Welcome to the ninety-eighth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
JakartaOne Livestream 2021 is just a couple of weeks away. I know that having a virtual conference is not that unique nowadays, but when we did the first edition of JakartaOne Livestream back in 2019, it was somewhat unchartered territory. It was an immediate success that was followed up in 2020. In the 2020 edition, we brought in the concept of having 15-minute long Studio Jakarta EE sessions between the regular talks. These were a mix of technical and non-technical short talks as well as interviews.
This year, we are going one step further with Studio Jakarta EE. It is still in the concept phase, but I am confident it will be amazing!

Even if you are suffering from zoom fatigue and pretty fed up with online conferences by now, please do register for JakartaOne Livestream 2021. If you’re still not convinced, look at the amazing lineup of speakers we have for this year!

Jakarta EE 10 is moving forward. The pull requests used to initiate release reviews by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee have started appearing. Check out the specification you are interested in to see if you can do anything to help get it over the finishing line.
From discussions on the Jakarta EE Platform mailing list and weekly calls, it has become apparent that there is a need to handle common APIS, functionality, libraries, and such to ensure consistency between the specifications. Thus, there is a proposal for a Jakarta Commons project being worked on. Take a look and let us know what you think!