Hashtag Jakarta EE #114

Welcome to issue number one hundred and fourteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

All specifications that planned to target Jakarta EE 10 made the February 28 deadline! Congratulations!

That means that Jakarta EE 10 is on track. The Jakarta EE Specification Committee has started the release reviews for Jakarta Batch 2.1 and Jakarta JSON Binding 3.0. Specifications that have completed release reviews are Jakarta Activation 2.1Jakarta Annotations 2.1, and Jakarta Mail 2.1

The next date to mark your calendars with is May 15. This is the absolute last date for the individual component specifications to go ballot for their release review in order to be able to release Jakarta EE 10 by the end of May. But, as always, sooner is better than later. There is no need to wait until the last deadline if your specification project can finish earlier!

Everybody that is, or has been involved in an open-source project has most likely written or maintained resources or legal documents that are either recommended or even required. Examples are README, CONTRIBUTING, NOTICE, and LICENCE files as well as Copyright Headers. For Eclipse Foundation projects, these are described in the Legal Documentation Requirements section of the Eclipse Foundation Project Handbook.

The usual process of creating these resources is to copy them from an existing project and edit them to fit the new project. This process is error-prone and the result is that these documents often contain errors, or are out-of-date.

Legal Documentation Generator

Luckily, there is an experimental Legal Documentation Generator that you can use to generate this documentation for any Eclipse Foundation Project

Hashtag Jakarta EE #113

Welcome to issue number one hundred and thirteen of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Tomorrow is February 28! This means that all specifications targeting Jakarta EE 10

The release review for Jakarta SOAP with Attachments 3.0 started last week. A bunch of specifications are waiting for that last little brush-up in order to be ready, usually the final touches on the compatible implementation and publishing the TCK results. Specifications that have completed release reviews are Jakarta Activation 2.1Jakarta Annotations 2.1, and Jakarta Mail 2.1

Check out the Jakarta EE 10 Release Plan for an overview of what to expect from the release.

If you are using earlier versions of Jakarta EE, or even Java EE, take a look at this short video from Dalia for how to migrate from the javax.* to jakarta.* namespace.

You can also check out my migration guide for a step-by-step tutorial for the namespace change.

It is that time of the year when we ask for feedback from the developer community! The yearly Jakarta EE Developer Survey is just around the corner. Stay tuned for announcements!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #112

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twelve of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The work with Jakarta EE 10 is chugging along as February 28, the target date for release reviews is approaching. No new specifications started their release review this week, so the status is the same as it were in Hashtag Jakarta EE #111. More release reviews are expected to start in the upcoming week.

I was supposed to travel to Novosibirsk for my SnowOne on February 25-26. But due to the circumstances around the pandemic, the conference will be online-only in February. My talk will be on Saturday, February 26. Check the SnowOne website for details. There will be an in-person event in April, but unfortunately, I am not able to go there due to a conflict with another travel.

There are quite a few conferences coming up this spring and early summer. Check out the I’m Speaking sidebar of https://www.agilejava.eu/ for a quick overview. I also try to keep the list on my Speaker Bio page up-to-date as well.

The Jakarta MVC project plans to release an update to the specification around the time of Jakarta EE 10. As you are aware, Jakarta MVC is not yet a part of the Jakarta EE Platform or Jakarta EE Web Profile. With the ongoing revival of server-side rendering, we hope that some time in the future to be included in the Web Profile.

Check out Tanja’s latest blog post for a Jakarta EE 2021 Review and Community Update January 2020.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #111

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eleven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

A couple of release reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 10 were completed this week. Jakarta Activation 2.1, Jakarta Annotations 2.1, and Jakarta Mail 2.1 are done. A couple of the pull requests for other specifications are almost done, so we can expect more reviews to start the upcoming week.

In preparation for JavaLand 2022, speakers are sharing their thoughts for the conference in Top Speaker Interviews. Check out the interviews of Heather VanCura, Ed Burns, Josh Long, and yours truly.

Remember to subscribe to the Jakarta EE Platform project’s mailing list to stay up-to-date on everything that is going on!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #110

Welcome to issue number one hundred and ten of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The next important date to mark your calendar within the context of Jakarta EE 10 is February 28, 2022.

This is the deadline for all Jakarta specification projects to initiate their release review in order to be a part of Jakarta EE 10. The release reviews are initiated and tracked by pull requests to https://github.com/jakartaee/specifications.  The release review of Jakarta Activation 2.1 is done. Reviews of Jakarta Annotations 2.1 and Jakarta Mail 2.1 will complete this week.

The release reviews are required by the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP). Take a look at the simplified JESP Guide for a quick overview.

While waiting for Jakarta EE 10, check out the new eBook titled How Jakarta EE Delivers on the Vision for Open Source Cloud Native Java. This free eBook gives you everything you need to know about Jakarta EE.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #109

Welcome to issue number one hundred and nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

More and more specifications targeting Jakarta EE 10 are getting ready for their release reviews. Jakarta Activation 2.1 is done. Jakarta Annotations 2.1 and Jakarta Mail 2.1 are ongoing. More are likely to start this week. Check out the list of pull requests for the full overview.

As always, stay connected with the progress by joining the mailing lists and the public calls. Especially the weekly Jakarta EE Platform call. Details published on the Jakarta EE Specifications Public Calendar. If you’re for some reason not able to, check out the meeting minutes.

Eclipse Foundation turned 18 this week! Reply to the tweet and tell what an 18-year old is old enough to do in your country!

Hashtag Jakarta EE #108

Welcome to issue number one hundred and eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The release reviews for the various specifications targeting Jakarta EE 10 are adding up. You can follow the progress of the reviews by looking at the Pull Requests with the materials and/or by following the ballot threads on the Public Jakarta EE Specification Committee mailing list.

There have been some discussions going on the various mailing lists regarding how to stage and release milestones and release candidates of the specification artifacts. To help with this, the Jakarta EE Platform project has written up guidelines for Milestones and Release Candidates on the Jakarta EE Platform Project Wiki.

The specification project for Jakarta RPC that I mentioned in #107 has been approved and is being set up as we speak. Join the Jakarta RPC mailing list if you are interested in participating in the project, or just want to know firsthand what’s being discussed.

Another discussion that came up on the mailing list is regarding JCache (JSR 107) and whether that could be a candidate for a Jakarta specification. Follow the email thread on the Jakarta EE Community mailing list.

If you want to learn more about what’s coming in Jakarta EE 10, do join my talk Get Ready for Jakarta EE 10! on Monday at 11:00 EST. It is streamed live on YouTube. The talk is as part of the jChampionsConference, a conference where all the speakers are Java Champions.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #107

Welcome to issue number one hundred and seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

My first conference of 2022 is a wrap! Read all about it in my write-up of CodeMash 2022. In-person conferences are possible in these pre-post-pandemic times as long as care is taken and local regulations are followed. The next in-person conference I am speaking at is SnowOne in Novosibirsk, Russia. There are some moving parts to be sorted out first with regard to visas, covid-regulations, and other disruptions that may or may not happen, but hopefully, I will know more in the coming days.

Before that, I will speak at the upcoming virtual jChampions Conference. This is a conference where all the speakers are Java Champions, and it is totally free! Imagine that!

So, what is going on with Jakarta EE 10? The minutes from the weekly platform call are always a good place to look for information. Another place is the Jakarta EE Platform project mailing list which is pretty active these days. There are still two weeks until the ballot for Jakarta Activation 2.1 closes. The usual ballot period for release reviews is 14 days, but for this one, it was extended to four weeks to compensate for the holiday period.

A new specification (Jakarta RPC) has been proposed and the creation review ballot is ongoing for approval by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. The main goal of Jakarta RPC is to make gRPC easier to use within the Jakarta EE ecosystem. It is exciting to see new specifications like this one being proposed. It shows that the goal of establishing Jakarta EE as a platform for innovation is succeeding.

CodeMash 2022

CodeMash is a conference I always enjoy very much coming back to, so I was extremely pleased when they decided to have a conference this year despite all that is going on. It really shows that it is possible to arrange in-person events in a safe way.

If I should describe CodeMash in one word, it would be Friendly. It is an extremely good vibe at the conference. It does, of course, help that it is held in the conference center of an indoor water park. The organizers are 100% transparent regarding the organization, budget, and everything else.

CodeMash offers a mentoring program for new speakers. When you get a talk is accepted, you get the question of whether you would consider mentoring a new speaker or be mentored by an experienced one. Since I consider myself pretty experienced as a speaker, I signed up as a mentor this year as well.

I think mentoring programs like this one is an excellent idea and would encourage anyone offered to participate in one to do so!

My talk, Jakarta EE 10 is Coming Your Way! was scheduled for the last day of the conference. Actually to the last time slot before the conference closing session. Usually, I prefer to be scheduled earlier in the program, but I guess that’s how every speaker feels. At CodeMash they have a closing session with a raffle, so there is another incentive for the attendees to stick around rather than beat the traffic on Friday afternoon.

To sum up, CodeMash was an excellent start to the 2022 conference year and I hope to be back next year! I also look forward to speaking at lots of conferences in the upcoming months and meeting up with community members in the conferences-within-the-conference happening at meals, parties, and hallways between and after sessions.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #106

Welcome to issue number one hundred and six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The blog entries from the jakartablogs.ee blog aggregator are now also displayed on the new blog section on jakarta.ee. Just navigate to https://jakarta.ee/blogs, or click on the Blog menu item on the top menubar.

The Jakarta EE Platform team started 2022 with the weekly calls on January 4. These calls happen every Tuesday at 11:00 ET and are open for anyone interested to join. Check the Jakarta EE Specifications public calendar for details. These calls are an excellent opportunity to discuss matters directly with everyone involved. Don’t underestimate the power of direct, synchronous communication! Especially in these times where we are stuck behind our webcams, with email threads and slack channels flowing over and important information tending to get lost in the ever-increasing amount of spam hitting us every day. If you miss a call or are interested in seeing what is being discussed, check out the meeting minutes.

The first milestone of Spring 6.0 was released this week. Check out Juergen Hoeller’s announcement. For those of you waiting for Spring Boot 3.0, the good news is that there is a milestone planned to be released later in January. Spring 6 and Spring Boot 3 are the first versions of Spring supporting the jakarta.* namespace.