Hashtag Jakarta EE #249

Welcome to issue number two hundred and forty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

At the beginning of this week, on October 1st, I celebrated my 5-year anniversary at Eclipse Foundation. It’s been quite a ride and I am looking forward to the next five years, and more. The week was spent in Marrakech where I spoke at Devoxx Morocco for the seventh time. Right now, I am in Denver for The ASFs Community Over Code. I have three talks on the agenda, all with variations around Jakarta EE including AI, tooling, and how much the ASF projects contributes to the Jakarta EE ecosystem with implementations or work on specifications.

In about two weeks, it is time for Open Community for Java in Mainz, Germany. If you haven’t registered yet, do so now to get the best price. In addition to speaking, I will also facilitate a coding lounge, help out at our booths, and be part of the team making sure the speakers have all they need for their talks.

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