Welcome to the thirty-fourth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
This week, I held a JetBrains Live Webinar titled Jakarta EE 9 and Beyond. The recording of the webinar is embedded below. The highlight of the session, in my opinion, is the Q&A section at the end. So if you don’t have time to watch the entire recording, fast-forward to around 43 minutes where you will find the Q&A.
The forward-looking part of this presentation is heavily inspired by the Guide to Contributing to Jakarta EE 10 document assembled by the Jakarta EE Ambassadors. I encourage you to read this document, particularly the sections(s) covering technologies you are interested in and/or are using. The time to start looking forward is now!
If you still wonder how to participate, do join the Friends of Jakarta EE call on August 26th. The agenda is forming and contains a summary of the process for getting involved.

The agenda for EclipseCon Community Day is now complete! One of the sessions is a Jakarta EE 10 Round Table. You may help to create the content for this session by adding your questions to the panel in the Jakarta EE 10 Round Table Questions document. Thanks to Reza Rahman, Werner Keil, and Thodoris Bais for putting the agenda together!