Hashtag Jakarta EE #27

Welcome to the twenty-seventh issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week was a shorter week due to the holidays in North America, but the work with Jakarta EE 9 continues. It is a pretty tight schedule, so any help is appreciated.

Work on Jakarta MVC progresses as well. We have now contributed the TCK, which is now available under EE4J on GitHub. The specification document and Javadoc have been prepared and ready for a Jakarta MVC 1.1 release. Now we just need to set up some build jobs and run the TCK against Krazo

The date is set for JakartaOne Livestream 2020. It will take place on September 16, 2020. We are planning for a 12-hour live streaming event of the same format as last year. The call-for-paper will open any day now. Stay tuned and get ready to submit your awesome proposal!

Make sure to follow @JakartaOneConf on Twitter so you don’t miss out on any information.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #26

Welcome to the twenty-sixth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

In Memory of Bill Shannon

Tuesday this week, we celebrated the Jakarta EE 9 Milestone release with an online cupcake party. Here is a photo of my creation.

I also posted a superfast (6 seconds) timelapse of the cupcake production in Studio Jakarta EE. The description contains the recipe if anyone is interested. Please continue the party by posting sharing cupcake picture using the hashtag #JakartaEE.

The first friends call happened this Wednesday. This call is an informal chat among peers mimicking the hallway discussions usually happening at conferences and events. The next call is July 22!

The delivery of Jakarta EE 9 Milestone was a major effort, but this community doesn’t rest. The work with delivering a final version of Jakarta EE 9 on September 16 continues. The schedule is tight, but I am confident we will make it.

We made the initial contribution of Jakarta MVC, and the work with preparing the specification document for a Jakarta MVC 1.1 release is ongoing. Please join our mailing list to participate.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #25

Welcome to the twenty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Next week is a big week for Jakarta EE! Releasing a milesone release of Jakarta EE 9 is a big milestone for the Jakarta EE community. It’s only 9 months since Jakarta EE 8 was released, so we are on track for the release of Jakarta EE 9 in September. I’m seeing a pattern emerging here; A release cadence of one year, meaning a yearly release of Jakarta EE.

Join the Milestone Release Party on Tuesday June 23!

The major deliverable of Jakarta EE 9 is the namespace switch from javax.* to jakarta.*, so we can say that the transfer to Eclipse Foundation is now finally finalized and we can look forward to more functionality coming. The Jakarta EE Ambassadors have started creating a document with stuff they see as important to start working on.

On Wednesday June 24, the first Friends of Jakarta EE call is happening. See the details below for how to join.

I’ll finish off this post with the exciting news that AdoptOpenJDK is coming to the Eclipse Foundation where it will continue the important work of making binary distributions of OpenJDK available for free to everyone under the name Eclipse Adoptium.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #24

Welcome to the twenty-fourth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This has been a week of meetings. In addition to the regular Jakarta EE and MicroProfile calls, we also had the public JCP Executive Committee Meeting on Tuesday. The topic of this call was Java in Education. The presentation concludes with a callout to Java User Groups around the World to reach out to students and faculty in computer science programs and encourage them to join your JUG. Useful tips are to hold a JUG meeting on campus as well as arrange seminars specifically targeting teachers/professors to get them involved.

Wednesday, it was time for the monthly Jakarta EE Update Call, where we got an update on the TCK Work from Scott Marlow and Cesar Hernandes, Jakarta EE 9 release update from Kevin Sutter as well as an update around Tools support for Jakarta EE 9 from Neil Patterson.

We also had the pleasure to announced the Friends of Jakarta EE Monthly Call. The details for how to join this call can be found below.

I am looking very much forward to the first call on June 24 and see what can come out of this initiative!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #23

Welcome to the twenty-third issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week, I started a series of Community Chats on the Studio Jakarta EE YouTube Channel. The first chat was with Ken Fogel. You can see the entire chat in the video below.


Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you are interested in participating in a Jakarta EE Community Chat! It is, as you see, very informal and low key.

We are making progress with Jakarta EE 9. The platform specification is almost done as you can see in this issue. The Milestone release is just around the corner and we are planning to host a release party to celebrate this milestone (pun intended ?). Stay tuned for updates by following JakartaEE and/or me on Twitter.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #22

Welcome to the twenty-second issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The work with Jakarta EE 9 is progressing, and we are looking forward to a milestone release at the end of June. There are so many moving parts in putting such a release together. All help is appreciated!

Here is a Jakarta EE 9 tracking sheet distributed on the Jakarta EE Ambassadors mailing list by Theodor Augustin Dumitrescuheo.

Jakarta MVC has been adopted by SOUJava. We encourage Java User Groups all over the world to participate in the Adopt-a-Spec program.

To wrap it up, here is a recording of a chat I had with Armel Nene on his #OffTheChain podcast last week.

#OffTheChain with Ivar Grimstad

Hashtag Jakarta EE #21

Welcome to the twenty-first issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It is tempting to jump a couple of numbers and call this hashtag issue number 25 to match the 25 year anniversary or Java. But I decided that I will stay true to the numbering scheme to avoid confusion and leave the craziness to when we are celebrating 25 years of Jakarta EE…

The Jakarta EE Working Group elections have completed. The newly elected committee members are as follows:

Steering Committee
Participant Member: Martijn Verburg
Committer Member: Arjan Tijms

Specification Committee
Participant Member: Marcelo Ancelmo
Committer Member: Werner Keil

Marketing Committee
Participant Member: Wei Yong Sen
Committer Member: VACANT

Jakarta MVC was approved by the Specification Committee and is now listed among the other Jakarta EE specifications. As soon as the final paperwork has been processed and the project fully provisioned, we will make the initial contribution and immediately start planning for the first release under Jakarta EE which will be Jakarta MVC 1.1.

25 Years of Java!

25 years and still going strong! Java is everywhere. It is the #1 programming language in the World. And it continues to evolve! Java has been a part of my entire professional career. Let’s get together and celebrate the past 25 years and look ahead for the next 25!

My #movedbyJava timeline

1996: Wrote my first Hello, World! in Java
1998: Started my professional career as a Java programmer
1999: My first JavaOne
2007: Joined the Java Community Process (JCP)
2013: First time presenting at JavaOne
2016: Became Java Champion
2016: Elected into the JCP Executive Committee
2016: Got a Duke tattoo
2020: Still coding Java

Hashtag Jakarta EE #20

Welcome to the twentieth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The web page for the Starter for Jakarta EE is launched! So far, it is pretty limited, but we hope that the community can join us in making start.jakarta.ee the absolutely best place to get started with Jakarta EE.

Please check out our project pages for resources about how to get involved.

Earlier this week, we hosted the JakartaOne Livestream: Cloud Native for Java event. The talks are published on the Jakarta EE Youtube channel.

I also recorded a short video showing how to check the third-party dependencies with a tool called dash-licences. The tool is developed by Wayne Beaton and he describes the background for it in his blog post Revising the Eclipse Due Diligence Process for Third Party Content.

Never Stop Learning

If you’re not tired by now, read this interview of me by Bob Rhubart that was published earlier this week.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #19

Welcome to the nineteenth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week, we got a new project proposal for a Jakarta EE Specification!

We finally got around to it and created the project proposal for Jakarta MVC. The proposal is to transfer MVC 1.0 (JSR 371) to Jakarta EE. Eclipse Krazo is already transferred, so this will complete the exercise and bring MVC over where it belongs with the other Jakarta EE specifications.

As soon as the project has been approved, we will release Jakarta MVC 1.1 under the JESP pretty quickly. This release will not include any code changes, and therefore still be in the javax.* namespace. Java EE references will be removed from the specification document and be replaced by Jakarta EE counterparts. The release will be published with the Jakarta EE maven coordinates.

The next step after this is to move everything from javax.* to jakarta.*. This will result in Jakarta MVC 2.0 that will be released simultaneously with, or directly after, Jakarta EE 9.

By doing it this way, and not jumping directly into the namespace change directly with the first release, we ensure that the specification is aligned with all the recent platform releases:

MVC 1.0 -> Java EE 8
Jakarta MVC 1.1 -> Jakarta EE 8
Jakarta MVC 2.0 -> Jakarta EE 9

For Jakarta EE 10, it would be natural to aim for getting Jakarta MVC included in the Web Profile.

In the end, I will remind you about the ongoing elections to the Jakarta EE working group. If you are eligible to vote, you have received information about how to proceed in your mail. The bios of all the candidates are available in the Jakarta EE Community Drive.