Hashtag Jakarta EE #105

Welcome to issue number one hundred and five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Happy New Year!

2021 is soooo last year as we now are entering 2022. This year is an important year for the Jakarta EE Community. First and foremost, 2022 is the year of Jakarta EE 10! It looks like the final release will slip a little into Q2, but the work with getting the first specifications over the finishing line is progressing. Just before New Year, Jakarta Activation 2.1 was put forward for ballot by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. More specifications will follow now that we start returning to our desks and webcams again after a well-deserved holiday.

On the funny side, I came over the Weekend Reading List blog series by Rodrigo Graciano, JUG leader of the NYJavaSIG. He reached Weekend Reading List #104 by the end of 2021, the same as I did with my Hashtag Jakarta EE #104. That means that we must have come up with the idea to start a weekly blog series at about the same time. Keep up the good work, Rodrigo! I hope to be able to visit NYJavaSIG soon.

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