Hashtag Jakarta EE #241

Welcome to issue number two hundred and forty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Summer is still around, and the refactoring work of the Jakarta EE Platform TCK moves on. According to the Jakarta EE TCK Project, they will soon be able to empirically derive a date for when the work can be done and we will have a release date for Jakarta EE 11.

If you plan to join us at Open Community for Java in October, make sure to register before September 23 to get the discounted price. Check out the agenda. Adjust the filter to “OC for Java” to see the talks at Open Community for Java (OC is not Orange County in this context, but Open Community…and much better than the TV show…).

My next endeavor will be in a couple of weeks when I will join this crew for the last leg of the LAOUC Community Tour 2024 where I will have two Jakarta EE talks.

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