Welcome to the ninth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking at ConFoo in Montreal. It was my second time speaking at this conference. This was the 18th edition and the number of attendees has increased every year. 839 registered attendees this year!

My first talk was a live coding session where I demoed most aspects of Eclipse MicroProfile.

On the second day, I did the Microservice Patterns talk where I go through a list of microservice patterns and show how each of them is implemented with Eclipse MicroProfile.

An interesting observation regarding the strength of the various brands is that when I did a poll at the beginning of both my talks, about 5% had heard about MicroProfile, about 50% about Jakarta EE and 100% had heard about Spring Boot. It should be noted that ConFoo is originally a PHP conference that has extended out to include more technologies, so the audience was not necessarily 100% hardcore server-side Java developers. But still interesting to see how the awareness of Jakarta EE is growing.
To round of wit something sweet; after the conference, we went on a trip to a Sugar shack outside of Montreal.
The favorite on the table I were seated were bacon with maple syrup!