Hashtag Jakarta EE #244

Welcome to issue number two hundred and forty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week was very productive for the TCK Project. Different options for how to be able to deliver Jakarta EE 11 was discussed. Among those a hybrid approach to require parts of the TCK to be run the old way, and parts of it with the newer technology stack. The current plan of refactoring the entire Jakarta EE 11 TCK still stands.

The Jakarta EE Platform project meets weekly, and have started the initial talks around how to form the Jakarta EE 12 release. Jared Anderson (IBM), will join Ed Burns (Microsoft) as the release coordinator of this release. Join the platform call and the Jakarta EE Platform project mailing list to be a part of these discussions.

The following week, I will be preparing the upcoming Jakarta EE US South JUG Tour with talks at the Java User Groups in Durham, Jacksonville, Dallas, and St. Louis. I look forward to meeting the Java communities in these cities. I will post more information about the tour in the upcoming week.

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