Hashtag Jakarta EE #273

Welcome to issue number two hundred and seventy-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I’m on my way home after JavaOne 2025. As usual, I will cover the conference in a separate post shortly. There was so much going on during this hectic week, so I haven’t had time to sit down and write the post yet. It was an awesome conference! If you weren’t able to attend this year, I would recommend that you do so next year.

The release review ballot for Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile is as good as ready to start. There are only some minor adjustment left until it is ready. Eclipse GlassFish has passed the TCK and the Compatibility Certification Request has been approved. Congratulations to the project for achieving this!

Another thing that surfaced seemingly out of nowhere this week was that the MicroProfile steering committee started discussing the possibility of merging MicroProfile in under the Jakarta EE working group. This is certainly a welcoming initiative as it will reduce the unnecessary confusion of these two working groups and brands. In my opinion it is a win-win for both, and something that should have happened a long time ago. The specifications will be put alongside the existing Jakarta EE specifications and making the platform more complete and offered to a broader audience by taking advantage of the stronger brand that Jakarta EE is.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #272

Welcome to issue number two hundred and seventy-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Jakarta NoSQL 1.0 has passed its release review and is now publicly available. This is a major milestone for the project. Congrats to the team!

It seems like this is the week of good news. The Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile is as good as ready for the release review ballot to start. The final version of the TCK has been staged, and Eclipse GlassFish passes it on both JDK 17 and JDK 21. I expect the ballot to start early next week, as soon as all the materials have been gathered.

I am currently on my way to California and JavaOne where I will present a brand new talk titled The Evolution of Enterprise Java with Jakarta EE 11 and Beyond. Since the talk has a historical aspect, I had to dig out my old Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans book to recap how it used to be. It is an understatement of another world to say that this platform has evolved to something so much simpler today. Come to my talk for the past, present, and future of Enterprise Java.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #271

Welcome to issue number two hundred and seventy-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I have just arrived home from Devnexus 2025 in Atlanta, Georgia. The upcoming week, I will stay at home before going to JavaOne 2025 in Redwood Shores, California. Check out my past and upcoming conference on my Jakarta EE Developer Advocate page.

The Starter for Jakarta EE now has support for Jakarta EE 11. Check it out at start.jakarta.ee. At this point, only Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile is available for this version. Jakarta EE Web Profile and Jakarta EE 11 Platform will be available as soon as they are released.

On the topic of Jakarta EE 11, rumour has it that Eclipse GlassFish now passes the Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile TCK, so we should expect the release review to start shortly. Planning for Jakarta EE 12 goes on. Check out the progress of the plan reviews. The weekly Jakarta EE Platform call is the place to be if you want to be part of these discussions.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #270

Welcome to issue number two hundred and seventy of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

While the work is being wrapped up on the TCK for Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile, we the planning for Jakarta EE 12 is entering a new stage. Jared Anderson, in his capacity of the release lead for Jakarta EE 12, has requested the component specifications to come forward with their plans for the release by April 15, 2025. Some of them have already prepared their material for their plan reviews.

The release review for Jakarta NoSQL 1.0 is ongoing (concludes on March 11, 2025).

This week I toured Java User Groups in the US North East coast. I visited New York, Hartford, and Boston. Read about it in my blog posts from the events:

New York Java SIG
Connecticut JUG
Boston Java Users

Next week, the community gathers in Atlanta for Devnexus. As always, there is a dedicated track for Jakarta EE. We will also have a booth, so please swing by and have a chat with us. I am sure we will have some awesome swag for you as well.

It has become a tradition to go for a run in the mornings before the conference. We will meet by the olympic rings in the corner of Centennial Olympic Park at 6:30 AM. If you are staying at the AC Hotel, you can meet me in the lobby at 6:25 AM to pick up some Jakarta EE running swag. I will bring some shirts and socks. First come, first serve.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #269

Welcome to issue number two hundred and sixty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week, I spoke at the Madrid JUG. We also had a panel where my colleagues at the Eclipse Foundation talked about the work they do to support the open-source community. Next week, I will go on a North East US JUG tour where I will speak at NYJavaSIG, Connecticut JUG, and Boston JUG. If you’re in the area, I hope you will come and say hello and have some pizza.

I know that I have been saying this for a while now, but the release of Jakarta EE Web Profile 11 is very close. There are only some small refinements remaining for the TCK to be fully refactored and ready to be used for certifications.

I also want to remind you to register for Devnexus. As in the previous years, we will have a whole track dedicated to content related to Jakarta EE. Check it out in the schedule.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #268

Welcome to issue number two hundred and sixty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

While the last pieces of the Jakarta EE 11 TCK are being put together, the topic of Jakarta EE 12 is really getting some traction in the Jakarta EE Platform Project. It is great to see the discussions around Jakarta Config as well as several other specifications and areas for this release. The Jakarta NoSQL project is polishing up the material for its release review, which should be ready to go pretty soon. This is a major milestone for the project! Jakarta Data has produced all the material for a plan review, so the project is in a very good state for Jakarta EE 12. Check out the issues labeled for Jakarta EE 12 in the Jakarta EE Platform issue tracker.

After a couple of months with holiday break, vacation, and conference low-season, I will now get on the road again. First up is the Madrid JUG on Tuesday next week. I look forward to getting out where the community is.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #267

Welcome to issue number two hundred and sixty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am still enjoying time off in Indonesia, but will be back in business again this week. I am happy to see the Jakarta Config specification is finally gaining some momentum again. This is a specification we wanted included first in Jakarta EE 10, and then in Jakarta EE 11. Now it looks like Jakarta EE 12 will be where it is finally made available to the Jakarta EE developers.

After coming back home, I will fairly quickly go on the road again to visit a couple of Java User Groups before the major conferences starts. First out will be Madrid, followed by New York, Connecticut, and Boston. Check out these and more events on my Jakarta EE Developer Advocate page.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #266

Welcome to issue number two hundred and sixty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am on vacation in Indonesia this week, so this post will be a tad shorter than usual.

Java is always close. Right now closer than ever for me since it is just over the horizon. Jakarta is there on the other side as well, so I make sure to wear all the appropriate Jakarta EE branded gear while walking along the beach. So far, nobody has made any comments, though…

If you never experience the need to look up the term Bali Belly, you should consider yourself lucky.

The work with Jakarta EE 11 continues, I keep an eye on the activity on the various lists and forums even when I am not actively participating. Maybe Web Profile will be releases when I come home…?

Hashtag Jakarta EE #265

Welcome to issue number two hundred and sixty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Here’s some good news! The Jakarta NoSQL project is ready to release version 1.0 of the specification. At the moment, they are putting together the last bits and pieces of the material required for the release review by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. You can look at it in the pull request for that purpose. It is a big milestone for a Jakarta specification project to release the first version of a specification. Congratulations to the team!

As for Jakarta EE 11, the Jakarta EE TCK project members continue their efforts to finalize the Jakarta EE Web Profile 11 TCK. There are just a couple of tests remaining and the focus is currently on updating the TCK User Guide for the refactored way of running the tests. You can follow their progress on their GitHub Project Board.

I will be on vacation for the next few weeks but don’t despair. As usual, I will monitor the progress and publish Hashtag Jakarta EE every week.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #264

Welcome to issue number two hundred and sixty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The latest news about the refactoring of the TCK for Jakarta EE 11 is that the team is getting closer to releasing Jakarta EE Web Profile 11. There are just a small number of tests remaining to be refactored, and the rewriting of the TCK User Guide has started.

The discussions around Jakarta EE 12 are gaining momentum. Check out the EE12 labeled issues in the Jakarta EE Platform GitHub Issue Tracker. Feel free to add new issues or contribute to the discussions of those already created.

You can also join the Jakarta EE Future Directions interest group and participate in high-level discussions about how the platform should evolve. If you’re not able to join the bi-weekly calls (calendar), you can always join the mailing list and participate there as well.

On Monday, I will host the first event in Javaforum Malmø of 2025. The event will be at Foo Café. This time, we will have Johannes Bechberger presenting how to write Linux schedulers in Java with eBPF.