Hashtag Jakarta EE #62

Welcome to the sixty-second issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

One of the major changes introduced with Jakarta EE over how it used to be is that the TCKs are available for free to anyone that wants to certify their implementation. I described how to do this in Compatible Implementations.

This is exactly what the Eclipse Jetty team has done, so Eclipse Jetty 11.0.1 is now certified as a compatible implementation of Jakarta Servlet 5.0! Congratulations to the Jetty team!

In parallel with the work on Jakarta EE 9.1, the individual specifications plans for future releases. Some of the teams are setting up ad-hoc or regular calls in addition to discussing on the mailing lists. In order to have a common calendar to keep track of these calls, we have created the Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar. We encourage the teams to publish their meetings on this calendar. This will make it easier for the community to attend calls they are interested in.

JavaLand 2021 is coming up next week. It will be an online two-day conference happening on March 16 and 17. I have one Jakarta EE talk scheduled. I will also co-speak Mobile Java Web Applications with MVC and OpenDDR with Werner Keil. There is also a Jakarta EE panel scheduled.

That’s it for this week. Hope you enjoyed it, and see you again next week!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #61

Welcome to the sixty-first issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Tanja and I have been touring JUGs over the last couple of months. So far, we have visited JUGs (virtually) in India, South Africa, Sweden, Serbia, the USA, Poland, Germany, and Spain. And we don’t want to stop there! Please reach out to us if you want us to visit YOUR JUG or Meetup!

It is the end of February already, and the release date for Jakarta EE 9.1 is approaching quickly. A release candidate of the API is available in Maven Central. The current activities are around updating the compatible implementations to pass the TCK on JDK 11.

In order to make it to the proposed release date of March 25, the release review must start at the latest on March 11. That means that there are less than two weeks to get Eclipse GlassFish to pass the TCK on JDK 11.

Beyond Jakarta EE 9.1

Looking ahead, discussions around the next release have started in the Jakarta EE Platform Project. To be able to define the scope of the next release, we need input from the component specifications. Plan reviews are due on April 15, 2021 to be considered as candidates for the next release of Jakarta EE. The plan submitted for review must be possible to implement within 6 months. Which in turn means that we are looking at a Jakarta EE release in October, 2021.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #60

Welcome to the sixtieth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

As I mentioned last week, the release plan for Jakarta EE 9.1 has been published. The target release date is the end of March 2021. GlassFish 6.1 now compiles and runs on Java SE 11, and the work with getting it to pass the TCK goes on.

The Jakarta EE Platform team has also started to prepare for the next Jakarta EE release after 9.1. At them moment, we are collecting input from the various specification projects to be able to define the content of this release. The deadline for starting plan review for the next Jakarta EE release is April 15, 2021. Make sure to check the minutes for updates. We encourage specification projects to join the Platform calls and give an update on their plans. The details for the platform calls can be found in the Jakarta EE Platform Calendar.

The JUG Leaders Summit and Devnexus took place this week. Devnexus is an awesome conference to visit, and the virtual edition this year was no exception. Let’s just hope that we will be back in Atlanta for next year’s edition.

There is only one more stop planned on the Jakarta EE Virtual Tour, and that is Chicago JUG on February 25. We really enjoy giving these talks, so please reach out if you are interested in hosting us at your JUG or MeetUp.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #59

Welcome to the fifty-ninth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week, I wrote a post about Compatible implementations of Jakarta EE specifications and how to get listed on the specification pages. This week, we got LeadPony Joy 2.1.0 listed as a compatible implementation of Jakarta JSON Processing 2.0. Great work!

Jfokus 2021 happened this week. I was involved as a stage host in this year’s edition which was virtual. Next year, I hope to be back in Stockholm for Jfokus 2022.

On Tuesday, the JUG Leaders Summit takes place as a prequel to Devnexus. I look very much forward to meeting many of my fellow JUG leaders at the summit.

The release plan for Jakarta EE 9.1 has been published. The target release date is the end of March 2021. Follow the progress with our GitHub Project Board. While we are working full speed on completing Jakarta EE 9.1, we are also starting to look ahead a little. In the Platform Call this week, we decided to set a deadline for specifications to start their plan reviews in order to be a part of the next release. This deadline is April 15, 2021. Make sure to check the minutes from the platform calls if you are not able to attend a call. I try to publish the minutes as soon as possible after the call. The platform calls happen every Tuesday at 11:00 AM EST and the details can be found in the Jakarta EE Platform Calendar.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #58

Welcome to the fifty-eighth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This was the weekend of Fosdem. I had a Jakarta EE talk on Saturday in the Foojay devroom. The talk was recorded and I was looking forward to wearing my new, nice T-shirt on the video during the Q&A. A last-minute decision by the organizers turned this into a chat Q&A, which turned out to work very well. The Fosdem audience is awesome!

I also visited the Eclipse Foundation stand. Do come by if you happen to read this before the conference is over. You can win a nice Eclipse Foundation hoodie!

Jfokus 2021 is happening on Tuesday, February 9. I will be hosting Track D together with Grace Jansen. There will be talks by Paul Bakker, Jonathan Giles, and Dmitry Alexsandrov during our time as hosts. I encourage you to visit us, and of course, do check out the other tracks as well.

For a recap of what happened in the Jakarta EE working group, during 2020, check out What a Difference a Year Makes! – Jakarta EE 2020 review by Tanja Obradović.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #57

Welcome to the fifty-seventh issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I wanted to take the opportunity to show you that I don’t always sit by my desk writing blog posts and attending virtual events. I do other stuff as well! At the end of this week, we got some days of sub-zero temperatures here in Sweden. That means that the lakes freeze and skating season is on for a couple of days until the warmer weather is back again.

Don’t worry, it’s not open water behind me… It’s just how the water freezes occasionally. But it looks pretty cool, though.

Talking about cool stuff, make sure to revisit the Studio Jakarta EE LIVE session I had with Emily this week. In the video, we talk about the new MicroProfile 4.0 release. Emily gives a thorough walk-through of all the changes as well as showing it in practice.


Next weekend is FOSDEM weekend! I have one Jakarta EE talk in the Foojay track. Join me on Saturday at 14:40 CET. The talk is recorded, but I will be online during the talk and will also be available for 10 minutes Q&A after the playback of the talk.

The Eclipse Foundation has a virtual stand where all working groups are presented. Stop by the stand for a chat with us there and for a chance to win a hoodie!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #56

Welcome to the fifty-sixth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It is time for a new edition of Studio Jakarta EE LIVE! This time I have Emily Jiang from IBM with me in the studio. We will talk about MicroProfile 4.0 and I am pretty sure that Emily will show some cool demos as well.


Check out microprofile.io for details about MicroProfile 4.0 and MicroProfile in general. And of course, make sure to tune in to Studio Jakarta EE LIVE: MicroProfile 4.0 on Thursday!

MicroProfile 4.0 contains updates to all the specifications. It is based on the Jakarta EE 8 versions of the four specifications that form the foundation of MicroProfile. This means that it is still on the javax.* namespace.

How difficult the migration from the javax.* to the jakarta.* namespace is for your particular use case depends on the complexity of your application. The focus has mainly been on the Java package names, but there are some other areas that may require some effort as well. Check out my Migration Guide for an example of how to migrate an application that touches most of the areas.

Please reach out to me if you discover areas that I have missed in the guide. I will be happy to update it!

There is only one more stop planned on the Jakarta EE Virtual Tour. We really enjoy giving these talks, so please reach out if you are interested in hosting us at your JUG or MeetUp.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #55

Welcome to the fifty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

We are two weeks into the new year already, and I want to remind the specification teams that about the deadline for submitting a plan review in order to be a candidate for inclusion in the Jakarta EE 9.1 release. The deadline is January 31 as the timeline below shows.

The Jakarta EE Platform team are having weekly calls where various topics related to the platform specification are discussed. Please, do join this call if you are interested in participating in shaping the platform. Details for how to join can be found in the Jakarta EE Platform Calendar.

Barcelona JUG is the next stop on our Jakarta EE Virtual Tour. Join here! We really enjoy giving these talks, so please reach out if you are interested in hosting us at your JUG or MeetUp.

The first Jakarta EE Update Call of 2021 will happen on January 21! The topics we will cover in this call are the program plan and budget, the release plan for Jakarta EE 9.1 as well as upcoming events, programs and marketing campaigns. And, of course, there will be an opportunity to get your questions asked and answered.

Visit the Community Calendar to find the details about how to join the call.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #54

Welcome to the fifty-fourth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The main goal of Jakarta EE 9.1 is to support the Java SE 11 runtime. The APIs will still be compiled to Java SE 8 level in order to be usable to both Java SE 8 and Java SE 11. That means that there will not be need for any new releases for the individual specifications unless the specification teams have changes they wish to push forward. The absolute deadline for such plans to be put forward is January 31, 2021. See the timeline below.

Note that, it is up to the platform project to decide if any new versions should be included in the Jakarta EE 9.1 release even if a plan review is submitted within this deadline.

The Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection project continues with weekly calls with the goal to define a CDI Lite specification. Follow the discussions on the CDI Developer Discussions mailing list.

The Jakarta EE Virtual Tour continues in 2021. The ones we have planned so far are Silesia JUG (Jan 13), JUG Darmstadt (Jan 13), Barcelona JUG (Jan 20), and Chicago JUG (Feb 25). Please reach out if you are interested in hosting us at your JUG or MeetUp.

The jChampions Conference is starting next week. I will be a moderator for at least one of the sessions. Check out the schedule.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #53

Welcome to the fifty-third issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Happy New Year!

It’s 2021 and a year since I wrote the very first Hashtag Jakarta EE. I find it useful for myself to write these short recaps of what’s going on in the community, and I hope you enjoy them as well!

On the very last day of 2020, Eclipse GlassFish 6 was released! Go to glassfish.org/download to check it out. GlassFish 6 meets the compatibility requirements of Jakarta EE 9. Downloads are available for both the Platform and the Web Profile.

If you want to have a look at the other fishes in the Jakarta EE and MicroProfile space, take a look at A day of fishing with Jakarta EE and MicroProfile by Edwin Derks. In this blog post, Edwin describes the differences and similarities between GlassFish, Payara, and Piranha.

The Jakarta EE Virtual Tour continues in 2021. The ones we have planned so far are Silesia JUG (Jan 13), JUG Darmstadt (Jan 13), Barcelona JUG (Jan 20), and Chicago JUG (Feb 25). Please reach out if you are interested in hosting us at your JUG or MeetUp.