Welcome to the seventy-second issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
In the Jakarta EE Platform call this week, we decided to ask the specification projects for feedback on whether October 15, 2021 is an achievable date for having their specifications ready for release. So far, the feedback has been positive. It is great to see that the specifications are moving forward again. The Jakarta EE 9 release with the associated namespace change from javax.*
to jakarta.*
may very well prove to be the tap on the bottle that got the ketchup flowing.
The Eclipse Cargo Tracker is a fantastic example of an end-to-end Jakarta EE application that showcases core Jakarta EE technologies. Thanks to Scaleforce and Jelastic for providing resources to deploy the demo application to the cloud.
If you are interested in contributing to the project, or just look at the code, go to the Cargo Tracker GitHub repository.
A warm welcome to The Apache Software Foundation that joined the Jakarta EE working group as a guest member this week.