Hashtag Jakarta EE #70

Welcome to the seventieth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Jakarta EE 9.1 release is coming up shortly. The release review ballot for ratification of the specification will start this week. A special detail regarding this release is that there will be at least three, possibly four, compatible implementations used for ratification. Eclipse GlassFish, OpenLiberty, and WildFly have submitted their Compatibility Certification Requests already. We hope that Apache TomeEE will make it as well!

More compatible products will follow shortly after the release.

The plan reviews for individual specifications are ongoing. You can follow their progress by checking out the pull requests labeled plan review. As they are approved, they will pop up on their respective page under Jakarta EE Specifications.

I want to remind you about the Jakarta EE Specifications Calendar, where the specification projects are encouraged to publish there calls in order to allow more people to join the discussions.

NEW! Jakarta EE Community Cards

We have created a set of Jakarta EE Community Cards that you can use to show your participation in the Jakarta EE Community. Save any card you want and share it on social media or your website. If you use the hashtag #JakartaEE, we will do our best to amplify your post.

I have listed the cards that are currently available from https://jakarta.ee/resources/community-cards/ below. Please let us know if there are any activities you feel are missing.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #69

Welcome to the sixty-ninth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Compatibility Certification Requests (#334 and #335) for Eclipse GlassFish 6.1.RC1 has been filed both for Jakarta EE Platform 9.1 as well as Jakarta EE Web Profile 9.1.

These CCRs will be used in the ratification of the final Jakarta EE 9.1 specification. This time, we are hoping for additional compatible implementations to be a part of the material reviewed by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. Since we plan to initiate the release review ballot on April 30, it is time to start preparing the Compatibility Certification Requests by following these steps outlined by the Jakarta EE TCK project lead Scott Marlow.

The 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey is still running. If you haven’t answered it yet, I encourage you to take this opportunity to provide input to the direction of Jakarta EE. It only takes a couple of minutes to answer.

Take the 2021Jakarta EE Developer Survey now!

The CFP for EclipseCon 2021 is open. Don’t hesitate, submit your Jakarta EE talk today! If you are new to speaking, or unsure what to talk about, ask someone in the community to team up with you and do a joint talk!

EclipseCon 2021 CFP is OPEN!

EclipseCon 2021 will be an online event this year as well. It was a success in 2020 and the intention is to be at least as good this year! Hopefully, we will return to a live event in Ludwigsburg next year. But until then, submit your talk to EclipseCon 2021!

Personally, I hope to see as many Jakarta EE talks as possible. Let’s make it a really hard job for the program committee by submitting as many abstracts as possible. There is so much great content to choose from, so go ahead and submit a talk about your favorite Jakarta EE topic. I, for sure, will submit a couple myself.

Here’s a tip if you are new to speaking: Ask someone in the community to team up with you and do a joint talk.

These are the important dates to remember:
April 15: Call for Proposals open
June 1: Early-Bird Submission Deadline
June 15: Final Submission Deadline
July 1: Notification Sent

Go to EclipseCon 2021 Call for Proposals and submit your Jakarta EE talk today!
(Other topics than Jakarta EE are okey as well…)

2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey

The annual 2021Jakarta EE Developer Survey is out. Make sure to use this opportunity to make your voice heard!

This is the fourth Jakarta EE Developer Survey, so it is safe to say that it has become an annual tradition and is your chance to influence the direction of the Jakarta EE working group. The survey last year had more than 2000 responses from individuals around the World. Let’s beat that number this year! It provides valuable insight into the state of the community to better understand the top priorities for future Jakarta EE releases. The survey takes less than 8 minutes to complete, so don’t hesitate!

Take the 2021Jakarta EE Developer Survey now!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #68

Welcome to the sixty-eighth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

We have a date for Jakarta EE 9.1!

Eclipse GlassFish 6.1.0.RC1 passes the Jakarta EE 9.1 TCK and is available for download. The TCK project is in the process of wrapping up everything for the release. We plan to initiate the review ballot for the Jakarta EE 9.1 specifications on April 30, which means that the artifacts will be released to Maven Central on May 14th. This is a soft launch as we have been doing the last couple of releases, so the official release date with all the marketing splash around it will be May 25th.

Worth noting for this release is that it looks like GlassFish won’t be alone as a compatible implementation when the specification is ratified. A number of vendors are working hard to have their implementations available along with Glassfish for the release review ballot.

When the Jakarta EE Platform team set April 15 as a deadline for specifications to file for plan reviews in order to be considered for the next Jakarta EE release, we didn’t really know what to expect. There have been quite a few efforts to write down expectations, such as the Jakarta EE AmbassadorsGuide to Contributing to Jakarta EE 10, Arjan TijmsJava for the enterprise: What to expect in Jakarta EE 10 and Greg WilkinsLess is More? Evolving the Servlet API!. But would this crystalize into concrete plans?

I guess it is safe to say that we were blown away by the number of detailed plans and outlines submitted as pull requests to the Jakarta EE Specifications repository. Just take a look at the list below grouped by major and minor updates to the specifications.

Major updates
Jakarta Authentication 4.0
Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Concurrency 3.0
Jakarta Expression Language 5.0
Jakarta Faces 4.0
Jakarta JSON Binding 3.0
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
Jakarta Security 3.0
Jakarta Servlet 6.0
Jakarta SOAP with Attachments 3.0
Jakarta Standard Tag Library 3.0
Jakarta XML Binding 4.0
Jakarta XML Web Services 4.0

Minor updates
Jakarta Activation 2.1
Jakarta Connectors 2.1
Jakarta JSON Processing 2.1
Jakarta Mail 2.1
Jakarta MVC 2.1
Jakarta Persistence 3.1
Jakarta Server Pages 3.1
Jakarta WebSocket 2.1

I can’t wait to dive into the details of these plans as they progress through the plan reviews stipulated by the Jakarta EE Specifiation Process. Take a look at the JESP Guide for a simple walk-through of the process.

In addition to the efforts around Jakarta EE 9.1 and Jakarta EE 10, there are ongoing discussions about the alignment between Jakarta EE and MicroProfile. These discussions take place in the CN4J Alliance. Read Jakarta EE/MicroProfile Alignment Survey Results! by Reza Rahman to see how the community responded to the alternatives being discussed.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #67

Welcome to the sixty-seventh issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

One of the most exciting things that happened in the Jakarta EE space this week is that the Jakarta EE Platform project decided to start working on a new Jakarta EE Core Profile. The Pull Request to start the process of creation- and plan reviews from the Jakarta EE Specification Committee has been created. I will post more when work progresses.

If you are involved in a Jakarta EE specification project, do remember to submit a request for plan review by April 15. This will make it possible for the platform team to get an overview, and plan for the content of the next release. Refer to the JESP Guide for useful pointers and links to help you navigate the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP).

The 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey is now open. This has become an annual tradition and is your chance to influence the direction of the Jakarta EE working group. It takes less than 8 minutes to complete.

Take the 2021 Jakarta EE Developer Survey!

Another exciting thing that happened this week is that Microsoft announced their build of OpenJDK. Of course, I went ahead and installed it directly 🙂

$ java -version
openjdk version "11.0.10" 2021-01-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Microsoft-18724 (build 11.0.10+9)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Microsoft-18724 (build 11.0.10+9, mixed mode)

Hashtag Jakarta EE #66

Welcome to the sixty-sixth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Jakarta EE 9.1 is on track for the mid-May release. GlassFish 6.1 now passes the TCK and a release candidate will be made available this week.

Meanwhile, the work with planning for the next Jakarta EE release goes on. We are getting very close to be proposing a new profile in addition to the current Full Platform and Web Profile. This profile will most likely be called Jakarta EE Core Profile and be specifically targeted at smaller runtimes for microservices and capable of producing minimal cloud-native images.

For the other component specifications, please do remember to submit a request for plan review by April 15. This will make it possible for the platform team to get an overview, and plan for the content of the next release. We will also shortly invite all specification projects to participate in a community meeting. Stay tuned and look out for the invite that will be socialized on all appropriate channels when we have nailed down the details.

I will encourage specification projects to open calls to help drive their work forward. Since we currently don’t meet in the hallways at events and conferences, these meetings are an important way of having discussions in realtime. Makes life on the mailing lists so much easier afterward…

We have created the Specifications Calendar specifically for this purpose. All the project leads of Jakarta EE specification projects have been given permissions to add events to the calendar.

As an inspiration for topics, please check out Arjan’s excellent article Java for the enterprise: What to expect in Jakarta EE 10 in the Java Magazine.

I also want to point you to the newly released Jakarta EE white paper and my accompanying article Why Java Developers Continue to Rely on Jakarta EE.

Why Java Developers Continue to Rely on Jakarta EE

Over the past year, the Eclipse Foundation spoke to leading Java developers around the world to discuss why they rely on Jakarta EE and the unique benefits of using Jakarta EE technologies. Their input is captured in our white paper, which describes the important advantages Jakarta EE offers today and for the future.

Download the Jakarta EE white paper!

They’re Looking Ahead, Not Back

With Jakarta EE’s long history as Java EE, it’s sometimes easy for developers to dismiss the technology as yesterday’s approach. But Jakarta EE technologies are embedded, and relied upon, in a way no other technologies are. Here are some examples you might not be aware of:

  • Apache Tomcat implements several Jakarta EE specifications
  • Eclipse Jetty is a certified implementation of Jakarta Servlet 5.0
  • Spring Boot embeds Eclipse Jetty or Apache Tomcat as a runtime

Open Specifications Bring Important Advantages

One of the advantages every one of the developers raised was the value of the specification-based approach to technologies in Jakarta EE.

The clear boundary between fully tested specifications and underlying implementations means developers can easily switch between the implementations with minimal impact on the application code. This agility saves considerable time, effort, and money when changes are required.

Jakarta EE Provides a Unique Combination of Features and Functions

The developers also described a combination of strategic and technical advantages that aren’t available in any other platform. Some of the main Jakarta EE benefits they noted include:

  • Stability and backward compatibility. Jakarta EE provides a mature and proven foundation for innovation that allows organizations to fully leverage the investments they’ve already made in enterprise Java applications.
  • Architectural flexibility. Organizations can support cloud-based microservices architectures, as well as traditional, monolithic architectures. They can also seamlessly incorporate newer technologies, such as MicroProfile, Docker containers, and Kubernetes orchestration.
  • Speed and simplicity. A Jakarta EE application can be set up with significantly less configuration compared to other frameworks.
  • Development and deployment freedom. Developers can use any Jakarta EE-compatible runtime, and they can implement and blend whichever aspects of the application server are needed to leverage Jakarta EE capabilities in a modern and efficient way.
  • Longevity. The open, vendor-neutral, and community-driven approach at the Eclipse Foundation ensures applications developed using Jakarta EE will remain relevant and usable over the long term.

Get the Full Story

These insights are just a few of the reasons leading Java developers remain committed to Jakarta EE. For the complete story, download the white paper.

Visit the Jakarta EE website to learn more about Jakarta EE and explore the Jakarta EE specifications.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #65

Welcome to the sixty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It looks like Jakarta EE 9.1 may be delivered sometime in May. The Jakarta EE Platform project discussed the possibility for a release date in mid-May at this week’s platform call. There are still a couple of details to be sorted out before a final date can be announced. Stay tuned for updates.

The platform team has also started discussions regarding adding a profile to the next release of Jakarta EE. This discussion is currently going on the mailing list.

On Wednesday, March 31, I am giving a short keynote at JakartaOne LivesStream – Russian. What’s interesting about this one is that it will be in Russian. Since I, unfortunately, don’t speak Russian, the organizers have been very helpful in translating my talk and adding a Russian audio track. I hope you will enjoy it!

As you can see, the program for JakartaOne Livestream – Russian is packed with great content!

If you still can’t get enough of Jakarta EE, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to host us at your local JUG or Meetup. We still offer free use of Crowdcast for JUGs for streaming your events.

Tanja and I are always eager to visit you and talk about Jakarta EE. We have visited a lot of JUGs in the last 6 months. And we want to visit more. If you want your JUG on this list, you know what to do. Contact us!

At the end, I want to point you to the new Adoptium web site that was just recently launched. This is your one stop shop to download prebuilt OpenJDK binaries for free.