Welcome to the thirty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
Jakarta EE 9 is chugging along. There are three specifications that have passed the ballot for approval by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee and two ballots that are ongoing. More are expected to start this week.

We hit a bump in the road with CDI since we discovered very late in the game that there were some incorrect references to the javax.*
namespace left in the specification document. This is an excellent example that shows we need more eyes on these documents. So if you have any time over, please take a look at the pull requests that are approaching ballots. Scroll through the specification document and browse for obvious things that we have missed.
On Thursday, I will present Jakarta EE 9 and Beyond at GIDS.JAVA Live 2020. This is a great conference with an amazing lineup of speakers. I have had the pleasure of speaking at the the conference in Bangalore a couple of times. This time, it will be a virtual appearance.