The first stop on the North America JUG Tour 2023 was Columbus where we visited the Central Ohio Java User Group. The meetup was hosted at the office of Manifest Solutions and the turnout was around 30-40 people. I admit I didn’t count, but that’s the feeling. There were also a couple attending online.
Gerrit talked about vulnerabilities in Java and how to secure your build chain. A topic that is extremely relevant and spurred some good discussions. I did a talk on how to migrate from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with a focus on the impact of the namespace change made in Jakarta EE 9. I also showed how to leverage Jakarta EE 10 features in Spring applications. My slides are available on SpeakerDeck.
No rest for the brave! Today we are continuing our journey with a visit to New Jersey and the Garden State Java User Group.
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