Welcome to the thirty-second issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
I am still enjoying the last couple of days of my vacation, so I will be brief…
We knew that the schedule to get Jakarta EE 9 out was tight, and as it turns out that it was a little too tight. Jakarta EE 9 will not be ready to be released on September 16 as planned. We are very close to starting the process of finalizing the specifications, so I don’t expect it to be delayed much. As soon as a new target date has been decided, I will make sure to make as much noise about it as possible. So stay tuned for an announcement…
On the positive note, Jelastic has come a long way with integrating Jakarta EE 9 to its cloud platform. Container images for Tomcat, TomEE, WildFly, and Jetty are already available. Support for GlassFish and Payara is coming soon.

This is truly impressive and an important step forward to show the industry that the namespace change is coming your way no matter if you like it or not. And now is the time to act!