Hashtag Jakarta EE #241

Welcome to issue number two hundred and forty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Summer is still around, and the refactoring work of the Jakarta EE Platform TCK moves on. According to the Jakarta EE TCK Project, they will soon be able to empirically derive a date for when the work can be done and we will have a release date for Jakarta EE 11.

If you plan to join us at Open Community for Java in October, make sure to register before September 23 to get the discounted price. Check out the agenda. Adjust the filter to “OC for Java” to see the talks at Open Community for Java (OC is not Orange County in this context, but Open Community…and much better than the TV show…).

My next endeavor will be in a couple of weeks when I will join this crew for the last leg of the LAOUC Community Tour 2024 where I will have two Jakarta EE talks.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #240

Welcome to issue number two hundred and forty of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The work with Jakarta EE 11 continued while I was at JConf Dominicana, JCrete, and a short vacation thereafter. Since a couple of specification projects have published service releases to fix minor issues in their API artifacts or Java Doc, a release candidate of the Jakarta EE 11 APIs incorporating these updates will be produced shortly. There will most likely be a release candidate of the specification documents as well.

The next speaking appearance for me will be the LAOUC Community Tour 2024 where I have two talks included in the agenda for Paraguay. It’s been a while since I have had three consecutive weeks at home with no travels planned.

The agenda for Open Community for Java has been published.
A tip is that if you only want to see the talks of Open Community for Java, click on the orange “Filters” button on the left side and select “OC for Java” (Yes, I know, we all hate these acronyms that are created for no apparent reason other than text length limitations. Just do as I do: ignore and hum “Open Community for Java” in your head when you see it…).

Hashtag Jakarta EE #239

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am taking a week off, so this will be a rather short update. Last week was the week of JCrete 2024. I will publish a blog post about this year’s edition as soon as I am home from vacation.

The Jakarta EE Platform project continues the work toward finalizing Jakarta EE 11. The refactoring of the TCK shows promising results. Hopefully, we will be able to announce a release date shortly. Check in to the weekly Jakarta EE Platform call that happens every Tuesday at 11:00 AM Eastern (Daylight Savings) Time.

Remember to sign up for Open Community for Java. The conference will be in Mainz, Germany from October 22 to October 24. I will be there, and so should you!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #238

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I have just arrived back home from JConf Dominica 2024, and have a couple of hours to pack my bags before heading out again for JCrete 2024. Busy times for a developer advocate, but so incredibly great to be able to connect with the Java communities all over the world.

(I don’t know if it was pure luck, or if the stars were aligned just right for me this time, but as it turned out, the only two days I was on the ground this week were the two days with Blue Screen of Death for the airlines.)

The first release candidate of Jakarta EE 11 will be published shortly. There are a couple of the specifications that have released service releases of their API artifacts, so we will gather these and release an RC1 of the Jakarta EE 11 APIs.

All the Jakarta EE 11 XML Schemas are publicly available at https://jakarta.ee/schemas/. Please check them out and let us know if you find something that needs to be corrected before the release is Final.

Another way of providing input, AND possibly winning a FREE T-shirt is to complete the 2024 Cloud Native Java Technical Survey.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #237

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

After a couple of weeks at home, I am going on the road again. First off is JConfDomincana, the Caribbean Java Technologies Conference organized by the Dominican Republic Java User Group, where I will host a workshop together with Eudris. The topic of the workshop is creating RESTful Web Services with Jakarta EE.

As mentioned in last week’s Hashtag Jakarta EE, the refactoring of the Jakarta EE TCK is what we are waiting for to be able to release Jakarta EE 11. The TCK project has now set up a Jakarta EE 11 TCK Release GitHub Board where we can follow the progress of this work.

I also mentioned that the Jakarta EE Platform project has started planning for Jakarta EE 12. To facilitate this planning, we would really like to have YOUR which you can provide by completing the 2024 Cloud Native Java Technical Survey. Note that this survey is different from the Jakarta EE Developer Survey we conducted earlier this year.

The program for Open Community for Java will be published in the upcoming week. Meanwhile, you can check out the featured speakers and why not just register while you’re at it? The conference is in Mainz, Germany October 22-24.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #236

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week I was speaking at Developer Week’24 in Nuremberg, Germany. That was my last conference of the European conference season before summer. This year, there will be a couple of conferences during the summer before the fall season start up. In a couple of weeks, I will host a workshop at JConfDominica 2024 before going directly to Greece for JCrete 2024.

Jakarta EE 11 is almost ready. All the individual specifications are done, and the Jakarta EE Platform project is finalizing the Jakarta EE Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile specifications. The last piece of the puzzle is the work with the Jakarta EE TCK which is being refactored from Apache Ant and JavaTest Harness to a more modern approach using Apache Maven, JUnit 5, and Arquillian.

In parallel to this work, the platform project has started the discussions for a Jakarta EE 12 release sometime in the first half of 2026 with a baseline of Java 21 and verified with compatible implementations passing the TCK on Java 21 and Java 25. Note that these are very preliminary discussions and subject to change.

The program for Open Community for Java that will take place in Mainz from October 22 to 24 this year will soon be available. Take a look at the early-bird selection of speakers while waiting for the rest of the program to be published. From what I hear, the notifications to accepted speakers will be sent out this week.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #235

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

As I wrote last week, all the Jakarta EE 11 specifications are now finished and the remaining work to get Jakarta EE 11 released is to finalize the refactoring of the TCK and have at least one open-source compatible implementation passing it.

Milestone 4 of the Jakarta EE 11 APIs are now available in Maven Central. Use these coordinates in your pom.xml to try out this version.


I will go to NΓΌrnberg to speak at Developer Week ’24 this week. It will be my fourth time speaking at this conference, including one online appearance during the pandemic. It does not usually gather the biggest Java crowd, but it feels like the number is increasing for each year. The conference is well-run and a very pleasant experience.

Talking about conferences, the registration for Open Community for Java is now open. If you know you are going, or usually used to attend EclipseCon, you may as well register now. The program is being finalized as we speak and you will be able to check out the speakers and their talks very soon.

Register for Open Community for Java today!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #234

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

All the specifications that will be part of Jakarta EE 11 have passed their release review and have been, or are in the process of being released. The efforts are now on finalizing the TCK and wrapping up the changes needed in the Jakarta EE Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile specifications.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authentication 3.1
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Data 1.0
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Security 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

Now that all the specifications for Jakarta EE 11 are done, the specification projects are starting to look ahead to Jakarta EE 12 and how to further evolve the specifications. It is great to see the individual projects taking the initiative this way.

This week was dedicated to the Eclipse Foundation All Hands 2024. In the upcoming week, I will be at home before I go to NΓΌrnberg to speak at Developer Week in the first week of July.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #233

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week I was speaking at DevBCN 2024 in Barcelona. My next conference appearance will be at Developer Week ’24, which takes place in NΓΌrnberg on July 1-5. But even if conference season is winding down for summer, I will still be found at airports here and there. Right now, I am on my way to Montreal for the early Eclipse Foundation All-Hands where I will get to meet and socialize with my colleagues from all over the World.

All the individual specifications that are targeting Jakarta EE 11 are now done. Two are still under release review with the Jakarta EE Specification Committee and will conclude at the latest on June 26. The work with wrapping up the Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile specifications will continue along with the implementation of compatible implementation(s) for ratification as well as the refactoring efforts of the Jakarta EE TCK.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Data 1.0
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta Authentication 3.1
– Jakarta Security 4.0

Milestone 3 of the Jakarta EE 11 APIs was published to Maven Central earlier this week. Please check them out and don’t hesitate to let us know if you find something that should be fixed before the final release.


Hashtag Jakarta EE #232

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

There were no conferences for me last week. In the upcoming week, I am going back to Barcelona for DevBCN. As in previous years, we have a booth. You can find me there and have a chat about Jakarta EE. I also have a talk on Thursday. This talk will be a revamped version of my Spring 2.0 to Spring 3.0 migration talk.

There is only one specification (Jakarta Security 4.0) left waiting for its release review to be started. It’s been ready for a while, but for some reason, the release review hasn’t started yet. I have a couple of days off before I travel to Barcelona, but I will do my best to see if we can get it rolling early in the week. Check out the specifications that will be part of Jakarta EE 11 here:

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Data 1.0
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta Authentication 3.1

Ready to Start:
– Jakarta Security 4.0