Hashtag Jakarta EE #251

Welcome to issue number two hundred and fifty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Busy times in October. I am just back from the Java Community Process (JCP) Executive Committee (EC) meeting in Seattle, and spending the weekend at home before heading to Mainz for Open Community for Java on Monday. The meeting in Seattle was our second face-to-face meeting of 2024.

I think that it is very valuable for the community to have Eclipse Foundation on the Executive Committee as we are the only not-for-profit Open Source organization there. It is good for the balance, the community, and YOU! Make sure to use your vote, and that a vote for Eclipse Foundation in the upcoming JCP Executive Committee Elections is a vote for Open Source!

While waiting for the elections to start on November 5, check out the Payara Hackathon on Generative AI and Jakarta EE. I am one of the judges, and I look very much forward to seeing your solutions. It is an excellent way to showcase how Jakarta EE is the perfect platform for incorporating generative AI in your applications.

GlassFish now passes 84% of the tests in the refactored TCK for Jakarta EE 11. The remaining tests are mainly related to the Application Client Container. The Jakarta EE Platform Project is proposing to deprecate the Application Container in Jakarta EE 12. There are ongoing discussions about how much importance these tests should be given to Jakarta EE 11.

The Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile TCK has been staged, and both Open Liberty and WildFly are passing (or very close to passing) it. So it looks like we will be able to release Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile ahead of Jakarta EE 11 Platform and Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile.

As I mentioned above, next week is the week of Open Community for Java. The conference is a three-day conference from October 22 to 24 in Mainz, Germany. I will be there for the entire conference, so make sure to say hello if you are there!

Directly after Open Community for Java, I am going to Tokyo, Japan for JJUG CCC 2024 Fall. It is my second time at that conference, but last time I was only attending since I was in Tokyo anyway for the JCP EC meeting in 2019.

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