Hashtag Jakarta EE #151

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Congratulations to the Spring Team for the release of Spring Framework 6.0! This is the first major release of Spring Framework in more than five years as Spring Framework 5 was released in September 2017.

Among other things, version 6 comes with a Java™ 17+ baseline as well as support for Jakarta EE 9+. The plus (+) behind the 9 for Jakarta EE indicates that they have incorporated support for a couple of the Jakarta EE 10 specifications, such as Jakarta Servlet 6.0 and Jakarta Persistence 3.1. Make sure to check out their wiki for guidance on how to upgrade to Spring Framework 6.0.

The Jakarta EE Platform Call for the last couple of weeks has been almost entirely about TCK challenges. The Challenge part is an important part of the Jakarta EE TCK process to ensure that the specifications are 100% implementable. Even if writing tests usually aren’t seen as glorified as writing other parts of the software, this is where you really can make an impact. The efforts around refactoring the Jakarta EE Platform TCK is a massive undertaking, and we can use all help we can get. The Monthly Jakarta EE TCK call (check the Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar) is an excellent place to start if you are curious about this.

Another important update is that there will be no Monthly Jakarta EE Architecture Call in December since it conflicts with JakartaOne Livestream 2022. We also decided to skip the January call due to the Holidays, so the next Monthly Jakarta EE Architecture Call will be on February 7, 2023, at 11:00 AM Eastern Time.

The agenda for JakartaOne Livestream on December 6, 2022, has been published. Please check it out, and register so you are guaranteed to receive all relevant information as soon as it is made available!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #150

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

An intense period of back-to-back conferences has come to an end. There is only one event left on my schedule for 2022, and that is JakartaOne Livestream on December 6.

As you can see, the speaker lineup is impressive this year as well. The talk descriptions and schedule will be published shortly. With speakers from all over the World, it is a bit of a puzzle to get everything aligned with time zones and such. Please register so you get the information as soon as it is made available.

As last year, we will return to Studio Jakarta EE between the sessions. The studio hosts this year will be Tanja, Shabnam, and myself. We are still working on the details of these sessions, but you may look forward to a lot of fun, an invited quest or two, and loose talk with and around the Jakarta EE community.

And there will be prizes. In previous editions of JakartaOne Livestream, we baked cupcakes, cakes, and pizza. I’m not sure what Tanja and Shabnam will come up with this year, but I am sure it will be tasty!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #149

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

A busy period with conferences and events is slowly winding down. After being on the road more or less since summer, I am looking forward to spending an entire month at home. That does not mean that conference season is over. Next week I will present Jakarta EE at Øredev 2022 in Malmö. This conference is convenient for me since I can go to the venue by bike.

We had the first Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture Call earlier this week. We had great discussions around topics like the CDI-centric approach, alignment with Java SE versions, and release cadence. Check out the minutes if you weren’t able to join.

Since the topics in the Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture Calls are around cross-cutting concerns and architectural decisions for the platform, it is extremely important that the various individual component specifications participate in some way or the other. It is a means for the Jakarta EE Platform Project to get input before making decisions that may impact the component specifications as well as a direct channel for the component specifications to raise concerns and request support or feature from other component specifications and the platform itself.

Make sure to subscribe to the Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar to get information about upcoming calls and find details on how to connect. These calls will also be recorded in the future. We just forgot to do it this time.

JakartaOne Livestream 2022 is only a month away. Please register to be a part of this annual online conference! As always, the speaker lineup is impressive. The program and schedule will be announced shortly.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #148

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The conference season continues. Last week, I was at EclipseCon 2022 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. I am now enjoying a couple of days at home before heading out again. The first out is J-Fall 2022 in Ede, Netherlands on Thursday, November 3. After that, I am going to Paris, France to be part of the Hack.Commit.Push event there on Saturday, November 6.

Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture Call

On Tuesday, the Jakarta EE Platform project is hosting the first Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture Call. This monthly call will happen on the first Tuesday of every month. Specification projects are encouraged to be represented at these calls.

Time: Tuesday, November 1 at 11:00 AM Eastern Time. See the Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar for how to connect.

The topics for the call on November 1 are:

  • CDI Centric Approach (#552)
  • Release Cadence
  • Java SE Versions Alignment (#553)
  • Participation in TCK Refactoring (#559)

I also want to point you to the Monthly TCK Call, which also can be found in the Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar. This call happens on the first Wednesday of every month.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #147

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

JavaOne 2022 is a wrap! You can read all about it in my post titled JavaOne 2022. I am writing this Hashtag Jakarta EE at San Francisco Airport on my way home. The post will be published about the time I land in Copenhagen.

No rest for the brave, unless you consider a 10,5 hour flight over 9 time zones as rest. Less than 24 hours after I return home, I am headed for EclipseCon 2022 in Ludwigsburg, Germany. There is a lot of Jakarta EE-related content listed in the main conference program, as well as the Jakarta EE Community Day on Monday.

Jakarta EE 10 has been out for a month now, and the Jakarta EE Platform Project has started with the work on the next release. One of the activities that we are constantly working on is to refactor the existing Platform TCK (Test Compatibility Kit). Check out the draft plan for this refactoring effort initiated by Scott Marlow.

Refactoring the Platform TCK is not a trivial task. As Scott writes in the issue: “The challenge is to refactor 1,536,083 lines of Java code (3,965,763 lines counting all Platform TCK files).”

Something completely different. Deploying a Jakarta EE application to the cloud should be simple. A very simplistic, developer-friendly approach has been developed by Payara, and they have been kind enough to give me access to their trial environment. A couple of weeks ago they interviewed me about my experiences with Payara Cloud. Check out the resulting video below.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #146

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Jakarta EE Platform project is preparing a poll that will be sent out to the individual specification projects. Some of the things the project would like to have answered are which Java SE version the specification project is planning to require as a minimum. This will be valuable input when planning for Jakarta EE 11.

Less than 24 hours after returning from Devoxx Belgium 2022, I am on my way to JavaOne 2022. Check out all the Jakarta EE-related activities at JavaOne in my blog post from last week. I am looking forward to finally meeting Duke again in his right element. Duke belongs to JavaOne, and JavaOne belongs to Duke…

Hashtag Jakarta EE #145

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Jakarta EE Platform Project started with weekly platform calls in 2019. The calls are open for everyone to participate and usually gather somewhere between 15 and 20 participants. The discussions are usually pretty lively and cover general topics that are relevant to all Jakarta EE Specification projects as well as topics more specific to the platform. Meeting minutes are always published on the Jakarta EE Platform Project Meeting Minutes page shortly after the calls.

From time to time, there are topics of more general nature that need to be discussed with the various specification projects. For example, architectural decisions that may impact all, or some, specifications. There are also situations where the Platform Project wants to gather input from all, or some, specifications to be able to make the best decisions.

The first platform call of the month will now be referred to as The Monthly Platform Architecture Call, and be dedicated to this. The agenda will be prepared in advance, and will not depend on attendees having attended the weekly platform calls.

The first Monthly Platform Architecture Call will be held on November 1, 2022.

The details for the call can be found in the public Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar. The platform projects strongly recommend that each Jakarta EE specification project are represented at these calls. Depending on what topics are on the agenda, special invites, or even stronger encouragements will be sent to specific specification projects.

Jakarta MVC 2.1 is released! It requires Jakarta EE 10, and currently has three compatible implementations:

Please give it a try and get back to the team with feedback.

The upcoming weeks will be very busy with conferences. I have six events scheduled for the next five weeks. The first will be Devoxx Belgium 2022 in Antwerp.

We will kickstart the Jakarta EE content on Tuesday evening when Edwin and I will host The Jakarta EE BOF. Please join us Tuesday at 19:30 in room BOF1 as this is the absolute best opportunity to interact with leading Jakarta EE experts and get all your questions answered.

My regular conference session Jakarta EE 10 – Simplicity for Modern and Lightweight Cloud Applications is scheduled for Thursday at 13:30 in Room 4.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #144

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

After Jakarta EE 10 was released, the platform project immediately started looking ahead toward Jakarta EE 11. Here are some of the issues and epics identified so far:

In the last platform call, we also decided to use the first platform call of the month as a recurring meeting of a more general nature to discuss and communicate platform issues that may affect individual specifications. Committers and project leads of all specification projects are strongly recommended participating in these meetings. They will also be a channel for specification projects to communicate back to the platform project team. The first monthly call is planned for November 1, 2022. Stay tuned for more information.

Last week, I was at JCONF.DEV in Chicago. Among other things, Jakarta EE joined up with IBM and their booth in the exhibition area where we handed out t-shirts and other swag to the participants.

The CFP for JakartaOne Livestream 2022 is open. Submit early for a better chance of getting a talk included in the program. The program committee will accept talks on a rolling basis, so expect the first speakers to be announced shortly.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #143

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

What a week for the Java community! Java SE 19 on Tuesday and Jakarta EE 10 on Thursday!

There are already several options available for Java SE 19. For those of you waiting for Eclipse Temurin, I can assure you that is on the way. Check the build status to be the first to know when you can get it.

The other thing happening this week, besides the release of Java SE 19, was the release of the long-anticipated Jakarta EE 10.

In the announcement The Eclipse Foundation’s Jakarta EE Working Group Releases Jakarta EE 10 to Usher in the Era of Cloud Native Java, you can among other things read quotes from 10 of the Jakarta EE Working Group members. You can also check out my Jakarta EE 10 post for some pointers on where to get started with Jakarta EE 10.

Next week, I’ll be in Chicago for JCONF.DEV, or DEEP.DISH.JAVA. if you like. My talk titled Jakarta EE 10 – Simplicity for Modern and Lightweight Cloud Applications is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28 at 10:00. I’m bringing T-shirts, stickers, and other Jakarta EE 10 swag. Don’t be shy, come and say hi!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #142

Welcome to issue number one hundred and forty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The release review for Jakarta EE 10 Platform and Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile was completed this Tuesday successfully. The official launch date is set for September 22, 2022. The artifacts are available in Maven Central, so you can go ahead and start using them already.

Jakarta EE 10 Platform


Jakarta EE 10 Web Profile


Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile


There are already several compatible implementations ready. The following were used for ratification of the specifications:

In addition to these, several additional certification requests have been filed (at the time of writing):

This is incredibly impressive given the number of updates, changes, and features delivered in Jakarta EE 10. It usually takes a little longer for other compatible implementations than the ones used for ratification to be ready. Great work by a vibrant community!