Welcome to issue number two hundred and sixty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
Here’s some good news! The Jakarta NoSQL project is ready to release version 1.0 of the specification. At the moment, they are putting together the last bits and pieces of the material required for the release review by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. You can look at it in the pull request for that purpose. It is a big milestone for a Jakarta specification project to release the first version of a specification. Congratulations to the team!
As for Jakarta EE 11, the Jakarta EE TCK project members continue their efforts to finalize the Jakarta EE Web Profile 11 TCK. There are just a couple of tests remaining and the focus is currently on updating the TCK User Guide for the refactored way of running the tests. You can follow their progress on their GitHub Project Board.
I will be on vacation for the next few weeks but don’t despair. As usual, I will monitor the progress and publish Hashtag Jakarta EE every week.
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