Welcome to issue number one hundred and eighty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
This week’s update on the current status of the plan reviews for specifications targeting Jakarta EE 11 shows that there are now three approved plans, four on ballot, and nine ready for ballot (Snapshot from Sunday, June 25, 2023):
Plan Approved
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta NoSQL 1.0
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
On Ballot
Jakarta Authentication 3.1 (ballot)
Jakarta Expression Language 6.0 (ballot)
Jakarta Pages 4.0 (ballot)
Jakarta Persistence 3.2 (ballot)
Ready for Ballot
Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
Jakarta Faces 5.0
Jakarta Security 4.0
Jakarta Servlet 6.1
Jakarta WebSocket 2.2
Jakarta MVC 3.0
If you pay special attention, you will notice that the plan reviews for Jakarta Authentication 3.1, Jakarta Pages 4.0, and Jakarta Persistence 3.2 should have ended by now. Plan reviews have a 7-day voting period. However, a specification committee member can request to extend the period up to 30 days. That is what happened with these. They all have enough votes to be approved, but we are just waiting for the last votes to be able to close the ballot.
This week, the Eclipse Foundation staff met in Ottawa for our annual all-hands. We had a whole week of sessions, training, team building, and a whole lot of fun. In between the scheduled activities, we also had some opportunities to explore Canadian wildlife as seen in these pictures.

And, we are a sporty gang as well. On Thursday morning, a big bunch of us met up in the hotel lobby at 06.29 (that is AM) to go for a morning run.