Welcome to the thirty-seventh issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
This week’s status pie for the Jakarta EE 9 specifications shows that five specifications have been approved, five are ongoing and ten are near being ready for ballot. All the five ongoing ballots will close this upcoming week.

The number of specifications not ready is shrinking, but there are still fifteen that are not ready yet. Out of these, the following four specifications have not created a Pull Request yet:
Jakarta Server Pages
Jakarta Connectors
Jakarta Standard Tag Library
Jakarta Server Faces
If you are involved in any of these, please do go forward with creating the pull requests. They can be created as draft PRs and be updated along the way up to being ready for ballot. There is absolutely no reason to wait until everything is ready!

This Saturday, I hosted a MicroProfile workshop at the JavaDay Istanbul virtual conference. I had a blast during this two-hour live coding session, and I hope the participants enjoyed it as much as I did.

On Wednesday, It is my turn to do a Jakarta Tech Talk. In this talk, I will present the current status of Jakarta MVC. Of course, there will be live coding as well.

In the end, I want to remind you about the JCP 2020 Community Virtual Party & Awards Ceremony on Friday, Sep 18, 2020. This legendary party, usually held in conjunction with Oracle Code One is something you don’t want to miss.