Tooling for Jakarta EE

I am happy to announce the first Studio Jakarta EE LIVE! And what a start! I have the honor of having Dalia Abo Sheasha as my special guest in this session. Dalia works as Developer Advocate at JetBrains, and the topic of this LIVE session is tooling support for Jakarta EE.

Feel free to use the comments section on YouTube to ask questions for Dalia and me. You can start right now and continue until the broadcast ends. Of course, you may even ask questions after, but the chances of getting them answered are much higher during the broadcast.

My plan is to host Studio Jakarta EE LIVE with invited guests regularly. I haven’t decided the cadence yet, so your best option is to follow Studio Jakarta EE on YouTube and bookmark the Studio Jakarta EE LIVE playlist. Also, make sure to follow Jakarta EE and Ivar Grimstad on Twitter.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #49

Welcome to the forty-ninth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Big day on Tuesday! The second edition of JakartaOne Livestream happens on December 8, 2020. Make sure you are registered!

I am really looking forward to hosting this event together with Tanja. We have an amazing lineup of speakers and lots of great Jakarta EE and MicroProfile content prepared for you.

Between each session, we will return to Studio Jakarta EE for lightning talks, interviews, tech demos discussions, and awards. And, of course, there will be cake!

The Jakarta MVC 2.0 release review ballot has started. The ballot period is 14 days, so it will conclude on December 17, 2020. We are extremely happy to be able to embrace the jakarta.* namespace and run on top of Jakarta EE 9 so quickly after its release.

Eclipse GlassFish 6.0.0 is just around the corner. The release candidate (RC2) has been available for a while, and the team is working on wrapping up the last bits and pieces to release the final version. Hopefully, it will be available for download on Tuesday.

Jakarta MVC 2.0 Release Review

Before a Jakarta EE specification can be released under the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP), it has to go through a release review. The ballot for Jakarta MVC 2.0 can be followed in this ballot thread.

The release review is initiated by creating a Pull Request to the Jakarta EE Specifications repository and request a release review by sending an email to the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. See the Jakarta MVC 2.0 pull request to check out the details and follow the ballot on the public Jakarta EE Specification Committee mailing list. It took a while from the request-email until the ballot was started for Jakarta MVC 2.0, but the specification committee now has a streamlined process established for assigning a mentor responsible for starting the ballot.

I will use Jakarta MVC as an example for a specification going through the steps involved in the JESP and blog about it here. Follow the Jakarta MVC tag to get them all.

Migrating to Jakarta EE 9

Jakarta EE 9 is out, and with it the namespace change from javax.* to jakarta.*. When we talk about the namespace change, we mostly talk about changing the import statements in your code when migrating to Jakarta EE 9. But there is more to it. I have created a slightly more advanced “Hello, World” application in order to highlight a couple more. I won’t claim that these are all areas, but I hope I have touched most…

Complete Duke Architecture

The Complete Duke application provides a RESTful endpoint that produces a JSON message using Jakarta RESTful Web Services 3.0, which in turn uses Jakarta JSON Binding 2.0 to generate the JSON response. The message is fetched through Stateless Jakarta Enterprise Bean 4.0 and Jakarta Persistence API 3.0 from a relational database. To spice it up, a Jakarta CDI 3.0 Extension is used to produce a log message at deployment.

While this may seem like slightly overkill for a “Hello, World” application, but it is also a very good example of the different areas of your codebase that are affected by the new namespace:
– Maven dependencies
– Import statements and fully qualified class names
– XML Schema namespaces
– Properties
– Bootstrapping
– Dynamic data

During one of the Studio Jakarta EE 15-minute sessions of JakartaOne Livestream 2020, I will convert Complete Duke from Jakarta EE 8 to Jakarta EE 9 in 15 minutes or less!

The code is available on GitHub where there is a step-by-step guide you can follow to perform the same migration as I will do live during JakartaOne Livestream 2020. This is a session you will want to attend!

Studio Jakarta EE – LIVE at JakartaOne Livstream

JakartaOne Livestream is happening on December 8, 2020. It is a whole day packed with content. As I mentioned in JakartaOne Livestream 2020 – Lineup, we have lots of goodies planned for Studio Jakarta EE between the regular conference talks.

As mentioned in JakartaOne Livestream 2020 – Lineup, one of the 15-minute sessions will be a lightning talk by Amber Vanderburg. There are also a couple of interviews planned. I will have a chat with Juergen Hoeller, the Spring Framework project lead from VMware about the implications of the namespace change in Jakarta EE 9 on Spring Framework. Arjan Tijms will also be joining in another 15-minutes chat about how Jakarta EE 9 lowers the barriers for new players on the market, like Piranha.

And there will be more…

Hashtag Jakarta EE #48

Welcome to the forty-eighth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

JakartaOne Livestream 2020 is just around the corner. Make sure you register today!

We continue the cupcake success from the Milestone party in June. This time we go even bigger! A final release deserves a proper CAKE! Join us in the celebration, bake a cake, upload a photo of your creation and win big prizes!

The Jakarta EE Virtual Tour continues in 2021. Reach out if you would like us to visit your JUG/Meetup.

Are you still using JDK Internals? Well, then you should probably be aware that these will be encapsulated by default in Java 16. See JEP 396 for the details. Before you blow a fuse and start getting nightmares from your dependence on sun.misc.Unsafe, relax 🙂 It will still be available, at least for now. This applies to all the critical internal APIs for which standard replacements do not exist yet.

JakartaOne Livestream 2020 – Lineup

I think this lineup deserves some spotlight. JakartaOne Livestream 2020 is packed with quality content. Check out the schedule and make sure you register for the event!

Between the sessions, we return to Studio Jakarta EE where Tanja and I will talk about the sessions, celebrate the Jakarta EE 9 release, do some live demos, and interview community members. We will also feature a lighting talk by Amber Vanderburg where she will talk about the power of performance feedback. Make sure you tune in to these sessions between sessions. There will be some surprises coming up and, of course, there will be cake!

Jakarta MVC 2.0 TCK

A specification must, according to the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP), provide a test suite to verify that an implementation implements the specification correctly. This test suite is called a Test Compatibility Kit (TCK). There must be at least one compatible implementation, i.e. an implementation that passes the TCK, for a spec to be ratified as a final specification.

Eclipse Krazo 2.0.0 is a compatible implementation of Jakarta MVC 2.0. In the following video, I show how the TCK is run to verify that Krazo passes the Jakarta MVC 2.0 TCK.

I will use Jakarta MVC as an example for a specification going through the steps involved in the JESP and blog about it here. Follow the Jakarta MVC tag to get them all.