Hashtag Jakarta EE #141

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The approvals of the Jakarta EE 10 Platform and Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile are just a couple of days out. The ballots are closing on Tuesday, September 13. Allow for a couple of days until all the artifacts are available in Maven Central and elsewhere.

With Jakarta EE 10 (almost) out the door, the Jakarta EE Platform project starts to look ahead to what’s next. In the upcoming calls, there will be an agenda item for defining top objectives for the next version of Jakarta EE. Follow this thread started by Steve Millidge on the Jakarta EE Platform mailing list where the discussion already has started.

Last week, I visited Oslo and JavaZone 2022. Read my write-up from the conference to see what you missed out on if you weren’t there.

The Viking Duke that is handed out by JavaBin, the organizers of JavaZone, is one of my favorite Dukes. You can never have too many Dukes, and adding a Duke in a blog post is always a good thing.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #140

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

We’re finally there! Jakarta EE 10 is on the ballot for release review. The Jakarta EE 10 Platform and Web Profile specifications reviews will close on September 13, 2022. Core Profile passed its release review earlier in August.

It’s September, and conferences start up again after summer. First up is JavaZone in Oslo. I look forward to returning to Oslo Spektrum to present Jakarta EE 10 and catch up with the amazing Java community.

Registration for EclipseCon 2022 is still openThis year’s EclipseCon will take place in Ludwigsburg, Germany from October 24 to October 27.

The conference gets a head start with Jakarta EE Community Day On Monday, October 23. I will be there, and hope to see as many of you as possible! The program is pretty much ready. Thanks to Reza Rahman for putting it together!

Not migrated from Java EE 8 yet? Luckily, there are several options available to take care of the migration for you. Check out Auto-migration of apps from Java EE 8 to Jakarta EE 9 using Windup and Openrewrite to see how the Windup project can help you. Thanks to Marco Rizzi for making me aware of the Windup Project!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #139

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The GlassFish project has released Eclipse GlassFish 7.0.0.M8 to address the TCK failures we have been struggling with over the summer. A Certification Compatibility Request (CCR) for Jakarta EE 10 Platform has been filed. We’re still waiting for a CCR for the Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile until we are ready to roll. Vacations are starting to come to an end, so I expect there will be a little more activity in the coming week.

For those planning to attend JavaOne in October, I hope we can feature a couple of Jakarta EE specifications and implementations at the Hackergarten in the Community Area most likely to happen on Tuesday and Wednesday throughout the day. Please contact me if you want YOUR project to be present!

Registration for EclipseCon 2022 is still openThis year’s EclipseCon will take place in Ludwigsburg, Germany from October 24 to October 27.

On Monday, October 23, there will be a Jakarta EE Community Day. More details about the program for that day will be announced shortly. I will be there, and hope to see as many of you as possible!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #138

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It’s still vacation time…Even so, the work with finalizing Jakarta EE 10 goes on. I was out sailing during the last platform call, but from what I can deduct from the meeting minutes, the status is pretty much the same as last week – a clean run of the Jakarta EE TCK by Eclipse GlassFish and corresponding certification requests is needed to start the release review ballots.

I read a lot when I am taking time off work. Mostly fiction, but from time to time I pick up a non-fiction book on my Kindle reader. This week, I got my hands on Helidon in Action (MEAP) by Dmitry Kornilov, Dmitry Aleksandrov, and Daniel Kec.

For those of you not familiar with MEAP, it means that you get access to the chapters as they are written. At this point, the three first chapters were available. It gives a brief introduction to cloud-native applications and shows how to get started with Helidon before it dives into the gory details of configuration. The authors do a great job making it a great reading experience, and I look forward to the remaining chapters as they are written.

The registration for EclipseCon 2022 is still open. This year’s EclipseCon will take place in Ludwigsburg, Germany from October 24 to October 27.

On Monday, October 23, there will be a Jakarta EE Community Day. More details about the program for that day will be announced shortly. I will be there, and hope to see as many of you as possible!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #137

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am enjoying a couple of weeks off so this update will be fairly short. The ballot for ratifying Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile closes on Monday. The votes on the mailing list show that the vote will pass and Jakarta EE Core 10 Core Profile is approved! It will be made available in Maven Central and on the web page as soon as the project teams get around to it.

So, what about the Jakarta EE 10 Platform and Web Profile then? If I understand it correctly, there is one test failing for Eclipse GlassFish 7 in order to pass the Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile TCK. As soon as that happens, and a certification request for GlassFish is attached to the ballot materials, both Jakarta EE 10 Platform and Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile should be ready for release reviews.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #136

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The ballot for ratification of Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile is open until August 15, 2022. Members of the Jakarta EE Specification Committee have binding votes. Still, community members are encouraged to cast their non-binding votes by replying to this thread on the public specification committee mailing list.

For Jakarta EE 10 Platform and Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile, the situation is pretty much the same as last week. Eclipse GlassFish 7.0.0.M7 passes the Jakarta EE Platform TCK, but there is still work being done on the TCK for Jakarta Concurrency 3.0 to be fully included in Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile.

Jakarta MVC 2.1 is chugging along in parallel to Jakarta EE 10. The specification work is almost done, and Eclipse Krazo 3.0 passes a release candidate of the TCK. Currently, Tobias Erdle is doing an amazing job separating out some of the view engines to a separate Krazo Extensions repository. The motivation for this work is that since some of the view technologies in question are no longer actively maintained, it will lighten the maintenance burden on the Eclipse Krazo project.

The registration for EclipseCon 2022 is open. Here’s a tip for you: The best time to ask your manager for approval to go to EclipseCon is just before they head out of the door for vacation. You would be amazed at what you can get approved when they’re one click away from enabling their out-of-office notification, and a simple ‘yes’ is all it takes.

This year’s EclipseCon will take place in Ludwigsburg, Germany from October 24 to October 27.

On Monday, October 23, there will be a Jakarta EE Community Day. More details about the program for that day will be announced shortly. I will be there, and hope to see as many of you as possible!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #135

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

In last week’s Hashtag Jakarta EE (#134), I announced that the Jakarta EE 10 Platform was ready for ballot. I even started the ballot (since I am the appointed Jakarta EE Specification Committee Mentor for this specification) the following Tuesday. As it turned out, the specification was requested to be withdrawn from the ballot by the Jakarta EE Platform project. The reason is that there were changes needed in the Jakarta Concurrency TCK to accommodate the move to the Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile for that specification. These changes are of such nature that the Jakarta EE TCK Process wouldn’t allow them without a new minor release. As a consequence, the Jakarta EE Specification Committee passed a resolution to allow these changes in a service release in this special case.

Rather than being frustrated that the release sort of drags out, I am actually quite relieved. It is an example that the processes work, and they are there for a reason. The Jakarta EE Working Group does not compromise when it comes to compatibility and quality! That’s why this technology is something you can rely on, and continue building your mission-critical applications with.

I probably shouldn’t come up with any predictions for when the release is ready for ballot again other than it is really close. Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile looks like it is ready for ballot again after the necessary fixes to its TCK have been done.

Here is a reminder that the registration for EclipseCon 2022 is open. This year’s EclipseCon will take place in Ludwigsburg, Germany from October 24 to October 27.

Check out the program to see what you will be missing if you’re not going to attend. I also want to point you specifically to the great Jakarta EE talks in the program.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #134

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Here’s some good news! The Jakarta EE 10 Platform will go on ballot for its release review next week. Most likely on Monday. The Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile also looks to be in good shape, and will probably follow suit. Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile is waiting for a small update to the Jakarta Concurrency 3.0 TCK.

Another interesting event last week is that the creation review ballot for Jakarta Data was started this week. Creation reviews run for seven days according to the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP), so this ballot will conclude early this week. When the release review has concluded, Jakarta Data will appear in the list of specifications on https://jakarta.ee.

The conference season is now over for my part. Read my writeup from the season finale, which was JBCNConf 2022. After some well-deserved weeks of vacation, I will be out there with the community again in September and forward. The first planned conference will be JavaZone 2022 in Oslo. But you won’t get totally rid of me until then. The weekly Hashtag Jakarta EE will, of course, continue to come out even during summer.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #133

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

GlassFish 7.0.0-M7 passes the Jakarta EE 10 Platform TCK. The issues that are left affect the TCKs for Jakarta EE 10 Web- and Core Profiles. There is light at the end of the tunnel, but it is hard to predict precisely when these issues will be resolved. The best way to stay informed is to join the platform call on Tuesdays and/or follow the mailing lists, and of course follow the Hasthag Jakarta EE blog series.

The proposal for the Jakarta Data specification has completed the community review, and it is now being prepared for creation review ballot by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. All according to the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP).

The Registration for EclipseCon 2022 is now OPEN! Make sure to register in order to save you spot at the event happening in Ludwigsburg in October. There are some great Jakarta EE talks for you to attend. And, as always, a bunch of other topics as well.

And, if you are into running, I will arrange a Jakarta EE Community Morning run at least one of the days of the conference. Look out for #runWithJakartaEE on social media when we’re closer to the event.

Next up for me, if the traveling gods are still with me, is JBCNConf in Barcelona from July 18 to 20. I will present a talk titled Jakarta EE 10 – Feature by Feature, and Tanja will present Jakarta EE: Community Power and Progress.

Here’s some good news if you are a sucker for cool swag. While I was at the Eclipse Foundation All Hands meeting this week, I picked up a bunch of swag to give away at the upcoming conferences. When I checked in to my flight at Ottawa Airport, I discovered that mouse pads are heavier than they look. Solved it by taking them as hand luggage. Part of the story is that my baggage is loaded with maple syrup, so it was already quite heavy 😋

Hashtag Jakarta EE #132

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The program for EclipseCon 2022 has been published! The conference will be in Ludwigsburg, Germany from October 24 to October 27 later this year.

There is no fast track for Eclipse Foundation staff to speaking slots at EclipseCon. We have to submit abstracts just like anyone else aspiring to become an EclipseCon speaker. Luckily, I got two talks accepted. One of which I am listed as co-speaker.

My accepted talks are Jakarta EE 10 – Simplicity for Modern and Lightweight Cloud Applications and Jakarta EE Security – Sailing Safe in Troubled Waters (co-speaker with Werner Keil).

The status is more or less the same as I reported in Hashtag Jakarta EE #131 last week. There are three remaining issues to resolve before the release is ready. 1) CDI Language Model TCK failure in GlassFish, 2) Jakarta Concurrency 3.0 TCK contains remote Jakarta Enterprise Beans, and 3) Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.1 TCK contains tests for Jakarta XML Binding 4.0.

The Eclipse GlassFish project is working on a fix for 1), and there are Pull Requests being discussed for 2) and 3), so there is a small possibility that the Jakarta EE Platform, Web– and Core Profile can be ready for release review ballots the upcoming week.

The Jakarta EE Platform passes the TCK, and has filed a Compatibility Certification Request for Eclipse GlassFish 7.0.

I had a great trip to DWX’22 last week, even if the travel home took a little longer than planned. A flight turned into a train ride and an extra night at a Frankfurt Airport hotel before an early morning flight back home. Now, let’s see how Tomorrow’s trip to Ottawa will be affected by striking pilots…