Welcome to the twenty-first issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It is tempting to jump a couple of numbers and call this hashtag issue number 25 to match the 25 year anniversary or Java. But I decided that I will stay true to the numbering scheme to avoid confusion and leave the craziness to when we are celebrating 25 years of Jakarta EE…

The Jakarta EE Working Group elections have completed. The newly elected committee members are as follows:
Steering Committee
Participant Member: Martijn Verburg
Committer Member: Arjan Tijms
Specification Committee
Participant Member: Marcelo Ancelmo
Committer Member: Werner Keil
Marketing Committee
Participant Member: Wei Yong Sen
Committer Member: VACANT

Jakarta MVC was approved by the Specification Committee and is now listed among the other Jakarta EE specifications. As soon as the final paperwork has been processed and the project fully provisioned, we will make the initial contribution and immediately start planning for the first release under Jakarta EE which will be Jakarta MVC 1.1.
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