Hashtag Jakarta EE #47

Welcome to the forty-seventh issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Jakarta EE 9 is released and available in Maven Central! You can start using it today. This is how you configure your pom.xml for Jakarta EE Platform 9:


And this is how you configure your pom.xml for Jakarta EE Web Profile 9:


The Jakarta EE 9 release will be properly celebrated with our JakartaOne Livestream on December 8. Make sure you register to save your spot! This will be a 12-hour event packed with amazing speakers and content!

Jakarta MVC 2.0 passed the plan review ballot this week. We have already done the work adjusting to the jakarta.mvc.* namespace and passed the TCK with Eclipse Krazo. The only thing left is to initiate the final steps for a Jakarta EE specification release, which we will do at the beginning of next week.

I want to thank everyone that voted in the 2020 JCP Executive Committee elections. The Eclipse Foundation keeps its elected seat and will continue to represent the interests of the open-source community there.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #46

Welcome to the forty-sixth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This is the last time I will be showing the status pie chart for Jakarta EE 9.

All the ongoing ballots will end this week, so the rest of the specifications are ready to be released on Friday.

This week, we visited NišJUG in Serbia on our Jakarta EE Virtual Tour. Next week, we travel across the Ocean to Philadelphia and PhillyJUG. Sign up for the event here.

The plan review for Jakarta MVC 2.0 is ongoing and we are in the middle of the work to finalize this version. One of the tasks is to pass the TCK with a compatible implementation. In our case, this is Eclipse Krazo.

Krazo supports runtimes based on Eclipse Jersey, RESTEasy, and Apache CXF. This means that it can be integrated into almost any Jakarta EE application server out there. For Jakarta MVC 1.1, we used WildFly 18 as our engine for running the TCK.

We already have the TCK passing on WildFly 22 (alpha), so we are actually good to go for starting a release review as soon as the ballot for the plan review closes (on November 19). That means that we have a couple of days to see if we can get it to run on other implementations as well. I’ll post a blog post later this week with a report on this work as a part of my series about the Jakarta EE Specification Process, featuring Jakarta MVC.

Jakarta MVC 2.0 Progress

The work with Jakarta MVC 2.0 goes forward. According to the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP), we are now in the development phase where we will release as many milestones as we need until we are satisfied to move on to finalize the specification.

There are already Milestone 1 releases available of both the Spec+API and the TCK in Jakarta Staging in which the namespace switch from javax.mvc.* to jakarta.mvc.* is done. The ongoing work is to update Eclipse Krazo to the new namespace and pass the TCK.

I will use Jakarta MVC as an example for a specification going through the steps involved in the JESP and blog about it here. Follow the Jakarta MVC tag to get them all.

Have You Voted Yet?

I know, you are probably pretty tired of elections by now. But please, take the time to submit your vote in the Javas Community Process (JCP) Executive Committee (EC) elections.

The ballot is open for voting until November 16, 2020. All the relevant information can be found on the JCP EC Election pages.

And, do remember that a vote for Eclipse Foundation is a vote for the Open-source Community!

Jakarta MVC 2.0 Plan Review

We are ready to move forward with the namespace change from javax.mvc.* to jakarta.mvc.* for Jakarta MVC. This will be released as Jakarta MVC 2.0.

According to the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP), we need to engage in a plan review with the Specification Committee.

The key goal of this release is to switch the namespace for the API from javax.mvc.* to jakarta.mvc.*. No additional features are included in order to make the transition from Jakarta MVC 1.1 easier.

The plan review is initiated by submitting a Pull Request to the Jakarta EE Specifications repository. See Plan Review for Jakarta MVC 2.0 to follow the progress and join the mvc-dev mailing list to participate in the release.

I will use Jakarta MVC as an example for a specification going through the steps involved in the JESP and blog about it here. Follow the Jakarta MVC tag to get them all.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #45

Welcome to the forty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Look at that! All Jakarta EE 9 Specification ballots are either ongoing or done!

This means that given the ballots are completed successfully, we are ready to release Jakarta EE 9 on Friday, November 20, 2020.

Wednesday this week, we visited the Swedish JUGs in an event organized by Javaforum on our Jakarta EE Virtual Tour. This week, the tour continues to Serbia and NišJUG. Sign up here.

The election for the Java Community Process Executive Committee is going on. The election is open for votes until November 16. Submit your vote today! And remember that a vote for Eclipse Foundation is a vote for the Open Source Community!

Election Day

The election for the Java Community Process (JCP) Executive Committee (EC) has started! The ballot is open for voting until November 16, 2020. But don’t wait, submit your vote today!

Check out the nominees for the 2020 Executive Committee Election if you want to see who the candidates are. But really, the only thing you need to know is that you should vote for Eclipse Foundation. Remember that a vote for Eclipse Foundation is a vote for the Open-source Community!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #44

Welcome to the forty-fourth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The pie chart for Jakarta EE 9 progress this week shows that twenty-two specifications have passed their ballot! The seven ongoing ballots will close the coming week, which leaves us with the platform specification and the five specifications that depend on it.

According to the plan, these remaining six ballots must start November 6 at the latest in order to be able to release Jakarta EE 9 on November 20. As it looks, this is well within reach!

Monday this week, we visited Johannesburg and the Jozi JUG on our Jakarta EE Virtual Tour. The Tour continues, and this week we will stop by Sweden with a combined event for many of the Swedish JUGs.

Tuesday this week, I also participated in a Jfokus Brown Bag Lunch event where I did a MicroProfile live coding session. I think it went pretty well, even if the Demo Gods were a little even this day.
(For those participating, the problem was that I was running the Greeting service with Java 15. It worked like a charm when I switched to Java 11…)

This week was also the week of J-CON 2020 with a packed schedule of quality content. One particular aspect I liked about this event was that all sessions were LIVE streamed. As a speaker, I don’t like recording talks. It just adds another layer between me and the audience. We are disconnected enough as it is. This topic is probably worth a post on its own.

The election for the Java Community Process Executive Committee starts on Tuesday, November 3 (not to be confused with another election taking place that day). The election is open for votes until November 16.

If you are a JCP Member, remember that a vote for Eclipse Foundation is a vote for the Open Source Community!

Community Chat with Markus Karg

Last week, I had a community chat with Markus Karg. We talked about community engagement in Jakarta EE and the upcoming Jakarta EE 9 release. Check out the entire chat below.

The Jakarta EE Community Chats is a series of short informal interviews in Studio Jakarta EE with members of the Jakarta EE community. Please contact me if you want to be a part of this series.