Welcome to issue number one hundred and seventy-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
Conference season is upon us. Last week, I visited Bangalore, India to speak at GIDS 2023. This week I am going to Athens, Greece to speak at Devoxx Greece 2023. This is the first time Devoxx takes place in Greece after evolving from Voxxed Days Athens. I am thrilled to be a part of it!

The Platform Project is in the process of collecting issues to get a feel of the scope of the Jakarta EE 11. Check them out, and feel free to add anything you think is missing. The issue list is discussed in the weekly Jakarta EE Platform calls as well as in the Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call.
On that topic, time flies when you’re having fun. It is already time for the next Monthly Jakarta EE Platform Architecture call this upcoming week. Make sure to join this call to make your voice heard in the planning for Jakarta EE 11. The call is scheduled for 11:00 AM ET on May 2, 2023. Check the public calendar for details on how to join.
If you haven’t responded to the 2023 Jakarta EE Developer Survey yet, it is still open and will be open until May 25. There is no need to wait, take a couple of minutes and provide your valuable insights.