Welcome to the forty-first issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
The Jakarta EE 9 status pie for this week shows that we still have twelve ratified specifications. This is as expected since no ballots were scheduled to conclude this week. Of the nine ongoing ballots, four will close this week.
There are eleven specifications in the pipeline pretty close to being ready for ballot. Only three need a little more work. Two of these are the platform specifications which are expected to be the last up for a vote since they aggregate and sum up all the other specifications.
The Jakarta EE Virtual Tour is shaping up, but we still have room for more stops. We will also extend this tour to continue into 2021 to be able to meet as many as possible. So, don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to host us in your JUG or Meetup.
The Call-for-Paper for JakartaOne Livestream 2020 on December 8 has closed, and the program committee has started the job of finalizing the schedule.
The ballot for Jakarta MVC 1.1 will conclude on October 21. The status so far is that there are already enough votes for this specification to be ratified. In parallel, we have started the work on Jakarta MVC 2.0. This release will be featuring the new jakarta.mvc.*