jakarta EE 11, this has been the expectation set in the plan for the platform project. It now turns out that some of the vendors want to lower this requirement to Java 17. The discussions following this have been around how to handle this while delivering according to the timeline outlined in the release plan.

The important thing to note here is that even if we made it possible to certify an implementation for Jakarta EE 11 on Java 17, it will still be able to certify an implementation on Java 21. So for end users, the application developers, it would mean that you could use Java 21 features if the implementation selected supports it. I am sure there will be more on this topic in the following days. I will make sure to revisit it in the next Hashtag Jakarta EE. Stay tuned!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #210

Welcome to issue number two hundred and ten of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The first Hashtag Jakarta EE in 2024. Now with an updated featured image. I have used the same image for all the previous 209 posts, so I figured it was time for an update. I hope you like it!

Right before the holidays, we released the Milestone 1 versions of the Jakarta EE 11 APIs. While doing this, Ed and I had to debug the CI job and Maven configuration that publishes the API artifacts to Maven Central. Ed published a nice write-up on Maven debugging techniques used in this process. Read his blog post to learn more.

The weekly Jakarta EE Platform calls will resume on Tuesday, January 9. The call is scheduled for every Tuesday at 11:00 am EST. This is where the discussions around Jakarta EE 11 are happening, so make sure you are a part of it to stay informed. If you’re not able to attend the calls, check out the meeting minutes.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #209

Welcome to issue number two hundred and nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

On the last day of the year, it is time to look back and forward. Last week, I looked back on conferences and events I participated in during 2023. The plans for 2024 are forming, so make sure you check out my Developer Advocate page on the Jakarta EE website for an updated list.

One thing I am certain will happen in 2024 is the release of Jakarta EE 11. According to the release plan, it should arrive before summer. Follow the mailing lists and announcements to stay up-to-date on the progress.

The ubiquitous topic of 2023 was AI, and you don’t have to be a wizard to predict that this will continue in 2024. Is it time to start thinking of specifying something around this? I would really like to see some efforts around this in Jakarta EE. Could a Jakarta AI specification be a reality?

Another area I hope to see some activity around in 2024 is how to make technologies such as CRaC and InstantOn first-class citizens of Jakarta EE. Maybe some initiative around turning the org.crac API into a Jakarta EE specification? Did anyone say Jakarta CRaC? Faster startup times will still be important in the years to come, so why not?

Last, but not least, the evolution of the existing specifications will continue in 2024 along with the Jakarta EE Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile, and Jakarta EE Core Profile. Jakarta NoSQL 1.0 is very close to delivering a final release. Jakarta RPC will hopefully start picking up the pace after a rather slow start. Will there be any new profiles, or should we gradually abandon the profiles and move towards another way of grouping specifications?

There are probably lots of other topics that will pop up on the agenda. The only thing certain about these prediction posts is that there will most likely be something coming that nobody could anticipate. And on that note, I wish you all a Happy New Year, and see you in 2024!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #208

Welcome to issue number two hundred and eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I don’t expect many readers on Christmas Eve, so I will keep this one very short. One of the last activities before the Holidays was to release a Milestone 1 release of Jakarta EE 11. You can find the details here:

Jakarta EE Platform 11 M1
Jakarta EE Web Profile 11 M1
Jakarta EE Core Profile 11 M1

The goal of Milestone 1 was to verify that the build chain was up and running and make the API artifacts available to all implementers. The plan from now on is to release milestones each month that will incrementally contain more and more finished specifications and updates.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #207

Welcome to issue number two hundred and seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

A new thing we are doing with Jakarta EE 11 is to release milestones as we develop the specifications. This is to make the APIs available for implementers at an earlier stage than previously. The planned milestones for Jakarta EE 11 are:

  • M1: December 2023
    Milestones of all specifications
  • M2: February 2024
    Final versions of specifications in waves 1, 2, 3, and 4
    Updated milestones for the rest
  • M3: March 2024
    Final versions of specifications in wave 5
    Updated milestones for the rest
  • M4: April 2024
    Final versions of specifications in waves 6 and 7

Check out the Jakarta EE 11 Release Plan for more details and an overview of the waves.

According to the plan, all specification projects have published M1 releases. The M1 of the Jakarta EE 11 Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile will be published this week. We are just tying up the last loose ends, so most likely early in the week just in time for the upcoming holidays.

With just a couple of weeks left in 2023, the work with planning events and conferences in 2024 is in full swing. I had the pleasure of speaking at lots of Java User Groups (JUGs) this year, and this is something I hope to continue next year. If you are involved in a JUG, please get in touch with me if you are looking for speakers.

A trick is to check out my list of upcoming conferences if there is a conference in your vicinity. It does not necessarily need to be in the same city, state, or even country. If it is on the same continent, I can plan my travels to stop by on the way to or from.

Another trick is to cooperate with adjacent JUGs so we can set up a small tour.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #206

Welcome to issue number two hundred and six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

As you may have noticed, I was in Canada this week. On Tuesday, we hosted the Studio Jakarta EE of JakartaOne Livestream at Tanja’s house in Ottawa. Then I spoke at the Ottawa JUG on Wednesday before going to Toronto to speak at the Toronto JUG on Thursday. Check out my writeups of the events here:

The milestones for the proposed specification updates for Jakarta EE 11 are being published as we speak. We will most likely be able to publish a milestone of the Jakarta EE 11 Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile to Maven Central in the upcoming week.

After this, we will slowly wind down for the holidays before picking up the pace again in January 2024.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #205

Welcome to issue number two hundred and five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Right now, I’m on my way to Canada for JakartaOne Livestream 2023. In addition, I will also speak at the Ottawa Java User Group and the Toronto Java User Group. It’s kind of a small Canadian tour to end the year.

Check out the events, and sign up if you are in the area here:
– December 5 – JakartaOne Livestream
– December 6 – Ottawa JUG
– December 7 – Toronto JUG

The theme for this year’s JakartaOne Livestream is Gingerbread Cookies. Check out this video to get inspired and create your own Jakarta EE branded contribution. Take a picture and tag it with #JakartaOne or #JakartaEE or some other hashtag you believe we will find. As usual, there will be a chance to win great prizes!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #204

Welcome to issue number two hundred and four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week I spoke at Javaforum Malmö and JCON WORLD ONLINE 2023. It was amazing to see so many people showing up at Javaforum Malmö (the Malmö Java User Group) as it was our first event in two years. Hopefully, it won’t be two years until the next one…

We are fast approaching the Milestone 1 release of Jakarta EE 11. So far, the following specifications have released a Milestone 1 (M1) to Maven Central:

Jakarta Annotations 3.0.0-M1
Jakarta Data 1.0.0-M1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0.0-M1
Jakarta Pages 4.0.0-M1
Jakarta Persistence 3.2.0-M1
Jakarta Servlet 6.1.0-M1
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2.0-M1

The rest of the specifications are expected to release a milestone by Tuesday, November 28 so we have time to assemble milestone releases of the Jakarta EE 11 Platform, Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile, and Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile in time for JakartaOne Livestream on December 5.

Speaking of JakartaOne Livestream. There is only a week left, so register today and mark it in your calendar NOW. And while you’re at it, bring out your best baking skills and create the best Jakarta EE-themed gingerbread cookie. There will be great prizes!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #203

Welcome to issue number two hundred and three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

While I am in Canada In December I will visit the Java User Groups in Ottawa and Toronto. Check out the events here:
– December 6 – Ottawa JUG
– December 7 – Toronto JUG

Before that, I will be speaking at the Java User Group in Malmö on November 22. Check out the information about the event, and while you’re at it register. I hope to see as many as possible of you there. Make sure to support your local Java User Group!

I mentioned last week (Hasthag Jakarta EE #202) that there is a restructuring of Jakarta CDI going on. It looks like the ballot in the Jakarta EE Specification Committee for approving this restructuring will not pass. The reason for this is the discussion going on in the Jakarta EE Platform project about how to handle these integrations between specifications.

Information about the processes and the schedule for Jakarta EE 11 can be found on the Jakarta EE 11 page on the Jakarta EE Platform project website.

JakartaOne Livestream 2023 is coming up in a couple of weeks. Check out the amazing speaker lineup, and register today! The schedule with times will be published on Monday, so you can plan your day.

Those of you who have attended the previous editions of JakartaOne Livestream know that we always have a theme of something edible, and a contest to create your version of it. Check out this video to see what the theme of JakartaOne Livestream 2023 will be.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #202

Welcome to issue number two hundred and two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The discussions around a CDI-centric approach for Jakarta EE 11 continue in the Jakarta EE Platform project. One of the outcomes of this is a restructuring of the Jakarta CDI Project where a CDI EE integration specification will be split out. The vote for formal approval of this will happen in the Jakarta EE Specification Committee shortly.

It was a busy week for me with three talks at two conferences in two days. Or three days, if you count the first day of Øredev which I was just attending with no talks scheduled for me. Check out my write-ups from these conferences here:

The next big show coming up is JakartaOne Livestream 2023. The program has been selected, and the speakers announced. We are currently working out the last details of the schedule. Since we have speakers from all around the world, we want to make sure that this speaking slot fits with their time zone.

Mark the event in your calendar by registering now!