Hashtag Jakarta EE #181

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The scope of Jakarta EE 11 is taking shape. Here is an update on the current status of the plan reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 11 (Snapshot from Sunday, June 18, 2023):

Plan Approved
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0

Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0

On Ballot
Jakarta Authentication 3.1 (ballot)
Jakarta Pages 4.0 (ballot)
Jakarta Persistence 3.2 (ballot)

Ready for Ballot
Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
Jakarta Faces 5.0
Jakarta Security 4.0
Jakarta Servlet 6.1
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2
Jakarta MVC 3.0

In addition to these, we hope that there will be an update to Jakarta Bean Validation (soon to be renamed to Jakarta Validation btw) to ensure that Validation works as expected with records.

Next week, I will be in Eastern Time for the Eclipse Foundation yearly all-hands in Ottawa. All staff will meet there to sync up and enable us to serve the Community in the best way possible. All usual activities, such as the weekly Jakarta EE Platform Call will go on as usual.

The week after, I will speak at the Amsterdam JUG since I am in Amsterdam speaking at GOTO Amsterdam that week anyway.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #180

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

In last week’s Hashtag Jakarta EE, I listed all specifications planning an update for Jakarta EE 11. Among these, three of them are currently not part of the Platform. These independent component specifications, Jakarta Data 1.0, Jakarta NoSQL 1.0, and Jakarta MVC 3.0, are all candidates for inclusion in Jakarta EE 11.

Jakarta Data provides an API to allow easy data access by implementing the Repository Pattern. Pretty much the way Spring Data does it. Join the discussion to voice your opinion regarding the inclusion of Jakarta Data in Jakarta EE 11.

Jakarta NoSQL provides a standard for streamlining the integration of Java applications with NoSQL databases. Join the discussion to voice your opinion regarding the inclusion of Jakarta NoSQL in Jakarta EE 11.

Jakarta MVC standardizes the action-based model-view-controller pattern as a complement to the component-based offered by Jakarta Faces. With the bubbling conversations about moving some of the rendering back to the server in the various client-side JavaScript frameworks, Jakarta MVC may turn out to be more relevant than ever. Join the discussion to voice your opinion regarding the inclusion of Jakarta MVC in Jakarta EE 11.

From time to time, some unexpected and/or cool usages of Jakarta EE specifications pop up. This week, Richard Schilling sent an email to the Jakarta EE Platform mailing list telling about his efforts to use Jakarta EE on Android. Check out jakartaee-mobile on GitHub.

If you are new to Jakarta EE or just want to complete a course for the Jakarta EE skill on LinkedIn, I have just published an overview course of Jakarta EE on LinkedIn Learning. Check it out, and tell me what you think!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #179

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Planning for Jakarta EE 11 continues. There was a rush of requests for plan review submitted this week. At the moment, the specifications that are planning an update for Jakarta EE 11 are:

Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
Jakarta Faces 5.0
Jakarta Pages 4.0
Jakarta Persistence 3.2
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0 (*)
Jakarta Security 4.0
Jakarta Servlet 6.1
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

Jakarta Data 1.0 (*)
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0 (*)
Jakarta MVC 3.0

Those marked with (*) already have approved plans, so a plan review is not necessary for this release. Also note that Jakarta Data, Jakarta NoSQL, and Jakarta MVC are currently standalone specifications being discussed for inclusion in the Platform. Out of these three, my guess is that Jakarta Data is the one most likely to be included. There is an issue in the Jakarta EE Platform issue tracker to capture the discussion around this. Please do chime in if you have an opinion about it. Following this discussion, there will most likely be a formal vote on the Jakarta EE mailing list.

Last week’s trip to JPrime 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria was the last of four conferences I spoke at in May. Summer is approaching, and conference season is starting to wind down. My next conference will be GOTO Amsterdam at the end of June. While I am there, I will also speak at the Amsterdam JUG. More details will follow when the details are carved out.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #178

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The due date for submitting plan reviews for specifications that are candidates for Jakarta EE 11 is May 30. And that date is fast approaching! The pull requests for those that are ready are labeled as Plan Review in the Jakarta EE Specification Committee’s GitHub repository.

A great way to get involved in specification work is to participate in the discussions happening in the GitHub issue trackers for the various specifications. An example is the discussion about HTTP status codes going on in Jakarta REST. Please chime in if you have an opinion or any relevant industry experience that can help guide the decision.

May is a busy month for conferences. Next week, I am going to Sofia to speak at JPrime 2023. It’s been a while since I was at JPrime, so I am very much looking forward to it! Check out the cool speaker promo they created for me.

Relax, I won’t bug you with the link to the course I created for LinkedIn in every Hashtag Jakarta EE, but bear with me for a while. If you are new to Jakarta EE or just want to complete a course for the Jakarta EE skill on LinkedIn, I have just published an overview course of Jakarta EE on LinkedIn Learning. Check it out, and tell me what you think!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #177

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It is only a little over a week until the plan reviews are due for the component specifications. You can check out the content of the reviews in the pull requests labeled Plan Review in the Jakarta EE Specification Committee Issue Tracker on GitHub.

For an overview of the ingredients that are currently being discussed for inclusion in Jakarta EE 11, check out the issues labeled EE11 in the Jakarta EE Platform Issue Tracker on GitHub. Also, make sure to check out the minutes from the weekly Jakarta EE Platform Project calls.

As I mentioned last week, I have spent this week at home. On Tuesday next week, I am headed to Gdańsk in Poland for Infoshare 2023 where I will present how to migrate from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 focusing on how to handle the various scenarios involving the javax.* to jakarta.* namespace change made in Jakarta EE 9.

If you are new to Jakarta EE, or just want to complete a course for the Jakarta EE skill on LinkedIn, I have just published an overview course of Jakarta EE on LinkedIn Learning. Check it out, and tell me what you think!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #176

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am back from my trip to Devoxx UK, and this time I will enjoy 10 days at home before heading off to Gdańsk to speak at Infoshare 2023. I had a talk there in 2021 as well, so it will be my second time speaking at this conference.

The work on producing a release plan for Jakarta EE 11 continues. The call to action for all individual component specifications is to have a plan ready for review by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee by May 30. Find the details in this email from Ed Burns to the Jakarta EE Specification Project Lead mailing list.

Don’t mix business with pleasure, or was it politics with open source? In the case of the proposed Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) by the European Union, this may be an exception. Check out the article EU’s Cyber Resilience Act contains a poison pill for open source developers in The Register. While you’re at it check out Product Liability Directive: More Bad News for Open Source by Mike Milinkovich to see why you should care about what the politicians in Brussels are cooking up these days.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #175

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am home from an absolutely amazing Devoxx Greece 2023! The 1200 of you that were there know what I am talking about. But don’t despair if you weren’t able to attend this conference. A new opportunity comes up already next week in London. If you haven’t signed up for Devoxx UK 2023 yet, do so with the 25% discount code SEEMESPEAK23.

I will be presenting Modern and Lightweight Cloud Application Development with Jakarta EE 10 on Thursday. On the flight back home from Athens yesterday, I decided to spice up this talk with a demo using Spring Boot 2 and Spring Boot 3 to show how closely connected this technology is with Jakarta EE.

In the monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call this week, we discussed the release planning of Jakarta EE 11. The first milestone in the plan is to gather the plans from all individual component specification projects. This is done according to the JESP in the form of Plan Reviews. We want these plan reviews in by May 30, 2023, so they can be started at the latest on May 31, 2023.

I have finally succumbed to the pressure and decided to add Instagram to my social media channels. Better late than never maybe? Anyway, I have been sparsely on Instagram before, so you may find some old accounts lingering around, but to give this a new fresh start, I created a new profile named ivargrimstad_official. Feel free to follow me and interact with me there. My intention is to post pictures from activities I’m a part of related to Jakarta EE, but as always, I suspect there will be some totally unrelated content as well.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #174

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Conference season is upon us. Last week, I visited Bangalore, India to speak at GIDS 2023. This week I am going to Athens, Greece to speak at Devoxx Greece 2023. This is the first time Devoxx takes place in Greece after evolving from Voxxed Days Athens. I am thrilled to be a part of it!

The Platform Project is in the process of collecting issues to get a feel of the scope of the Jakarta EE 11. Check them out, and feel free to add anything you think is missing. The issue list is discussed in the weekly Jakarta EE Platform calls as well as in the Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call.

On that topic, time flies when you’re having fun. It is already time for the next Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call this upcoming week. Make sure to join this call to make your voice heard in the planning for Jakarta EE 11. The call is scheduled for 11:00 AM ET on May 2, 2023. Check the public calendar for details on how to join.

If you haven’t responded to the 2023 Jakarta EE Developer Survey yet, it is still open and will be open until May 25. There is no need to wait, take a couple of minutes and provide your valuable insights.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #173

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I wrote in Hashtag Jakarta EE #172 that presented How To Be a Responsible Open Source Cicizen at the Java Heroes Mini Conference in Singapore last week. Take a look at this amazing drawing by Jérôme Bourgeon that summarizes the talk in one picture!

Related to the topic of this talk is the letter from thirteen open source bodies (Eclipse Foundation included) to the EU asking the European Commission to reconsider parts of the proposed Cyber Resilience Act (CRA). Check out the blog series by Mike Milinkovich to learn more about this topic.

The Jakarta EE Platform continues its journey toward Jakarta EE 11. The team has now started collecting the issues to get a feel of the scope of the release. Check them out, and feel free to add anything you think is missing. The issue list is discussed in the weekly Jakarta EE Platform calls.

The input that was gathered from the community using the Jakarta EE 11 Discussion document also needs to be converted into GitHub issues. Please help out with this task. Keep in mind that if it isn’t present in the GitHub issue tracker, it will likely not be discussed and has less probability of making it to the release.

I am currently on my way to Great International Developer Summit (GIDS) in Bangalore where I will present Modern and Lightweight Cloud Application Development with Java and Jakarta EE. It is my third time speaking at GIDS in Bangalore, and I look very much forward to this trip!

If you haven’t responded to the 2023 Jakarta EE Developer Survey yet, it is still open and will be open until May 25. There is no need to wait, take a couple of minutes and provide your valuable insights.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #172

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am back from the JCP Executive Committee meeting in Singapore where we also participated in the Java Heroes Mini Conference organized by Singapore JUG. The conference started with a panel of all JCP EC Members, myself included. The panel discussion started with a short presentation by Georges Saab, and was moderated by Heather VanCura. After the panel, there were talks by Simon Ritter, Mala Gupta, and myself.

My talk was titled How to Be a Responsible Open Source Citizen. It is a non-technical talk about how to consume and contribute to open source in a safe way.

As always, when I travel, I try to get a run into my schedule and Singapore was no exception. As always sporting my Jakarta EE running shirt. Even in the heat and humidity in Singapore, it is the best way to recharge. And work, actually. Holly is really spot on with her blog post Why Your Desk is the Worst Place to Work, and Other Life Lessons from a Lazy Developer.

What makes a run such a great place to work is … the absence of work.

Holly Cummins