Hashtag Jakarta EE #161

Welcome to issue number one hundred and sixty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

We are almost a month into 2023 and the Jakarta EE Platform Project is ramping up the release planning for Jakarta EE 11. A survey will shortly go out to all the individual component specification projects to gather input about their plans. The responses from this survey will feed into the release plan for Jakarta EE 11. A draft of this release plan is in the works and will be on the agenda for the Jakarta EE Platform call this week.

The agenda for the next Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call is ready. Following the update on Project Loom in the context of Jakarta EE by Alan Bateman and Ron Pressler from the JDK Team at Oracle, we want to have a broader discussion around the implication virtual threads and other features in Java 21 will have on Jakarta EE 11.

The call is scheduled for 11:00 AM ET on February 7, 2023. Check the public calendar for details on how to join.

Jakarta EE will have dedicated track at Devnexus this year. with two full days of Jakarta EE related talks. There will even be a celebration of the 5 hyear anniversary of Jakarta EE. Maybe there will even be cake? (Vincent, this is a hint for you 😋)

If you haven’t registered for the conference yet, please use the code SEEMESPEAK to get a nice discount. This is the largest Java conference in the USA with 12 concurrent tracks, great food and networking oportunities. Not to mention the mega raffle at the end where you can win really nice prices!

Jfokus 2023 is only a week away. In addition to a quickie talk on How to Be a Responsible Open Source Citizen, I will also host the second annual Jfokus Morning Run. Sign up for the run at the Jfokus Morning Run MeetUp Event and meet me outside the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Center at 07:15 AM CET on Wednesday, February 8, 2023!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #160

Welcome to issue number one hundred and sixty of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week, I was speaking at THAT Conference in Round Rock, Texas. It was my first travel in 2023, and it felt really good to be on the road again. I have a feeling that 2023 will be at least as busy as 2022. Judging by the activity on Sessionize last year, I have something to live up to.

In Hashtag Jakarta EE #159 last week, I predicted that the high-level guidelines for Jakarta EE 11 would be a major topic in the following Jakarta EE Platform calls. Unfortunately, I was not able to attend the platform call due to a conflict with my talk at THAT Conference. Judging from the minutes, it was a very productive call, and the Platform Project is eager to get started with the work of defining a plan for the release.

One of the key tasks identified is to start the work with the TCKs to be able to run with Java 21 by removing the usage of Security Manager and start early with running on Java 18, 19, and 20 to identify all potential issues with moving to newer runtimes.

I also want to remind you about the next Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call, which is scheduled for 11:00 AM ET on February 7, 2023. For this call, we are honored to have  Alan Bateman and Ron Pressler from the JDK Team at Oracle give us an update on Project Loom in the context of Jakarta EE. Check the public calendar for details on how to join.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #159

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

As I mentioned in Hashtag Jakarta EE #157, the Steering Committee of the Jakarta EE Working Group has been working on defining high-level guidelines for Jakarta EE 11. The effort, led by Steve Millidge, concluded with the following resolution at the steering committee call this week:

“Resolved, the Steering Committee recommends that the Jakarta EE Working Group begin planning for the next Jakarta EE 11 release as proposed in the Jakarta EE 11 Narrative Presentation, with the following high-level guidelines: 

  • Target Java version 21 
  • Target GA date Q1 2024
  • Priorities 
    • Unified APIs improving Developer Experience
    • New Specifications
    • Build on the Latest Java
    • Enable Community Contribution

These guidelines are provided to encourage a common community direction for Jakarta EE 11.“

It is certainly great news that the Jakarta EE Steering Committee defines these high-level guidelines for Jakarta EE 11. Now, it is up to the Jakarta EE Platform Project to define a plan for how to act on the guidelines. This will certainly be the main topic of the upcoming weekly Jakarta EE Platform calls.

The next Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call is scheduled for 11:00 AM ET on February 7, 2023. For this call, we are honored to have  Alan Bateman and Ron Pressler from the JDK Team at Oracle give us an update on Project Loom in the context of Jakarta EE. Check the public calendar for details on how to join.

While you are reading this, I am on my way to THAT Conference in Round Rock, Texas. The conference brands itself as “A summer cam pin the Texas winter for software geeks passionate about learning all things mobile, web, cloud, and technology.”.

Those of you that know me, know that I like to go for a morning run before the conference days. At THAT Conference, they have a 5K run on the schedule each morning. All attendees that join me there will get a Jakarta EE running shirt and a surprise swag.

To round off this Hashtag, check out the video Why Choose Jakarta EE.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #158

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

2023 is a week old, and my first conference of the year is coming up! I am going to Texas to speak at THAT Conference in Round Rock, Texas. It is my first time attending this conference, so I am looking very much forward to it!

If you want to attend, but haven’t registered yet, check out https://that.us/events/tx/2023/ for ticket options. Use the discount code unspecified at checkout for 80% off the no-food camper ticket.

THAT Conference is happening January 15-19. 2023. In addition to being my first time speaking at this particular conference, I am also trying out a brand new talk. It is titled How to Be a Responsible Open Source Citizen at this conference and will be a more inspirational style talk than my usual technical talks.

Kind of related to the topic of this talk is something that happened during the last days of 2022. Seemingly out of nowhere, Eclipse Krazo received a PR from Maarten Mulders fixing the issue with Krazo running on Open Liberty. And it didn’t stop there. Maarten found some issues with the EE4J pom.xml when building on Maven 4, which he also submitted a PR to fix.

Thank you, Maarten for your contributions! (and bring on those Stroopwafels 😋)

The Jakarta EE Platform project will resume its weekly platform calls in the upcoming week. The first call is on Tuesday, January 10 at 11:00 AM ET. Find the details on the public Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar. Join us if you want to be a part of the discussions and provide input to the work with defining Jakarta EE 11.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #157

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE, the first of many in 2023!

Happy New Year!

Let’s peek into the crystal bowl and check out what we can expect from 2023. The Conference Year 2022 was amazing! European conferences were more or less back at pre-pandemic attendance numbers while US conferences struggled a little with their numbers. This trend will most likely continue in 2023. Conferences in Asia also seem to start up again in 2023. I hope to see as many of you as possible at as many conferences as possible!

Even if you are hesitant, or unable to travel to a conference, there may be very good options in your neighborhood. Check out your local JUG, or other communities to see what’s going on. As an example, if you are located in the US Midwest do check out CodeMash 2023 (Jan 10-13)! I have had the honor of speaking at CodeMash several times, and it is absolutely worth a visit!

One thing that will happen in 2023 is that Java 21 will be released in September. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten that Java 20 will be released in March. But since Java SE 21 is labeled as an LTS release, it will get more attention. I would, however, recommend always using the latest version, LTS or not, if you are able to.

With Java on its steady, predictable release train, can we expect something like that for Jakarta EE as well? The discussions in various projects and forums seem to go in that direction. The Steering Committee of the Jakarta EE Working Group seems to favor a model where Jakarta EE is released 6 months after a Java SE LTS release. A suggestion is that Jakarta EE 11 will be released in Q1 2024 with Java SE 21 as the baseline. Consequently, there will not be a major release of Jakarta EE in 2023. It is expected that a decision around this will be made in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned for more updates!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #156

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I realize that it is Christmas Day and hopefully most of you stay away from your devices for some electronic detox over the Holidays. This is the last Hashtag Jakarta EE in 2022. But don’t despair, I will continue to publish these short news updates in 2023 as well, the first to be published on New Year’s Day.

Since I sort of summarized the year, in terms of conferences in the conference year of 2022, I won’t repeat that here. I hope you are all able to enjoy a couple of well-earned days off to recharge. See you next year!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #155

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Eclipse GlassFish 7.0.0 was released this week! It has been available as milestone builds for a couple of months, but not the final release is here. Congratulations to everyone involved in the release!

Eclipse GlassFish is one of the compatible implementations of Jakarta EE 10. All currently certified Compatible Implementations of Jakarta EE 10 are:

This list is constantly growing, so make sure you visit the Compatible Products section once in a while to stay up-to-date.

The weekly Jakarta EE Platform calls will take a break until we write 20223
(I wonder how many times, on average, you have to write the date until the new year sticks. I know I need a couple of attempts at least…). The next platform call will be on January 10, 2023, at 11:00 am EST. We will also continue with the monthly Jakarta EE Architecture calls with the first on February 7, 2023, at 11:00 am EST. Stay tuned for updates.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #154

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The highlight of this week was obviously the fourth annual JakartaOne Livestream. We had so much fun hosting the event, and hope everyone watching had a great time as well!

One of the videos we ran between the sessions was a recap of some of the Jakarta EE Community Runs we have been doing at conferences around the World. The lightweight Jakarta EE-branded running shirts have been very popular. I will continue bringing these whenever possible at events next year. In addition to these, I have now received a batch of snap-on reflexes to keep runners (and non-runners) safe in low-light conditions.

So, what else is going on in the Community? The last Jakarta EE Platform call of 2022 will happen on Tuesday, December 13 at 11:00 am ET. The level of activity tends to wind down for the holidays, so we will be back in full force in January next year.

The plan review for Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0 concluded successfully this week. The main goal for version 4 of this popular API is to provide better alignment with Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI). Hopefully, more of the component specifications can state their goals and plans for future versions shortly as this will make it easier for the Jakarta EE Platform project to come up with a plan for Jakarta EE 11.

A couple of times a year, the Java Community Process (JCP) Executive Committee (EC) hosts a public meeting where the community can interact with the EC member. The next public EC Meeting is on December 13, 2022, at 09:00 am PT. Join the call to hear the EC members share their favorite things that happened in the Java Community in 2022.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #153

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

JakartaOne Livestream 2022 is only a couple of days away. Check out the agenda and be prepared for a full day packed with great content! If you haven’t registered yet, this is the time to do so!

Between the sessions, we will return to Studio Jakarta EE where Shabnam, Tanja, and myself will discuss the talks and other topics related to Jakarta EE. And of course, there will be time for some surprises and fun as well. The tradition of having an informal food-related competition continues. The topic for JakartaOne Livestream 2022 is Jakarta EE themed snack. So go wild with your favorite snack and tweet your contribution. Make sure to use the hashtag #JakartaOne and tag the picture with @JakartaEE and @JakartaOneConf.

This year’s JakartaOne is the fourth edition of this online conference, and true to tradition, we create these exclusive collector’s buttons for those participating. Let us know if you have all of them!

As you noticed, this issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE was fully dedicated to JakartaOne Livestream. I’ll be back with more updates on what else is going on in the vibrant Jakarta EE community next week.

We hope to see you on Tuesday!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #152

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fifty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

In the previous Hashtag Jakarta EE, I mentioned the release of Spring Framework 6.0 – the first major release in five years. This week, it is time for Spring Boot 3.0. Can you imagine that Spring Boot 2.0 was released 4.5 years ago? It feels like yesterday.

As with Spring Framework 6.0, Spring Boot 3.0 raises the baseline to Java SE 17, supports Jakarta EE 9, and selected Jakarta EE 10 specifications. It also comes with support for generating native images with GraalVM.

I suspect that when developers start their migration to Spring Framework 6.0 and Spring Boot 3.0 from earlier versions, they may face challenges due to the namespace migration from javax.* to jakarta.*. I have been pointing this out in all my Jakarta EE talks over the last couple of years, but since the audiences have mostly been those migrating from earlier versions of Jakarta EE, or Java EE, many Spring developers may have missed out on this. In an effort to make this a little more palatable, I have started submitting an abstract for a talk called Jakarta EE for Spring Developers. In this talk, I will address the namespace migration challenges specifically for applications based on Spring/Spring Boot. The first opportunity to attend this talk will be DeveloperWeek in Oakland, in February next year.

It is just a little more than one week until JakartaOne Livestream 2022 on December 6. If you haven’t registered yet, please do so now so you don’t miss out on anything. This 12+ hour event is a perfect way to wind down for the holidays.

As always, we have a food-related competition where you can win great prizes and glory. This year, we are going for Jakarta EE themed snack! It can be based on fruit as shown below but doesn’t have to be. If you’re more into salty or sugary snacks, that’s fine too. Just go crazy with whatever your taste is!