Welcome to the thirteenth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

EclipseCon 2020 is added to the long list of events that transforms into a virtual event this year. For those with an eye for detail will notice that the conference has changed the name from EclipseCon Europe to simply EclipseCon.

The name change has nothing to do with the decision to go virtual this year. EclipseCon is a global event and has been so for years, so removing the Europe part of the name just makes sense.

The seemingly never-ending story of creating a working group for Eclipse MicroProfile took an interesting turn at the end of this week. In an email to the Microprofile mailing list, Mike Milinkovich tasked the MicroProfile community to come up with a proposal for a MicroProfile Working Group Charter. This means that the efforts of creating a common working group or an Umbrella working group structure in relation to Jakarta EE have been put on hold.
I think it is a good thing that the discussions now can be around how to get the MicroProfile Working Group up and running so we can all focus our energy on technical challenges rather than governance.