Hashtag Jakarta EE #52

Welcome to the fifty-second issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This is the last Hashtag Jakarta EE in 2020. But don’t worry, I will continue these weekly updates in 2021 as well.

This week, MicroProfile 4.0 was released! It’s been a long wait since the previous release (3.3) back in February. But now it’s here, the first release of MicroProfile following the MicroProfile Specification Process (MPSP).

This release contains updates to all specifications. See the MicroProfile Presentation for details. Note that the four Java EE 8 specifications that form the foundation of MicroProfile have been updated to the Jakarta EE 8 counterparts. This means that MicroProfile is still on the javax.* namespace. I expect that there will be a release during 2021 that will be based on Jakarta EE 9 versions of the specifications and by that support the jakarta.* namespace.

MicroProfile 4.0 will be covered in detail in the next Studio Jakarta EE LIVE as my guest on January 28th is Emily Jiang. Make sure to tune in to get all information about the 4.0 release directly from Emily.


As I mentioned in the previous Hashtag issue, I will participate in a Tech Summary Panel organized by the Barcelona JUG on December 29. In this event, we will summarize 2020 and look ahead towards 2021. It has an amazing lineup of speakers, and I am honored to be among them. You don’t want to miss this!

I’ll end this last Hashtag Jakarta EE of 2020 with a pointer to a great blog post by Payara‘s Steve Millidge: Cloud Myth: Ahead of Time Compilation Will Save You Money.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #51

Welcome to the fifty-first issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

As we are ramping down to close 2020 and recharge for 2021, there are still things going on in the community. First, I would like to point you to the Studio Jakarta EE LIVE I had with Dalia this week where we talked about tooling for Jakarta EE.


Stay tuned for more Studio Jakarta EE LIVE coming up next year.

We released Jakarta MVC 2.0 yesterday! This was the second release since moving to Eclipse Foundation and Jakarta EE. With this release, we have moved to the jakarta.* namespace. Eclipse Krazo, the compatible implementation runs on both GlassFish and WildFly. OpenLiberty is on its way.

Jakarta MVC 2.0 will be featured in a session called “OpenDDR and Jakarta MVC” that I am co-speaking with Werner Keil at Java2Days on December 22nd.

On December 29th, I am participating in a Tech Summary Panel organized by the Barcelona JUG. In this event, we will summarize 2020 and look ahead towards 2021. It has an amazing lineup of speakers, and I am honored to be among them. You don’t want to miss this!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #50

Welcome to the fiftieth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Wow, fifty hashtags so far! Tuesday was a big day for the Jakarta EE community. That was the day of JakartaOne Livestream 2020. With this event, we officially announced Jakarta EE 9, even though it has been available in Maven Central since November 20th.

If you didn’t have the opportunity to attend or want to see some of the talks again, they are all available on the Jakarta EE YouTube channel. Please visit jakarta.ee to find out more about Jakarta EE, and specifically the specifications section for all resources regarding the Jakarta EE specification.

I am also happy to be back at JavaLand 2021, where I will give a talk about Jakarta EE. It will be a hybrid event, and it looks like I will do my talk remotely. I have been a speaker at every edition of JavaLand so far and always joined the JavaLand jogging on Wednesday morning. This year, I will have to do a run in the morning from my home in order to keep the spirit going.

On Thursday, I have Dalia as a special guest in Studio Jakarta EE LIVE. We will talk about tooling support for Jakarta EE. Dalia is a Developer Advocate at JetBrains and will demo the support offered by IntelliJ IDEA for Jakarta EE in this session.

In the video below, Dalia shows how easy it is to get started with Jakarta EE 9 in IntelliJ IDEA.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #49

Welcome to the forty-ninth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Big day on Tuesday! The second edition of JakartaOne Livestream happens on December 8, 2020. Make sure you are registered!

I am really looking forward to hosting this event together with Tanja. We have an amazing lineup of speakers and lots of great Jakarta EE and MicroProfile content prepared for you.

Between each session, we will return to Studio Jakarta EE for lightning talks, interviews, tech demos discussions, and awards. And, of course, there will be cake!

The Jakarta MVC 2.0 release review ballot has started. The ballot period is 14 days, so it will conclude on December 17, 2020. We are extremely happy to be able to embrace the jakarta.* namespace and run on top of Jakarta EE 9 so quickly after its release.

Eclipse GlassFish 6.0.0 is just around the corner. The release candidate (RC2) has been available for a while, and the team is working on wrapping up the last bits and pieces to release the final version. Hopefully, it will be available for download on Tuesday.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #48

Welcome to the forty-eighth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

JakartaOne Livestream 2020 is just around the corner. Make sure you register today!

We continue the cupcake success from the Milestone party in June. This time we go even bigger! A final release deserves a proper CAKE! Join us in the celebration, bake a cake, upload a photo of your creation and win big prizes!

The Jakarta EE Virtual Tour continues in 2021. Reach out if you would like us to visit your JUG/Meetup.

Are you still using JDK Internals? Well, then you should probably be aware that these will be encapsulated by default in Java 16. See JEP 396 for the details. Before you blow a fuse and start getting nightmares from your dependence on sun.misc.Unsafe, relax 🙂 It will still be available, at least for now. This applies to all the critical internal APIs for which standard replacements do not exist yet.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #47

Welcome to the forty-seventh issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Jakarta EE 9 is released and available in Maven Central! You can start using it today. This is how you configure your pom.xml for Jakarta EE Platform 9:


And this is how you configure your pom.xml for Jakarta EE Web Profile 9:


The Jakarta EE 9 release will be properly celebrated with our JakartaOne Livestream on December 8. Make sure you register to save your spot! This will be a 12-hour event packed with amazing speakers and content!

Jakarta MVC 2.0 passed the plan review ballot this week. We have already done the work adjusting to the jakarta.mvc.* namespace and passed the TCK with Eclipse Krazo. The only thing left is to initiate the final steps for a Jakarta EE specification release, which we will do at the beginning of next week.

I want to thank everyone that voted in the 2020 JCP Executive Committee elections. The Eclipse Foundation keeps its elected seat and will continue to represent the interests of the open-source community there.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #46

Welcome to the forty-sixth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This is the last time I will be showing the status pie chart for Jakarta EE 9.

All the ongoing ballots will end this week, so the rest of the specifications are ready to be released on Friday.

This week, we visited NišJUG in Serbia on our Jakarta EE Virtual Tour. Next week, we travel across the Ocean to Philadelphia and PhillyJUG. Sign up for the event here.

The plan review for Jakarta MVC 2.0 is ongoing and we are in the middle of the work to finalize this version. One of the tasks is to pass the TCK with a compatible implementation. In our case, this is Eclipse Krazo.

Krazo supports runtimes based on Eclipse Jersey, RESTEasy, and Apache CXF. This means that it can be integrated into almost any Jakarta EE application server out there. For Jakarta MVC 1.1, we used WildFly 18 as our engine for running the TCK.

We already have the TCK passing on WildFly 22 (alpha), so we are actually good to go for starting a release review as soon as the ballot for the plan review closes (on November 19). That means that we have a couple of days to see if we can get it to run on other implementations as well. I’ll post a blog post later this week with a report on this work as a part of my series about the Jakarta EE Specification Process, featuring Jakarta MVC.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #45

Welcome to the forty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Look at that! All Jakarta EE 9 Specification ballots are either ongoing or done!

This means that given the ballots are completed successfully, we are ready to release Jakarta EE 9 on Friday, November 20, 2020.

Wednesday this week, we visited the Swedish JUGs in an event organized by Javaforum on our Jakarta EE Virtual Tour. This week, the tour continues to Serbia and NišJUG. Sign up here.

The election for the Java Community Process Executive Committee is going on. The election is open for votes until November 16. Submit your vote today! And remember that a vote for Eclipse Foundation is a vote for the Open Source Community!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #44

Welcome to the forty-fourth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The pie chart for Jakarta EE 9 progress this week shows that twenty-two specifications have passed their ballot! The seven ongoing ballots will close the coming week, which leaves us with the platform specification and the five specifications that depend on it.

According to the plan, these remaining six ballots must start November 6 at the latest in order to be able to release Jakarta EE 9 on November 20. As it looks, this is well within reach!

Monday this week, we visited Johannesburg and the Jozi JUG on our Jakarta EE Virtual Tour. The Tour continues, and this week we will stop by Sweden with a combined event for many of the Swedish JUGs.

Tuesday this week, I also participated in a Jfokus Brown Bag Lunch event where I did a MicroProfile live coding session. I think it went pretty well, even if the Demo Gods were a little even this day.
(For those participating, the problem was that I was running the Greeting service with Java 15. It worked like a charm when I switched to Java 11…)

This week was also the week of J-CON 2020 with a packed schedule of quality content. One particular aspect I liked about this event was that all sessions were LIVE streamed. As a speaker, I don’t like recording talks. It just adds another layer between me and the audience. We are disconnected enough as it is. This topic is probably worth a post on its own.

The election for the Java Community Process Executive Committee starts on Tuesday, November 3 (not to be confused with another election taking place that day). The election is open for votes until November 16.

If you are a JCP Member, remember that a vote for Eclipse Foundation is a vote for the Open Source Community!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #43

Welcome to the forty-third issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Time for this week’s Jakarta EE 9 status. We now have twenty specifications approved and nine ballots ongoing. The remaining six are the Platform Specification and five specifications that depends on it.

The Platform Specification is the one with most work remaining, but I am confident that we will be able to finish it and get it on ballot before November 6 in order to be able to release the entire thing on November 20.

This week, we released Jakarta MVC 1.1. The compatible implementation used to verify the specification is Eclipse Krazo 1.1.0. With this release, Krazo graduated from incubation to be a mature Eclipse project! This is the first of the EE4J projects being graduated, with the exception of EclipseLink which has been around for a while.

The Jakarta EE Virtual Tour continues to grow and has expanded into 2021. Do contact us if you want your JUG/Meetup to be added to this list!