Welcome to the fifty-second issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
This is the last Hashtag Jakarta EE in 2020. But don’t worry, I will continue these weekly updates in 2021 as well.
This week, MicroProfile 4.0 was released! It’s been a long wait since the previous release (3.3) back in February. But now it’s here, the first release of MicroProfile following the MicroProfile Specification Process (MPSP).
This release contains updates to all specifications. See the MicroProfile Presentation for details. Note that the four Java EE 8 specifications that form the foundation of MicroProfile have been updated to the Jakarta EE 8 counterparts. This means that MicroProfile is still on the javax.*
namespace. I expect that there will be a release during 2021 that will be based on Jakarta EE 9 versions of the specifications and by that support the jakarta.*
MicroProfile 4.0 will be covered in detail in the next Studio Jakarta EE LIVE as my guest on January 28th is Emily Jiang. Make sure to tune in to get all information about the 4.0 release directly from Emily.
As I mentioned in the previous Hashtag issue, I will participate in a Tech Summary Panel organized by the Barcelona JUG on December 29. In this event, we will summarize 2020 and look ahead towards 2021. It has an amazing lineup of speakers, and I am honored to be among them. You don’t want to miss this!

I’ll end this last Hashtag Jakarta EE of 2020 with a pointer to a great blog post by Payara‘s Steve Millidge: Cloud Myth: Ahead of Time Compilation Will Save You Money.