Hashtag Jakarta EE #240

Welcome to issue number two hundred and forty of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The work with Jakarta EE 11 continued while I was at JConf Dominicana, JCrete, and a short vacation thereafter. Since a couple of specification projects have published service releases to fix minor issues in their API artifacts or Java Doc, a release candidate of the Jakarta EE 11 APIs incorporating these updates will be produced shortly. There will most likely be a release candidate of the specification documents as well.

The next speaking appearance for me will be the LAOUC Community Tour 2024 where I have two talks included in the agenda for Paraguay. It’s been a while since I have had three consecutive weeks at home with no travels planned.

The agenda for Open Community for Java has been published.
A tip is that if you only want to see the talks of Open Community for Java, click on the orange “Filters” button on the left side and select “OC for Java” (Yes, I know, we all hate these acronyms that are created for no apparent reason other than text length limitations. Just do as I do: ignore and hum “Open Community for Java” in your head when you see it…).

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