Hashtag Jakarta EE #131

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty-one of聽Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Jakarta EE 10 isn’t quite released yet, but that doesn’t stop us from celebrating the release. Check out the recording of the Jakarta EE 10 Release Celebration if you weren’t able to join us live last Tuesday.

The release itself is imminent. There are a couple of TCK challenges that need to be sorted out and dealt with to get everything to pass. GlassFish 7 currently passes the Jakarta EE 10 Platform TCK, but there are some changes required in the Jakarta Concurrency 3.0 TCK related to Jakarta Concurrency now being a part of Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile. It was not required for the Web Profile in previous releases, and some cleanup with regards to the packaging of the test deployments has to be cleaned up. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile has some similar issues, but this is regarding some of the tests for Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 still references Jakarta XML Binding 4.0. This works well for Web Profile, where Jakarta XML Binding is required, but not for Jakarta EE Core Profile where it’s not.

So to sum up, it is very close. Just some small nits that have to be dealt with. Then we should be ready to go!

After a week at home in sunny Sweden, I am going to N眉rnberg, Germany for Developer Week ’22 this week. I have two talks at this Years’s edition. First out is Jakarta EE Security – Sailing Safe in Troubled Waters, where I am co-speaking with Werner Keil. Directly after this talk, Jakarta EE 10 – Feature by Feature is up.

I will most likely go for a run in one of the parks in N眉rnberg on Thursday morning. Let me know if you’re into running and want to join me. If I know you’re coming, there is a cool Jakarta EE functional T-shirt in it for you. Werner, I’ve got you covered 馃檪

Hashtag Jakarta EE #130

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty of聽Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week, I was back in Krak贸w for Devoxx Poland. I have been to most Devoxx conferences before, but this was my first visit to Devoxx Poland. It is a great conference at the modern Krak贸w Congress Center close to the city’s center. I’ll provide a write-up of this conference in the coming days.

So, Jakarta EE 10? Are we there yet? Due to travel and Midsummer this week, I’m not 100% up-to-date on the status, but the last I saw, the Jakarta EE Platform, Web- and Core Profile are very close to being ready for release reviews. Hopefully, we can get them moving in the upcoming week.

Talking about the upcoming week, we will have a Jakarta EE 10 Release Celebration on Tuesday.

We will have some fantastic guests giving their views of Jakarta EE 10. Join Shabnam Mayel, Tanja Obradovic, and myself with special appearances from Adam Bien, Rudy de Busscher, and Scott Stark.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #129

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The conference season continues. I represented Jakarta EE this week at the We Are Developers World Congress in Berlin. Next week, I am heading to Krak贸w and Devoxx Poland. But before that, I will be participating in Jakarta EE 10 – exploring the value of innovation in the open. This online event happens at 9:00 AM Eastern Time on Tuesday, June 21. Make sure to register now so you are sure not to miss it!

I will also remind you about the 聽Jakarta EE 10 Release Celebration Tech Talk聽we are hosting on June 28. Please聽sign up聽and join us there!

So, with all these celebrations and events around Jakarta EE 10, when can we expect the release? As I mentioned in Hashtag Jakarta EE #128 last week, one of the challenges is the requirement that the compatible implementation used to ratify the specification must pass all features, including the OPTIONAL ones.

To address this issue, the Jakarta EE Platform team decided to remove Entity Beans, both Container and Bean Managed Persistence (Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0, Optional Features, Chapters 3 – 7) OPTIONAL requirements for Entity Beans from the Jakarta EE 10 Platform specification. This will open up the possibility for other open-source implementations than Eclipse GlassFish to be used for ratifying the specification.

That said, Eclipse GlassFish is getting closer and closer to passing the TCK, so it is likely that it will pass the finishing line first anyway. From what I can see, the remaining task is to integrate an implementation of Jakarta Concurrency 3.0 and pass the new standalone TCK for this specification.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #128

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-eight of聽Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The ballot for Jakarta Security 3.0 will conclude tomorrow. This means that all of the individual specifications that are a part of Jakarta EE 10 are approved! So when can we expect Jakarta EE 10 (Platform, Web Profile, and Core Profile) to be final? The plan was to start the ballot for these specifications by June 9 and release them on June 23 with a big announcement on June 28.

That ship has unfortunately sailed due to the work with getting Eclipse GlassFish to pass all the tests in the TCK taking a little longer than expected. The reason why GlassFish is so important is that it is the only implementation that implements absolutely all features of the specifications, including the OPTIONAL ones. As the process is defined, there has to be at least one implementation that does this in order to ratify the specification. Until we either get rid of the OPTIONAL features or remove the requirement that one implementation has to implement them all, GlassFish is, and will be, the de-facto reference implementation*).

The plan is still to release Jakarta EE 10 as soon as possible. Hopefully, just a week’s delay from what was originally announced. Worst case, it slips a couple of days into July. There will still be a Jakarta EE 10 Release Celebration Tech Talk on June 28. Please sign up and join us there!

*) Note that there is no mention of a reference implementation in the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP). The exact phrasing is “A Specification Version must identify at least one Compatible Implementation under an Open Source License that implements all optional elements of the Specification and fulfills the requirements of all elements (including optional elements) of the TCK.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #127

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-seven of聽Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The work with Jakarta EE 10 goes on. The release review ballot for Jakarta Security 3.0 is ongoing, and the pull requests with draft specifications for Jakarta EE 10 Platform, Jakarta EE Web Profile 10, and Jakarta EE Core Profile 10 have been produced. The remaining task before the release reviews for these specifications can start is to have passing TCK runs with Eclipse GlassFish for Java SE 11 and Java SE 17.

Conference season goes on, and next week, I am going to Coimbra in Portugal for JNation. Jakarta EE will be present, co-located with the Payara booth. Come by and pick up your favorite Jakarta EE swag. I am pretty sure there will be some nice t-shirts there. And, of course, there will be a talk as well. This time, I will share the stage with Tanja. The topic of the talk is Jakarta EE 10 and Beyond.

The vote has started for the Eclipse Foundation Community Awards 2022. Check out the candidates for Top Committer, Top Newcomer Evangelist, Top Contributor, and Lifetime Achievement, and submit your vote before June 30, 2022.

The聽CFP for EclipseCon 2022聽is open until聽June 15, so there is still time even if you missed the early bird submission.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #126

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

We are down to just a handful of failures before Eclipse GlassFish passes the Jakarta EE 10 TCK for the Jakarta EE Platform and Jakarta EE Web Profile. WildFly has already submitted a certification request for Jakarta EE Core Profile, so we are on track with the release. The missing piece of documentation for the Jakarta EE Security TCK has been updated, so this ballot will be restarted shortly.

I must admit that I haven’t really explored the Twitter Communities feature, so I don’t really know how relevant they are. Nevertheless, I created a Twitter Community for Jakarta EE last week. Please do join, participate, share, and help make it the greatest Twitter Community in the Galaxy!

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of presenting Jakarta EE at JavaDay Istanbul 2022. I have made a habit of writing a small report from the conferences I speak at. And I will do that for this conference as well, but since I am at the airport on my way home writing this week’s Hashtag Jakarta EE, I will publish the write-up from the conference early next week. Stay tuned!

The聽CFP for EclipseCon 2022聽is open until聽June 15, but you still have a chance of being picked as an early bird submission if you submit it before聽June 1.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #125

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-five of聽Hashtag Jakarta EE!

After a week without traveling, I will be going to Turkey the upcoming weekend for Java Day Istanbul 2022. I have spoken at an online version of this conference before, but this is the first time in person. I am looking forward to connecting with the Turkish Java developer community!

In my talk titled Jakarta EE 10 – Feature by Feature, I will go over as many of the features coming in Jakarta EE 10 as possible.

Talking about Jakarta EE 10, with one exception, all the specifications targeting this release have now completed their release reviews. The exception is Jakarta Security 3.0 since a missing piece of documentation was discovered during the review. This issue has now been addressed and the ballot will be restarted shortly. We are still on schedule, and there is room in the plan for a respin of the ballot. Ensuring quality is one of the reasons for these reviews, so it just shows that the process is working as intended.

The pull request for Jakarta EE Core Profile 10 has been created, so you can have a sneak peek of the specification documents. Please do have a look and provide feedback so we can brush off any inconsistencies, misspellings, or missing items before we start the ballot. The intention is to start this ballot at the latest on June 9, 2022.

Certification requests for passing the Jakarta EE Core Profile 10 TCK on Java 11 and Java 17 have been filed for WildFly 27.0.0.Alpha1.

Mark your calendars for JakartaOne Livestream 2022 on December 6, 2022!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #124

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

One of the objectives of Jakarta EE 10 is to make sure that applications run as expected on both Java SE 11 and 17. That means that the Platform TCK must be passed by compatible implementations on both Java SE 11 and 17.

Currently, Eclipse GlassFish is getting closer to passing the TCK on Java SE 11, and there is still some work remaining for Java SE 17. The Jakarta EE Platform team discussed this in the weekly call last week and decided to push the release date out a month. The new target date for the Jakarta EE Platform specification to enter its release review is June 9, 2022. This means that we will still be able to deliver Jakarta EE 10 as promised in Q2, 2022.

Last week, I presented Jakarta EE 10 at GeeCON 2022. Read my summary of the event, including a morning run with Otavio. If you weren’t able to attend my talk, I have good news for you. I will be back in Krak贸w for Devoxx Poland 2022 in June.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #123

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Jakarta EE 10 release is on track! All specifications targeting this release have started their release reviews. The focus of the Jakarta EE Platform project in the coming weeks will be to wrap up the changes for the Platform-, Web-, and Core Profile specifications as well as to ensure that a compatible implementation (or implementations) passes the Platform CTS.

I am happy to see the activity going on in the Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE project. Exciting things are about to happen at https://start.jakarta.ee! Make sure to check out the Java EE – Jakarta EE Initializr blog post by Ivo Woltring.

The month of May is busy with conferences. This week, I was in Stockholm for Jfokus, and next week I am going to Krak贸w for GeeCON 2022. It is my first time speaking at GeeCON, so I am really looking forward to it.

On the topic of conferences, the CFP for EclipseCon 2022 is open until June 15. Here’s a carrot for you if you’re planning to submit your talk. If you submit it before June 1, you have a chance to be picked as an early bird submission.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #122

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Today is the day we have been counting down to over the last couple of months. It is May 1st, 2022. The deadline for specifications aiming for inclusion in Jakarta EE 10.

Ballot Ongoing

These specifications had their release review ballot started the last couple of weeks, so they are all good with regards to the deadline.

Jakarta Connectors 2.1
Jakarta Concurrency 3.0
Jakarta Expression Language 5.0
Jakarta Messaging 3.1
Jakarta Servlet 6.0
Jakarta Standard Tag Library 3.0
Jakarta WebSocket 2.1 

Ready for Ballot

Jakarta Server Pages 3.1 is ready for its ballot and will be started on Monday morning. Given May 1st is a Sunday, I assume this will be regarded as within the deadline. It is ultimately up to the Jakarta EE Platform project.

Living on the Edge

The following specifications are all awfully close to being ready for ballot. They are still wrapping up the last pieces to have everything ready. My gut feeling is that they will go on ballot early next week. Hopefully before the Jakarta EE Platform call on Tuesday. That will be an interesting call!
Jakarta Faces 4.0
Jakarta Authentication 3.0
Jakarta Authorization 2.1
Jakarta Security 3.0

Check out Ondro Mih谩lyi‘s article The Top 5 New Features Coming in Jakarta EE 10 in the Eclipse Newsletter to get his pick of the features planned in Jakarta EE 10. Note that two of the top 5 features he mentions in this article are features provided by the specifications I listed as living on the edge above, so let’s cross our fingers that they will make it to the release!

Next week is Jfokus 2022 in Stockholm. I will, of course, be there. My talk Jakarta EE 10 is Coming Your Way! is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4 at 14:00. Join me there for the latest update of Jakarta EE 10. I hope to be able to announce that all the specifications made it to the release.

Conferences can be exhausting, so it is even more important than usual to get a good start to the day. And what’s better than starting the day with a nice run. Stockholm is particularly beautiful in May, so join me for the Jfokus Morning Run.

Everyone joining Jfokus Morning Run will get a nice Jakarta EE branded functional t-shirt. Hope to see as many of you as possible there!

EclipseCon 2022 will be in person in Ludwigsburg, Germany, October 24-27, 2022.

The Call-for-paper for EclipseCon 2022 is still open. Here are the important dates to pay attention to:
June 1: early-bird submission deadline
– June 15: final submission deadline
July 1 (approximately): the program is chosen, and submitters notified

The Jakarta EE Developer Survey 2022 closes on May 6, 2022! Please do submit your response if you haven’t done so yet. Check out my previous post about the survey for more motivation for why you should participate.