Welcome to the twenty-fourth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This has been a week of meetings. In addition to the regular Jakarta EE and MicroProfile calls, we also had the public JCP Executive Committee Meeting on Tuesday. The topic of this call was Java in Education. The presentation concludes with a callout to Java User Groups around the World to reach out to students and faculty in computer science programs and encourage them to join your JUG. Useful tips are to hold a JUG meeting on campus as well as arrange seminars specifically targeting teachers/professors to get them involved.

Wednesday, it was time for the monthly Jakarta EE Update Call, where we got an update on the TCK Work from Scott Marlow and Cesar Hernandes, Jakarta EE 9 release update from Kevin Sutter as well as an update around Tools support for Jakarta EE 9 from Neil Patterson.
We also had the pleasure to announced the Friends of Jakarta EE Monthly Call. The details for how to join this call can be found below.

I am looking very much forward to the first call on June 24 and see what can come out of this initiative!